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Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Covenant comprises two discs' worth of lengthy adventure (around 40 hours) that's easily extendable with all the bonus items to collect, special moves to learn, weapons to acquire, and dungeons to visit. Even if you don't explore all the nooks and crannies, Shadow Hearts: Covenant is a great game that any fan of the role-playing genre would likely enjoy; its style, its humor, and its well-crafted battle system set it apart in a world of Final Fantasy clones."


I'll nab it for twenty, or a few months down the road at least. Uncannily bad release timing, for me at least. It sounds pretty typical, but in an excellent kinda way.

Only thing I don't understand are the dungeons in the game. Bebpo describes them as small, and puzzley, and crushed a large part of my anticipation. Akin to the rest of Japanese stupidity in games like Symphonia, Wild Arms, Golden Sun, ect. Most of which use the "blocks are fun!" mentality and don't seem to realize that Lufia II is probably the only JRPG to do puzzle dungeons justice.

Meanwhile, I have other people telling me they're fairly large, explorable, and make for good crawls, more akin to Star Ocean if anything.


I already have my pre-order in at DVD-boxoffice! This is the first time I'm actually looking forward to a release date since metroid prime.


Alex said:
I'll nab it for twenty, or a few months down the road at least. Uncannily bad release timing, for me at least. It sounds pretty typical, but in an excellent kinda way.
that's a nice way of describing it.

Only thing I don't understand are the dungeons in the game. Bebpo describes them as small, and puzzley, and crushed a large part of my anticipation. Akin to the rest of Japanese stupidity in games like Symphonia, Wild Arms, Golden Sun, ect. Most of which use the "blocks are fun!" mentality and don't seem to realize that Lufia II is probably the only JRPG to do puzzle dungeons justice.

Meanwhile, I have other people telling me they're fairly large, explorable, and make for good crawls, more akin to Star Ocean if anything.
hrm, they're pretty long, but some of them have puzzles. dig? they're more about walking from point A to point B, and have lots of interlocking pathways, but have inane mostly solvable puzzles that are either not terribly noticable or halfway fun. it's not as puzzle focused as the games you mentioned.

side point: of course the people who make WA know lufia II is fun. they rip it off to shit. shame they're talentless.


I don't mind a few scattered puzzles and mini-games in the least. But when dungeons become a room-to-room block pushing marathon, it's a little aggrivating.
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