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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.


Netrunner is awesome. Best LCG I've played yet.

Oh yeah. Tonight is Netrunner night for me. Can't wait for Creation and Control either. We really need a Netrunner thread in OT.

On topic, a 12 hour campaign is short for an RPG, but I think the content creator will make up for it entirely.


I think most would disagree with you pretty strongly then. Not only does it get the first sizable taste of game play in our hands sooner, it also gets the editor to the community that much faster. I can live with Berlin coming out as "DLC" if it means the first part of the game and community created content are out significantly sooner.
Yeah things are very different now. Digital delivery doesn't make game development faster but it allows 'in progress' games to be released and start earning income and get valuable feedback in a way that was never possible before. Look at Minecraft and all the other games that come out in 'beta' states and now the Steam early access programs. Scope is a huge challenge in games and strategies such as these are great for mitigating that.


Why would backers change their minds about how much to donate? As a backer, I'm still getting both as part of my pledge, and I'd much rather have one campaign available as soon as it's complete rather than wait for both to be finished before playing.

I really don't see the difference. Isn't DLC the definition of a product enhancement, albeit post-relase?

DLC is post release product enhancement, if it's released for free, if it's not it's an add on people pay for. Basically they are splitting the game into two parts so they can get people to buy in at a lower price, then get a second sale on the part they made DLC.

It's a way to nickel and dime people that not everyone agrees with, particularly in a game that they are paying to fund. If you view it simply as a preorder I can see it not being an issue, but they were asking people to fund they project they could have at least disclosed the details of their business plan.


Sort of OT, but since it's in the OP:

Shadowrun 2007 has nothing to aplogize for. It was a great game, hindered only by lack of support from MS.

I'm a huge Shadowrun fan, going all the way back to the tabletop game, and I loved the FPS. It had some really great ideas, and the maps were small in number but very high quality.

It's a shame all the RPG-fans came down on it so hard. It didn't deserve the hate; quite the opposite actually.

Anyhow, I'm in for the new game, although I must admit to some trepidation.
Would the game have been any worse off without the license? I don't think the main complaint is the game itself, just not utilizing the parts that make Shadowrun Shadowrun.


Kinda bummed that I don't really have the finances to pick this up right now, my wife and I will be moving pretty soon. Shame, I'm usually ground floor on anything and everything Shadowrun. At least this way, I can wait for impressions first, I guess.
DLC is post release product enhancement, if it's released for free, if it's not it's an add on people pay for. Basically they are splitting the game into two parts so they can get people to buy in at a lower price, then get a second sale on the part they made DLC.

It's a way to nickel and dime people that not everyone agrees with, particularly in a game that they are paying to fund. If you view it simply as a preorder I can see it not being an issue, but they were asking people to fund they project they could have at least disclosed the details of their business plan.

This goes back to what I was asking earlier in the thread: should backers be concerned with what the price point of funded content will be for non-backers? Is this something project creators are expected to disclose or implicitly already disclose based on their funding tiers?


Clearly, you've never read a Shadowrun novel or played any of the past games. The tone and language are consistent with the universe.

I see you're on damage control here so I should just ignore your post but the attitude is not appreciated. Not to mention you pointing out the obvious in which what I said obviously implied that I was not familiar with Shadowrun to begin with.
Are you implying that a game that was very high on GOTY lists almost everywhere shouldn't be classified as excellent?

When you don't have a leg to stand on, you flip upside down and try to do a handstand.

I see you're on damage control here so I should just ignore your post but the attitude is not appreciated. Not to mention you pointing out the obvious in which what I said obviously implied that I was not familiar with Shadowrun to begin with.

I'm not sure where the attitude is there. I stated it as a matter of fact.

Also, a bit of "damage control" is warranted here, since your off-the-cuff comment clearly worried some people. I was just letting them know that the writing is in line with the universe.

You are free to think the Shadowrun universe writing is terrible, mind you.
Are you implying that a game that was very high on GOTY lists almost everywhere shouldn't be classified as excellent?

I suppose I am, although the way you put it, its as if im implying the same for every game that was very high in praise everywhere which i do not agree with. Im talking about xcom only.

It was a very good game.

Any turn based game gets my vote no matter what, but it was not excellent unless we water down the definition of excellence.

When you don't have a leg to stand on, you flip upside down and try to do a handstand.

Ha ha.



Can't look won't look can't look won't look CAN'T LOOK WON'T LOOK AAAAAAAAAAA

OT, but I was hoping this would be more like the LOTR LCG (co-op instead of competitive). The LOTR LCG is amazing.

I'm intrigued by Balance of the Force's "challenge decks"

Challenge decks are powerful, self-contained, narrative-based decks of cards that introduce new, story-driven win conditions and allow a single player to challenge up to three opponents, simultaneously. Balance of the Force contains two complete challenge decks: Jerjerrod's Task and The Hunt for Skywalker.

My hope is they can be jury rigged to allow co op a la LOTR.

Ok, back to Shadowrun. :p


Excited to try out the main campaign, but mostly excited to see what people can come up with using the editor. I'm hoping it will be as well supported as the original NWN was, there was an insane amount of user created content for that game.


Excited to try out the main campaign, but mostly excited to see what people can come up with using the editor. I'm hoping it will be as well supported as the original NWN was, there was an insane amount of user created content for that game.

Ive said it before, but how limited do you guys think the editor will be with no scripting?
Would the game have been any worse off without the license? I don't think the main complaint is the game itself, just not utilizing the parts that make Shadowrun Shadowrun.

For me it would have been. It would have been a ripoff of tons of ideas from Shadowrun.

The Shadowrun universe directly inspired what was unique about the game: using tech and magic.

So noone wanted to make a Shadowrun RPG at the time...why take that fact out on the FPS developers?
What do you mean by no scripting? I'm no programmer, but based on editor videos, the trigger system seems fairly versatile.

He means using a programming language, like Ruby in RPG Maker, to edit the game engine and such.

The editor is pretty robust. It may not provide the infinite possibilities of scripting, but it looks like the sandbox in the current editor is quite large.


For me it would have been. It would have been a ripoff of tons of ideas from Shadowrun.

The Shadowrun universe directly inspired what was unique about the game: using tech and magic.

So noone wanted to make a Shadowrun RPG at the time...why take that fact out on the FPS developers?

Nah that game could have been anything. Call that stuff something different and there is nothing uniquely Shadowrun about it. That game was a failure from inception. Most people who like Shadowrun did not want a MP shooter and MP shooter fans apparently didn't want it either.
Got a key from Harebrained -- can I register it now with Steam? I keep getting that the registration server is unavailable. I guess it doesn't matter much since release is tomorrow, but still...


I see you're on damage control here so I should just ignore your post but the attitude is not appreciated. Not to mention you pointing out the obvious in which what I said obviously implied that I was not familiar with Shadowrun to begin with.

Well, you also ignored the post asking for an example of this bad writing...


This game has fantastic character portraits. The art style in general is really, really good. Vibrant with lots of detail.

For some reason I think the outdoor environments I've seen thus far could be a bit..."dirtier". Like they seem a bit too tidy for being in a dystopian cyberpunk city, but still, looks good overall.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Didn't see this posted in here, so sorry if I'm blind.

Little thank you video from HBS for making the game happen. The team is quite a bit bigger then I thought, I figured it was maybe 5 - 8 people but it looks closer to 20.


Unconfirmed Member
Pre-ordered and ready for tomorrow. Will be ready to download at 1PM EST!

For those who want to see a Let's Play on a UGC (User Generated Content) Campaign by Opifer called Life on a Limb, watch Loserific's Let's Play of Shadowrun Returns here:



The UGC campaign mods will be the key behind the success of this game.


Didn't see this posted in here, so sorry if I'm blind.

Little thank you video from HBS for making the game happen. The team is quite a bit bigger then I thought, I figured it was maybe 5 - 8 people but it looks closer to 20.

Really love the team's enthusiasm, hard not to be hyped for a game the series creator worked on.


Unconfirmed Member
Yes its the only campaign at launch.

There are going to be UGC Campaigns available to download on Steam Workshop tomorrow at launch (specifically GM Opifer's "Shadowrun Identity - Life on a Limb" campaign I believe).
8/10 from Eurogamer:

Eurogamer.net said:
It's here that Shadowrun Returns really soars. The initial campaign - Dead Man's Switch - is superbly written, a canny balancing act between world-building backstory, instantly memorable characters and a murder mystery plot that keeps the twists and turns coming at an agreeable clip.

Eurogamer.net said:
You can scroll through your combat options quickly and easily, and the game is generous with its lines of sight. Perhaps too generous, since this is not a difficult game. It may resemble XCOM during its more tactical moments, but it lacks that game's ruthless brutality. You'll need to make some pretty horrendous mistakes to fail most of the encounters here.

Eurogamer.net said:
For those who just want to relive the isometric action of the SNES and Megadrive days, Shadowrun Returns easily delivers. It's not the deepest or most flexible game of its type, but there's a lot to be said for simple ideas realised intuitively. Add in some excellent writing and, judged purely as a standalone game, it's an unambiguous success.

Sounds like the main campaign is a bit linear and easy, but well-written, and the tools allow for fan-made content to fix both of those issues.
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