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Seriously... what would you do in my position


My mom told me to come see this new shirt she bought me, so I go check it out. Its a royal blue t-shirt with Mario holding a Mushroom and jumping... it says "Power Up!" at the bottom. Its actually a tight shirt in a dorky way, but since Im the only one of my friends thats a dork... Ill be made fun of for sure. So would you wear it, and when?



Be better if it was white or black. That blue's a bit fruity.

If it's tight, don't wear it...

Also your avatar is almost 200k... Far too big.


KarishBHR said:
My mom told me to come see this new shirt she bought me, so I go check it out. Its a royal blue t-shirt with Mario holding a Mushroom and jumping... it says "Power Up!" at the bottom. Its actually a tight shirt in a dorky way, but since Im the only one of my friends thats a dork... Ill be made fun of for sure. So would you wear it, and when?

I would wear it, but not if it's going to be tight as sin...i would wear it as a house shirt, sleep shirt...whatever...that way she sees you wearing all the time.

If you like the shirt, wear it. If your friends don't like it, at least they should respect you. If they don't respect you, find some new friends because they simply don't respect you.

Of course, it is just a shirt. It really won't matter to most people. What matters is how you feel in it.

I think he means "tight" as positive slang.


Unconfirmed Member
I think its tight as far as VG shirts go. Just wear it, f'em. You might be surprised at who coments positively on it.
Geek is sheek and blue ain't fruity. My Viewtiful Joe shirt is blue. Who gives a fuck what other people say? If it feels good, do it.


And even i am moderately surprised
wear it - it's a cool top - and old school Mario is entrenched in the Retro cool thing. Should be fine.
If you think the shirt itself might be making too much of a statement you could work it into your wardrobe as a layer by wearing a longsleeve underneath or wearing an open button-up over it.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Diomedeskun said:
If you like the shirt, wear it. If your friends don't like it, at least they should respect you. If they don't respect you, find some new friends because they simply don't respect you.

Of course, it is just a shirt. It really won't matter to most people. What matters is how you feel in it.

Life is too short to care what people think about your style, and you'll never please everyone anyway, so wear what you like. It'd be really sad if in the future you looked at pictures of yourself now and remembered how you didn't even have confidence to be yourself because you wanted to impress some people that didn't even respect you.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The replies have been pretty much spot-on.

Besides, you can't go wrong with Mario. Anyone who thinks Mario's uncool is the REAL geek. ;)


If you even have to ask this question, save yourself the embarrasment and dont wear it. Actually, wear it to sleep in or around the house.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wear it to a rave. that's all.

don't wear video game shirts. Thats like wearing a shirt that says "Hands off me bitches"


Send it to me if you don't want it, it'll go with my Zelda one. When people see that you don't give a fuck what others think then they don't make fun of you.


A) That shirt is cool.

B) If you don't wear it, it'll break your dear mother's heart.

C) If one of your friends does happen to give you shit, smack him like a bitch.

Ranger X

Lost Weekend said:
A) That shirt is cool.

B) If you don't wear it, it'll break your dear mother's heart.

C) If one of your friends does happen to give you shit, smack him like a bitch.

and pull the hairs
Your mom sure is thoughtful. There’s nothing wrong with the shirt other than it being a bit too commercial/blunt, at least for my tastes. I'd still wear it around the house and around people I know. There will always be places dork chic won't fly but those places can be avoided when in such attire.


Unconfirmed Member
I’m currently sat sporting a T-shirt reading “Mario Brothers: Established 1980” with crossed wrenches in the middle, as doled out by NOE some years ago. And to be fair, I feel like a prince!

In all seriousness though, I wear a lot of games clothes. I think it’s great. People in the know smile at you and occasionally will approach you to ask where you got it/do you like games etc.

I say go for it!

Hello everyone btw… :)
RobotChant said:
Your mom sure is thoughtful.

IAWTP. Just be glad yo momma was nice enough to think of something that meshes so well with your geek hobby. Wear the goddamn thing, unless you're a total lardass--don't give it to Kobun, I don't want to see more man boobs at E3 next year than I'm already forced to bear witness to....


I'd be embarrassed NOT to wear such a bad ass t-shirt. I mean.. don't wear that peice of shit.. send it to me so I can throw it away for you!!


Queen of Denmark
It's really a win-win situation: some people might see you wearing it and think, "Hey, video games are cool. I like this kid," while others will say, "Haha, he's being so fashionably ironic, much like me and my super-hip Spam shirt that I wear all the time. I like that."

You can't lose!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Your Mom is more important than 'other people'. As you get older, the more you'll agree w/ this statement:

"Fuck conformity!"


AHAHAHA! Good one.

Don't wear it around your friends if they'll make fun of you. But Reggie will steal your name and kick your ass if you don't wear it.

(Are Reggie jokes out?)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I wear game shirts all the time, liek my wardrobe is for the most part, game shirts or dress clothes (for work)... I usually get at least 1 positive comment a day when I wear a game shirt... Does it repel the girls? I have no idea, I already have a g/f already so it doesn't matter to me.


Wear it in the house, when you take a trip to the shops, family BBQs etc Not when hanging out with your friends (If it offends them).

As much as people like to say opinion dont matter fact is that its does. Somethhings just dont look right, and you'll be ridculed for thinking it does.
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