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Sergio Garcia Tells Euro Press He'll Serve Tiger Woods Fried Chicken - GAF?

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I never associated Fried Chicken with racism before I came to the United States.
I wouldn't be surprised if a Spanish dude didn't know it's racism in the one country on the other side of the world...

I am Spanish and I like my fried chicken very much j/k.

It was in GAF when I learned about the "racist" connection of fried chicken (and watermelons BTW). But not every single country has the same stereotypes guys, I don't believe a single european citizen may relate chicken to afro-american people in a derogatory way... or any way. We don't know about that pals, it's your thing.


I know of how Tiger Woods tried to play on to the fact tat he's of mixed racial heritage, but how many people actually consider him "part black" or part native American"? I'm asian, and I don't see him sharing any similarity to me and my kin. I see his complexion. I see his teeth. I see his lips. And I see his hair. It's not that I slam on him or look upon him any less because I see him predominantly as black, but his whole self-identification of being cablanasian is abit of a head scratcher for me given how he only seems to express any degree of deference to those cultures only when he's trying to distance himself from his black heritage.

It's a complicated issue, and unless you're in his shoes it's probably irresponsible to judge him for his actions.

Any I'm curious as to how Sergio Garcia's competitive, but ill advised words may affect him, as he's not an American, and is not bound by American political correctness?

Err, he works (part of the time) in America, and presumably spends a decent amount of time here. Regardless, you don't have to be an American citizen to be criticized for "not being PC" (and this wasn't just not being PC).

If some Italian soccer fan who has never stepped foot in America ends up throwing banana peels onto the pitch to harass a black player, does it just get excused because he's not American? I guess I'm just not really sure what you're saying here. Are Americans the only ones who take offense to racism or something?


Venerable Member
I know of how Tiger Woods tried to play on to the fact tat he's of mixed racial heritage, but how many people actually consider him "part black" or part native American"? I'm asian, and I don't see him sharing any similarity to me and my kin. I see his complexion. I see his teeth. I see his lips. And I see his hair. It's not that I slam on him or look upon him any less because I see him predominantly as black, but his whole self-identification of being cablanasian is abit of a head scratcher for me given how he only seems to express any degree of deference to those cultures only when he's trying to distance himself from his black heritage.

Any I'm curious as to how Sergio Garcia's competitive, but ill advised words may affect him, as he's not an American, and is not bound by American political correctness?

Tiger Woods is more Asian than he is anything else, as his Mom is Thai/Chinese/Dutch, and his Dad was Mixed Black/Native American/Chinese...

Sergio is very competitive, one of the best ball strikers in the game of golf, but a head case. He has had a few close calls and not won Major Championships, and is known for blaming it on things other than himself and bad luck, and that others have gotten lucky. He also is known for trying to rub it in when he has beaten Tiger in the past, and Tiger doesn't forget these things.

If Sergio had the mental toughness of Tiger Woods, he probably would have won up to 10 Majors by now...


I'm curious as to how Sergio Garcia's competitive, but ill advised words may affect him, as he's not an American, and is not bound by American political correctness?
Golf is an international sport a level of respect is expected.

The dinner was in London I believe and everybody there mostly Europeans were stunned and embarrassed, everybody knew he made a racist joke it's not just American political correctness.
Any I'm curious as to how Sergio Garcia's competitive, but ill advised words may affect him, as he's not an American, and is not bound by American political correctness?
Err, he works (part of the time) in America, and presumably spends a decent amount of time here. Regardless, you don't have to be an American citizen to be criticized for "not being PC" (and this wasn't just not being PC).

If some Italian soccer fan who has never stepped foot in America ends up throwing banana peels onto the pitch to harass a black player, does it just get excused because he's not American? I guess I'm just not really sure what you're saying here. Are Americans the only ones who take offense to racism or something?

The public perceives him as black. You look at him, he looks more black than anything of the other demographics that he proclaims. I'm asian myself, and I just don't see any resemblance he shares with me or my fellow kin. Again, I have no problem with him being black. But it seems like he plays that card in order to downplay his black heritage, which is where I take issue with it. It annoys me to the degree when I see Bill O'Reilly, praising asians for the purpose of slamming other racial minorities. He's not lauding us, so much as he is seeking validation from us to look down on blacks and latinos.

Maybe Garcia's shots were a little out of line. That's competition. But since he never considers himself black, it's really a moot issue at this point. As far as Garcia being as ass, well, look at Eldrick -- err, I mean Tiger. He's known for throwing profanity laden tantrums whenever he screws up. Is that sportsmanship too?


I'm asian myself, and I just don't see any resemblance he shares with me or my fellow kin.

Asians can look widely different. :p

I wouldn't expect people from Indonesia or Malaysia to look like those from Japan. Hell, skin tone alone there's plenty of southeast asians that are as dark (or darker) than Tiger. IIRC, he seemed to have more typical southeast-asian facial features when he was a lot younger.


I know of how Tiger Woods tried to play on to the fact tat he's of mixed racial heritage, but how many people actually consider him "part black" or part native American"? I'm asian, and I don't see him sharing any similarity to me and my kin. I see his complexion. I see his teeth. I see his lips. And I see his hair. It's not that I slam on him or look upon him any less because I see him predominantly as black, but his whole self-identification of being cablanasian is abit of a head scratcher for me given how he only seems to express any degree of deference to those cultures only when he's trying to distance himself from his black heritage.

Any I'm curious as to how Sergio Garcia's competitive, but ill advised words may affect him, as he's not an American, and is not bound by American political correctness?

your username is very apt. seems like your're on some of that stuff
I remember that, the self hate is strong in that one.

The term cablanasian is an absurd one. What person of multicultural background calls them self that? It's a lame, impotent term that no one pays heed to, even from a pop culture icon. The term has not gained any traction nearly 20 years since he made it up, unlike other memes that have become timeless.

its self hate to acknowledge your racial background? its not his fault if you want to pin him in a box and define him is it?

No, but he seems to go out of his way to whitewash any acknowledgment out of discussion. He only brings up the fact that he has asian or indian when the discussion of his african heritage is brought up into discussion. He has no problem with marketing himself as someone who embodies black appeal to the point that he markets his likeness to black people, but he won't identify with them, sinking low as to identify with other perceivably less marginalized groups in order to compensate. It always rubbed me the wrong way. I personally never cared for golf, so his expertise in the sport never impressed me. So I basically have his public image to discern. He's an immensely talented black athlete. There's nothing wrong with saying that. Is it denigrating to state that Ian McKellan is as awesome actor who happens to be gay? I think not. In Eldrick's case, it seems like a sensitive topic, to the point where he kills an interview flat.
Is that guy spanish?

The thing of "black people all love KFC" is not wildly know in Spain if you are not an avid internet guy.

everybody knew he made a racist joke it's not just American political correctness.

English people? probably, the spanish guy that said it? Maybe, he has gone around the world sufficiently to maybe know about it, and he was a dick by saying it. A normal casual spanish person? No.

When jokes like that appear on south park or family guy, most spanish people have that joke flying above their heads.

I am Spanish and I like my fried chicken very much j/k.

It was in GAF when I learned about the "racist" connection of fried chicken (and watermelons BTW). But not every single country has the same stereotypes guys, I don't believe a single european citizen may relate chicken to afro-american people in a derogatory way... or any way. We don't know about that pals, it's your thing.

Same here.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
This is the dumbest stereotype. Seriously everybody in the South eats fried chicken all the time.

so what you're saying is..... all black people in the south eat fried chicken?!


The thing of "black people all love KFC" is not wildly know in Spain if you are not an avid internet guy.

probably, he probably thought it was a great gag or something. Reminds me of this actually. That whitelady that wrote that got soooooo fired.

its self hate to acknowledge your racial background? its not his fault if you want to pin him in a box and define him is it?

Like a lot of Dominican's for example he goes out of the way to distant himself from the word Black. He can call himself whatever he wants to be frank. If you can't see his bullshit for what it is though......
probably, he probably thought it was a great gag or something. Reminds me of this actually. That whitelady that wrote that got soooooo fired.


He probably knew what he was saying though (having gone all around the world), even if he thought only about it as a joke (like mexican eat burritos, spaniards eat paellas, german like beer, etc...), he was an idiot, as funky papa has said.
Still, as I also said, the majority of spaniards dont know about fried chicken having racist connotations, same with watermelons.


This is the dumbest stereotype. Seriously everybody in the South eats fried chicken all the time.

Yeah, I mean he could have honestly not even known or meant it like that, but it doesnt matter because everyone will assume. ANd its not even a negative stereotype. Its not like its an insult in any way imaginable


Like a lot of Dominican's for example he goes out of the way to distant himself from the word Black. He can call himself whatever he wants to be frank. If you can't see his bullshit for what it is though......

no i cant. tiger should walk around in a malcolm x shirt and do a black power fist everytime he wins a major to satisfy you. seriously dude, worry about your life and leave him alone.
I am Spanish and I like my fried chicken very much j/k.

It was in GAF when I learned about the "racist" connection of fried chicken (and watermelons BTW). But not every single country has the same stereotypes guys, I don't believe a single european citizen may relate chicken to afro-american people in a derogatory way... or any way. We don't know about that pals, it's your thing.

True. But the thing is why would he bring up fried chicken when talking about Tiger.
Because of things like this


BTW, talking about the cartoons big red lip thing, that is also not known to be racist in a lot of countries.
However its probably more known by the normal public in those countries than the fried chicken/watermelon thing.

True. But the thing is why would he bring up fried chicken when talking about Tiger.

He could have thought that is the same as saying spaniards like paella and germans frankfurts and beer, and only meant as a light joke. Still, as an sports professional he has to be more cautios with what he says, and even maybe he knew that what he was saying was completly racist making him a huge dick. So not defending him here.
Quite a few posters in this thread bending over backwards to excuse racism.

I havent seen anyone here excusing racism, in fact Im pretty sure he meant to be racist with that quote what makes him a huge dick and it was very unprofessional on his befalf.
But if you think that all the countries have the same stereotypes as america, you are factually wrong.


Quite a few posters in this thread bending over backwards to excuse racism.
I haven't and I won't defend this golfer guy or his comments. But perhaps the posters you're referring to simply disagree with you on some things? Maybe a drive-by comment that says everybody who disagrees with you is unreasonable is not the best approach?
BTW, talking about the cartoons big red lip thing, that is also not known to be racist in a lot of countries.
However its probably more known by the normal public in those countries than the fried chicken/watermelon thing.

He could have thought that is the same as saying spaniards like paella and germans frankfurts and beer, and only meant as a light joke. Still, as an sports professional he has to be more cautios with what he says, and even maybe he knew that what he was saying was completly racist making him a huge dick. So not defending him here.

That's true. I guess it's just the fact that I feel like those foods are commonly associated with those countries but when I think of the US I don't think fried chicken, but I don't live in those countries so that might be what they see as our signature food.


English people? probably, the spanish guy that said it? Maybe, he has gone around the world sufficiently to maybe know about it, and he was a dick by saying it. A normal casual spanish person? No.
Selectively quoting me takes out the context of my post

When I said everyone it was in context of the people that was there at the dinner in London with other European players with Sergio. The reactions was stunned silence when he said it because they know the comment is racist, they being the other international golf players and guest. That is why I said golf is an international sport and a level of respect is expected responding to crackhead_bob who seems to think nobody should care because it falls in American political correctness.
why does this whiny little prick keep going in on Woods? Shut the fuck up and play golf you irrelevant nobody and keep other people's names out of your fucking mouth
Selectively quoting me takes out the context of my post

When I said everyone it was in context of the people that was there at the dinner in London with other European players with Sergio. The reactions was stunned silence when he said it because they know the comment is racist, they being the other international golf players and guest. That is why I said golf is an international sport and a level of respect is expected responding to crackhead_bob who seems to think nobody should care because it falls in American political correctness.

Yeah, you are right about that.
Was only adding about how some countries in the world dont see it as an stereotype and talking about the thread as a whole, I could have said that better and I apologise, didnt really want to say you were wrong about what you said.
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