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Sergio Garcia Tells Euro Press He'll Serve Tiger Woods Fried Chicken - GAF?

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Yeah, you are right about that.
Was only adding about how some countries in the world dont see it as an stereotype and talking about the thread as a whole, I could have said that better and I apologise, didnt really want to say you were wrong about what you said.

Its fine.

It is true most people in other countries would not know the fried chicken stereotype, but a player that plays professionally in a international sport must know better.


The fuck. I'm just saying US is probably the only country that see racism in fried chicken.

Very true, and quite ridiculous if you're an outside observer. The same with the watermelon (my favourite fruit, BTW, yummy). Ah!, and that Sergio García guy is a jerk (and not only for that comment), not unlike Tiger Woods.


I don't feel like he has any responsibility to do anything but be himself. If he doesn't want to talk about it, or doesn't do enough to 'acknowledge' his backgrounds to your satisfaction, then thats your personal problem, not his.

He is mixed, deal with it. Its ridiculous that people make this a thing, and nothing he has done justifies the shit like Sergios salty ass said.

why does this whiny little prick keep going in on Woods? Shut the fuck up and play golf you irrelevant nobody and keep other people's names out of your fucking mouth

The guy is an asshat. Saw this type of shit coming a mile away after the Players to be honest. Sore loser with no class and zero mental fortitude.


Its fine.

It is true most people in other countries would not know the fried chicken stereotype, but a player that plays professionally in a international sport must know better.

Why?. Do you think every single sportman/woman out there knows about every single racial stereotype of every country he or she competes in?. Or should he or she know only those of the US? Sounds a bit arrogant if you ask me.

They don't and they won't. Most of them do not know better. They play sports, they're not politicians mate.

Funky Papa

Why?. Do you think every single sportman/woman out there knows about every single racial stereotype of every country he or she competes in?. Or should he or she know only those of the US? Sounds a bit arrogant if you ask me.

They don't and they won't. Most of them do not know better. They play sports, they're not politicians mate.

He also named collard greens besides chicken. He knew exactly what he was saying. At very best he was trying to be funny using stereotypes, but he's also a known dick so you may think whatever you want to think.


He also named collard greens besides chicken. He knew exactly what he was saying. At very best he was trying to be funny using stereotypes, but he's also a known dick so you may think whatever you want to think.

Well, he plays golf. Most of the tournaments are held on the US, to my understanding, so he probably knows more about american culture things than the typical european guy. Just because he gets to know tons of people from the US. Probably.

What I'm trying to combat is the notion that everywhere in the world people share the same stereotypes people in the US do. That's false. We do not see racism in fried chicken here. I know nothing about that "collard greens" thing, and I visit GAF every day since 1999 or even earlier. Not trying to excuse this guy's behaviour in the slightiest, because he's a jerk. Anyway, I don't really give a shit so... think whatever you like mate.


Welcome to a GAF racism thread.
Yep, racism threads on always have people willing to give the racist the benefit of the doubt. There was one thread where someone excused Mel Gibson's use of nigger by saying "He was drunk when he said it and he has black friends so he can't be racist."
I havent seen anyone here excusing racism, in fact Im pretty sure he meant to be racist with that quote what makes him a huge dick and it was very unprofessional on his befalf.
But if you think that all the countries have the same stereotypes as america, you are factually wrong.
So because he is not from the US racist stereotypes cease being racist?

I haven't and I won't defend this golfer guy or his comments. But perhaps the posters you're referring to simply disagree with you on some things? Maybe a drive-by comment that says everybody who disagrees with you is unreasonable is not the best approach?
What do they disagree with me on? That saying he would serve Tiger Woods chicken is racist?
The fuck. I'm just saying US is probably the only country that see racism in fried chicken.
There are plenty of things that are only regionally offensive but ignorance is not an excuse nor should people be making excuses when the golfer clearly knew what he was saying.

Methinks you all protest too much...

Well considering it's 2013 and racism is totally over, I think you're overracting bro!
One of us negroes was elected president... twice! Post racial society!


Why?. Do you think every single sportman/woman out there knows about every single racial stereotype of every country he or she competes in?. Or should he or she know only those of the US? Sounds a bit arrogant if you ask me.

They don't and they won't. Most of them do not know better. They play sports, they're not politicians mate.
Because that is what I said they must know all racist stereotypes. I said they must know better! Clearly Sergio knew the racist reference he could not have used it with out knowing and direct it specifically to Tiger who is part African American and has features of a black man.

An international athlete who makes money in a popular sport and probably makes most of their money off endorsement deals and is behooved to protect their image to keep such endorsement deals, should not know better? You travel the world to perform for fans and you would be ignorant of the things you say publicly?

Lets not pretend Sergio did not know. You don't say this by accident, if it was an unintentional faux pas its understandable but this is specific racist reference and one that was used against Tiger before.


The public perceives him as black. You look at him, he looks more black than anything of the other demographics that he proclaims. I'm asian myself, and I just don't see any resemblance he shares with me or my fellow kin.

I'm half Chinese and don't look like any full Chinese person I've ever met other than my dad. Being ethnically mixed will do that to you. Being mixed isn't as simple as (no pun intended) black and white.

Again, I have no problem with him being black. But it seems like he plays that card in order to downplay his black heritage, which is where I take issue with it.

Do you have any specific instances? I never got this vibe from him.

It annoys me to the degree when I see Bill O'Reilly, praising asians for the purpose of slamming other racial minorities. He's not lauding us, so much as he is seeking validation from us to look down on blacks and latinos.

You shouldn't be taking anything that guy says seriously. He acts like a blowhard on TV for ratings.

Maybe Garcia's shots were a little out of line. That's competition. But since he never considers himself black, it's really a moot issue at this point. As far as Garcia being as ass, well, look at Eldrick -- err, I mean Tiger. He's known for throwing profanity laden tantrums whenever he screws up. Is that sportsmanship too?

A little out of line? Racist shots at someone are equivalent to cursing when you hit a poor golf shot now? I don't understand where this whole "HE HAS TO BE 100% BLACK" thing is coming from. Is this because he got drafted by them?

The term cablanasian is an absurd one. What person of multicultural background calls them self that? It's a lame, impotent term that no one pays heed to, even from a pop culture icon. The term has not gained any traction nearly 20 years since he made it up, unlike other memes that have become timeless.

Who cares? He feels it adequately represents who he is. Is that not good enough?

No, but he seems to go out of his way to whitewash any acknowledgment out of discussion. He only brings up the fact that he has asian or indian when the discussion of his african heritage is brought up into discussion. He has no problem with marketing himself as someone who embodies black appeal to the point that he markets his likeness to black people, but he won't identify with them, sinking low as to identify with other perceivably less marginalized groups in order to compensate. It always rubbed me the wrong way. I personally never cared for golf, so his expertise in the sport never impressed me. So I basically have his public image to discern. He's an immensely talented black athlete. There's nothing wrong with saying that. Is it denigrating to state that Ian McKellan is as awesome actor who happens to be gay? I think not. In Eldrick's case, it seems like a sensitive topic, to the point where he kills an interview flat.

Have you ever considered that he brings up his Asian heritage along with his Black heritage because he is both Asian and Black? And doesn't want to be defined by an isolated part of his ethnic background?
Quite a few posters in this thread bending over backwards to excuse racism.

Man, you 'defense force' more than any other poster on GAF. Sweeping generalizations accusing posters with a nuanced opinion of being part of a 'defense force' is a tired rhetorical tactic on GAF that I'm glad to see is starting to disappear.
Man, you 'defense force' more than any other poster on GAF. Sweeping generalizations accusing posters with a nuanced opinion of being part of a 'defense force' is a tired rhetorical tactic on GAF that I'm glad to see is starting to disappear.

the motherfucker knew exactly what he was saying. there was no cultural misunderstanding at all, it was calculated, racial dig. I think the poster you are referring to sees people being intellectually dishonest when they try to put a softer spin on what Garcia said.


Did you even read what I wrote?
Of course I did. Did you read my orignal post? I never said people were defending racism, I said they were making excuses for what he said.

There were quite a few people saying that maybe because he was from Spain that he didn't know the historical context of fried chicken being used as a racist stereotype. It was perfectly clear he knew what he was saying and why he was saying it.

Man, you 'defense force' more than any other poster on GAF. Sweeping generalizations accusing posters with a nuanced opinion of being part of a 'defense force' is a tired rhetorical tactic on GAF that I'm glad to see is starting to disappear.
No one is 'defense forcing' anyone. People are making excuses for what he said and ignoring his use of a racial stereotype when it's perfectly clear what the guy was saying.

There is no defense for what the golfer said and no one should be trying to excuse it.
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