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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
when i'm trying to find gifs of the beautiful, classy YSM and I get 8 pages of that Kanellis trollop's ass gifs instead

-Breaks Cena's nose
-Nazi Girlfriend
-Nearly kills Sting

dem's just the facts

let's not forget he betrayed shield

He also likes A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon and has a blonde streak in 2015.
That's like grown man Batista wearing skinny jeans in 2014 levels of bad
He also likes A Day To Remember and Bring Me The Horizon and has a blonde streak in 2015.
That's like grown man Batista wearing skinny jeans in 2014 levels of bad

This is a big problem.

Did Sting know about this before WWE asked him to put Rollins over in their interview? Of all the things he worried about WWE doing to him all these years he never imagined they'd make him put over a nazi-sympathizer emocore fan.
That's not Sting! That's a voice mask!

LAW slowed it down on their show the next day. It's Dolph.


Not 100%, cuz the effects mask it, but to me, the timing and tone are Dolph all over. Plus it's total shit, so that sure sounds like Dolph to me.

Also, re: Rollins - of course Sting put him over. He's a 56-year-old man who probably would like to be an elder statesman/ambassador type for years to come. And tbh, I doubt almost anyone in the company cares that he's dating Schreiber. Also, Rollins is objectively great in the ring when it comes to the smoothness, quality, and pacing of his moves and matches. He's just a mediocre heel wrestler, so his matches' storytelling is a mixed bag.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This is a big problem.

Did Sting know about this before WWE asked him to put Rollins over in their interview? Of all the things he worried about WWE doing to him all these years he never imagined they'd make him put over a nazi-sympathizer emocore fan.

Big Kev has his twitter header referencing the seminal Saves The Day classic Through Being Cool. Even though he's probably never heard the album, I say that's enough of a reason to strip Rollins and put it on Nash.
speaking of grown dudes wearing skinnies and listening to BMTH, the 30 minute Jimmy Havoc Q&A on DemandProgress is fuckin amazing. didn't think i could be so invested in a wrestler answering shitty questions for a half hour, but here we are


LAW slowed it down on their show the next day. It's Dolph.


Not 100%, cuz the effects mask it, but to me, the timing and tone are Dolph all over. Plus it's total shit, so that sure sounds like Dolph to me.

Holy shit, I remember watching this and everyone here saying "that's not Sting dammit!" and I sort of dismissed it (I'd heard Sting talk before, but not enough to pinpoint what his voice sounded like) and thought it wasn't true, cause why would they do that to the legendary Stang?

But now to find out it was most likely Ziggler of all people that dubbed him? What would they gain from this? Why did Sting agree to this? Why is Vince such an asshole?


The biggest pleasure. I’m honored. After 30 years and working with some of the best and some of the greatest, [Rollins] is, I’m telling you, he’s got to be the best I’ve ever worked with. I mean, this guy has it. And I think he’s just scratching the surface on what he will do. I’ve never seen somebody as talented. He’s working two [matches] on Raw, two [matches] on the pay-per-view, he’s involved in every other segment and it’s physical. He’s got guys coming from every angle. There’s a lot on his plate. He’s carrying a lot, and he’s handling it. He’s proven he can do it. I’m just glad I had a chance to work with him. He’s the kind of guy who could be in there with a broomstick and make something very interesting happen, a match that people would love somehow.

Such a sweet old man


I was out in the hospital — out like a light. They had a neck brace on me, and they were pumping me with [medication] to get me out of pain. I had to do a CT scan and an MRI. They ended up talking to my wife, and I have some details from my wife, but I still have [further evaluation ahead]. They mentioned cervical spinal stenosis, but that’s only part of what I heard. I don’t know if there’s anything else. The doctor did tell my wife, “He’s going to have to get this dealt with. He’s lucky he walked out of there.”

And he still wants to wrestle again. Vince, raise the merchandise percentage of this confused old man

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This is a larger WWE fault, but I have to ask.

Has Seth Rollins ever told any kind of interesting story in the ring other than hitting lots of big spots to get the crowd to pat him on the back? The Sting match got me thinking. That's not the match you should have with Sting, but Seth just had the exact same high paced, lots of spots matches he has with everyone. The same PWG with less movez matches he always has. Undertaker/Brock told a fantastic story in the end despite my doubts about Undertaker surviving the match. HHH vs Bryan told a story and it was very different from HHH or Bryan's usual matches. Even Bray vs Bryan was a different paced match than either guy wrestles.

So Seth has the same promos every week and the same kind of matches every week. What I'm saying is Kane better finish writing his will.


Seth has told story in his matches before, his matches with dean early this year where all about him proving that he doesn't need people help to win.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Seth has told story in his matches before, his matches with dean early this year where all about him proving that he doesn't need people help to win.

I forgot about that one. So that's one. I don't know, it just doesn't feel like you should be doing buckle bombs and hardcore spots with Sting.
Seth's best WWE matches with storytelling to me are Evolution Vs. Shield and Brock/Cena/Rollins. Seth was the MVP of both of those because he told a story. Especially the Brock match.

Seth is in dire need of a turn and new direction. After he loses the belt, I figure he'll have much less of the spotlight and it'll showcase other aspects of him that are lost on the main stage. How many times has he gone through new challengers before Cena comes back between each of them..? It's ridiculous.

I'm really curious to see how he'll manage as a face. He's definitely being built up as the next Edge, to Roman's Cena. And I guess Ambrose is Orton.

Going through the announce table probably wasn't wise either.

Being 56 and probably telling this young guy who looks up to you that you can take and do these spots no problem because of some dumb pride you have when the fans would still accept and pop for a solid safe match with STING in the WWE winning the title. But no. he had to go full Mick Foley and kill himself for fans who don't give a shit in the long run just for pops. Dang Stang
Being 56 and probably telling this young guy who looks up to you that you can take and do these spots no problem because of some dumb pride you have when the fans would still accept and pop for a solid safe match with STING in the WWE winning the title. But no. he had to go full Mick Foley and kill himself for fans who don't give a shit in the long run just for pops. Dang Stang

Even Foley knew when to tell guys "hey maybe you should avoid hitting me in the head, thanks man" before his matches.
Being 56 and probably telling this young guy who looks up to you that you can take and do these spots no problem because of some dumb pride you have when the fans would still accept and pop for a solid safe match with STING in the WWE winning the title. But no. he had to go full Mick Foley and kill himself for fans who don't give a shit in the long run just for pops. Dang Stang
Correct. Know your limits breh. You don't really have to do much to get a "you still got it" chant.
I can't help but wonder if Sting's interview with wwe.com was him playing nice with wwe ("no its not seth, its me"). Who knows. I can only inagine how stressed Seth is. Shit like this can create a lot of self doubt but commigled with ambition, can hopefully help him reach new heights.

It's Sting trying to put over the guy who crippled him. Why would you say he's a scrub ass piece of shit who can't do anything? What does that make you when you got your career ended by this nobody? Even in his crippled state he tries to stay over.

Plus, Sting loves HHH and Seth is trying to be HHH. Also, Seth is THE MAN, like Flair. Of course Sting loves Seth.
It's Sting trying to put over the guy who crippled him. Why would you say he's a scrub ass piece of shit who can't do anything? What does that make you when you got your career ended by this nobody? Even in his crippled state he tries to stay over.

Plus, Sting loves HHH and Seth is trying to be HHH. Also, Seth is THE MAN, like Flair. Of course Sting loves Seth.

Same old Sting. Busta. Straight busta.
I really don't get people saying Seth has "it". He's above average in the ring and an average promo. He's Drew McIntyre if he didn't get in trouble for having a crazy wife.
Reigns' merch has total young male appeal. His logo looks like the Spider-Man logo, and his stuff is black, dark blue, and grey. That even appeals to teens and some early twenty-somethings. Look at this shit, boys.



Eh I can believe it. I saw so many Reigns shirts when I went to NOC..They're kinda hard to spot on TV I guess because the dark colors but he is seriously moving some merch.

Hes only #2 because Bryan isn't around >_>

Jamie OD

This is a larger WWE fault, but I have to ask.

Has Seth Rollins ever told any kind of interesting story in the ring other than hitting lots of big spots to get the crowd to pat him on the back? The Sting match got me thinking. That's not the match you should have with Sting, but Seth just had the exact same high paced, lots of spots matches he has with everyone. The same PWG with less movez matches he always has. Undertaker/Brock told a fantastic story in the end despite my doubts about Undertaker surviving the match. HHH vs Bryan told a story and it was very different from HHH or Bryan's usual matches. Even Bray vs Bryan was a different paced match than either guy wrestles.

So Seth has the same promos every week and the same kind of matches every week. What I'm saying is Kane better finish writing his will.

Kane will be fine. He always lands on his knees for everything.


Eh I can believe it. I saw so many Reigns shirts when I went to NOC..They're kinda hard to spot on TV I guess because the dark colors but he is seriously moving some merch.

Hes only #2 because Bryan isn't around >_>
What did the people wearing the shirts look like? I ask because the people wearing KO shirts on tv certainly aren't buying up Smalls and Mediums.
Has there ever been a contract signing where fuckery didn't happen and/or didn't devolve into a brawl? Like I think the Triple H/Batista Hell in a Cell contract signing went down alright besides a little posturing from the two of them, but I can't think of any else...
Has there ever been a contract signing where fuckery didn't happen and/or didn't devolve into a brawl? Like I think the Triple H/Batista Hell in a Cell contract signing went down alright besides a little posturing from the two of them, but I can't think of any else...

Jack Tunney kept that shit in order.


Has there ever been a contract signing where fuckery didn't happen and/or didn't devolve into a brawl? Like I think the Triple H/Batista Hell in a Cell contract signing went down alright besides a little posturing from the two of them, but I can't think of any else...

"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" had such with Andre and Ultimate. In general I think most from back in the day, since they featured actual tables and not that Walmart camping sortiment they have today.


Has there ever been a contract signing where fuckery didn't happen and/or didn't devolve into a brawl? Like I think the Triple H/Batista Hell in a Cell contract signing went down alright besides a little posturing from the two of them, but I can't think of any else...

Hogan vs Warrior for WrestleMania VI is pretty much all I can think.

Everything else didn't really have contract signings.
Has there ever been a contract signing where fuckery didn't happen and/or didn't devolve into a brawl? Like I think the Triple H/Batista Hell in a Cell contract signing went down alright besides a little posturing from the two of them, but I can't think of any else...

I think the Joker Sting contract signing back in TNA went without a hitch, much to the chagrin of this thread. Not the one against Hogan, but someone else. It devolved into a "i respect you" promo.



I think there should be some unwritten rule that dudes never use the phrase "he's the best I ever worked with" in any context ever.
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