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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.

Does anyone know if the user created content (hopefully coming soon, and in large quantities) will be available via Steam Workshop (assuming you acquired it via Steam)?


what the H this is already out? will it be available at 9pm pst tonight? or do steam releases happen a midnight pst?

It is not already out. Its steam release is scheduled for 10 am PST.

Does anyone know if the user created content (hopefully coming soon, and in large quantities) will be available via Steam Workshop (assuming you acquired it via Steam)?

User content will be available via Steam Workshop. There's some stuff on there right now from early access backers.

edit: Beaten


I never played any of the Shadowrun games, be it the PnP variety or the video games, but I love the cyberpunk mythos, particularly its Neuromancer influence. I can't wait for the campaign, and hopefully the community will recreate the Straylight Run.

OT: My first post on GAF!
Does anyone know if the user created content (hopefully coming soon, and in large quantities) will be available via Steam Workshop (assuming you acquired it via Steam)?

Yes. They are using Steam Workshop, and some backers got early access to the editor. So, there will be content on day 1.

A couple of user campaigns are really far along too, and they clock in near 15-20 hours alone.


Grimløck;72686901 said:
I never played any of the Shadowrun games, be it the PnP variety or the video games, but I love the cyberpunk mythos, particularly its Neuromancer influence. I can't wait for the campaign, and hopefully the community will recreate the Straylight Run.

OT: My first post on GAF!

Welcome fellow junior! May your stay be filled with much joy and relatively few bannings.

As for things being recreated, I'd say virtually everything ever published in Shadowrun canon has a chance of somebody recreating it in this sucker.
Grimløck;72686901 said:
I never played any of the Shadowrun games, be it the PnP variety or the video games, but I love the cyberpunk mythos, particularly its Neuromancer influence. I can't wait for the campaign, and hopefully the community will recreate the Straylight Run.

OT: My first post on GAF!
Welcome aboard.
Last Baron did some excellent Custom Steam icons for this game:

Also added one more

Yes. They are using Steam Workshop, and some backers got early access to the editor. So, there will be content on day 1.

A couple of user campaigns are really far along too, and they clock in near 15-20 hours alone.

Damn, this is fantastic news! I am so happy for this game - hype level now even higher!
Looks Like more reviews coming in about 30 minutes:

"@aegies: ok. shadowrun returns review will go live in about ... 42 minutes. NOW IT'S SAMOSA TIME MOTHERFUCKER


I can understand the sentiment of negativity towards that review with quotes like:

"There's no real chance to wander off and find your own way, but then there's no real reason to anyway."

"This is a game that slips down easily, its story broken up into short and mostly linear sections that can be played in a lunch break."

"...since this is not a difficult game. It may resemble XCOM during its more tactical moments, but it lacks that game's ruthless brutality. You'll need to make some pretty horrendous mistakes to fail most of the encounters here."

Also the reviewer thought XCOM was hard : P
I can understand the sentiment of negativity towards that review with quotes like:

"There's no real chance to wander off and find your own way, but then there's no real reason to anyway."

"This is a game that slips down easily, its story broken up into short and mostly linear sections that can be played in a lunch break."

"...since this is not a difficult game. It may resemble XCOM during its more tactical moments, but it lacks that game's ruthless brutality. You'll need to make some pretty horrendous mistakes to fail most of the encounters here."

Also the reviewer thought XCOM was hard : P
Yeah I was going to check that thread to see senseless negativity but those quotes and how the progression system works worries me...


The only thing that bugs me about the Eurogamer review text is that the campaign apparently heavily rewards altruistic play; I tend not to play the good guy whenever given the choice and it would be unfortunate if being a selfish jerk is notably less rewarding.

The rest of it - lack of exploration, generally short, segmented levels, etc - are things I basically expected given the budget and dev time. All of these do seem like issues that mods will potentially go some way towards remedying, so we'll have to see what comes out of that.


I just basically found out about this today and preordered. And Zeliard, your loss is my fortunate gain, I basically always play the good/altruistic side. :p

Does anyone have bigger versions of some of those icons, like desktop-sized?
The base game may be linear, but there's no reason that any of the user-generated content has to be. Nor does it have to reward altruism (although I almost always play good characters anyway).


The base game may be linear, but there's no reason that any of the user-generated content has to be. Nor does it have to reward altruism (although I almost always play good characters anyway).

Which is basically why I'm gonna hold off on buying this for a while until the mod scene starts thriving. Also maybe the price will drop by then.


Ive said it before, but how limited do you guys think the editor will be with no scripting?

That's a very good point. Based on what I've seen, it looks flexible enough to allow for a pretty wide variety of campaigns, but maybe not something completely different from what the engine was originally built for.
The polygon review is up... 7/10.

Despite the strange omissions and Shadowrun Returns' habitual blinking in the face of bigger gameplay ambitions, it's still an engaging return to a world and fiction that's sat dormant for far too long. Shadowrun is still a singular take on a pair of genres that have been drowned by cliche elsewhere, and it's exciting to consider where the game can go from here. Here's hoping that Harebrained is willing to go a little further down the rabbit hole if they do.

Common theme = rigid/linear game play, up to modders/DLC to take this game to great heights.

Some guy named spider duck gave it 4/5


At the end of the day, Shadowrun Returns is a great experience. It throws you into a world that you might already be familiar with or are learning about. The overall story is good, even if the character interaction can be a bit lacking for a game like this. I do wish there was more to do outside of the main story as it's just too linear. The gameplay is solid even though it doesn't really do anything new, but I did like what they did the The Matrix and it made those parts enjoyable to play through. However, the possibilities with the editor will keep me coming back to the game for years. It's a game worth checking out. 


To a certain extent, at least in published 1st and 2nd edition adventures for PNP game, you were assumed to be "good" guys and got rewarded better for doing good things.

Maybe that changed in later editions, but this was largely created by the writers of the early editions.


You're never doing much more than following an objective arrow and clicking on everything highlighted by an icon, but the writing is good enough that you never feel railroaded.

This is a game that slips down easily, its story broken up into short and mostly linear sections that can be played in a lunch break.

This sounds kinda horrible.


Polygon Review said:
During combat sequences — which can often stretch for as long as 15-20 minutes of turn-based life or death — it's game over if your character goes down, which throws you back to the last autosave. There's no manual saving in Shadowrun Returns anywhere in the game, whether you're in combat or back home. More than once I spent twenty or thirty minutes between missions tweaking my character, talking to NPCs gathering information and generally preparing myself for the next step only to realize that I couldn't save.


That sounds pretty awful. Why? Is manual saving that hard? Who programmed this game?



That sounds pretty awful. Why? Is manual saving that hard? Who programmed this game?

Well, this is what they said initially.

Saving System

[A-02] Q: What will the save system be like?
A: We're planning a checkpoint system. No one on the team likes checkpoints better than save any time you want. But we're a small team with a LOT to do and save games are complicated. Thanks for understanding.

Not a great answer to put it mildly. They may have expanded on this, but I don't remember if they actually did/where that is right now.
Some site called pixel vote 8.5/10


On the fence? Shadowrun Returns is a return to form with all the right concessions for modern gamers, creating an atmospheric, accessible RPG with the potential for infinite content. If you can look past the poor animations and decipher the UI, there’s plenty here for both strategists and roleplayers to delve into. D&D and Baldur’s Gate fans in particular should take immediate note.



That sounds pretty awful. Why? Is manual saving that hard? Who programmed this game?
It's the big thing that killed my enthusiasm, though I'm glad it sounds like the game's pretty solid beyond that. Still, even just including some terminal or whatever that forces an auto save would've been nice.


But horrible for a PC game.

From the sounds of things, this was always designed as a mobile game, and the only reason the PC version exists is because they wanted to get funding from hardcore fans via Kickstarter. Oh well.

I pre-ordered it on their site some time back after watching the demo video which looked fun, so I hope when it unlocks later I'm not too disappointed. :/
From the sounds of things, this was always designed as a mobile game, and the only reason the PC version exists is because they wanted to get funding from hardcore fans via Kickstarter. Oh well.

I pre-ordered it on their site some time back after watching the demo video which looked fun, so I hope when it unlocks later I'm not too disappointed. :/

If the intent of this was always mobile, then what about all of modding capabilities of this? Even the most negative review so far acknowledges the community will run with this and make this truly something great


Sounds like the modding community will have the task of opening up the game a bit and trying to help it reach its potential.

I still don't like some of HBS' communication but I don't think they're disingenuous or anything. It's nice to see another KS game get good reviews, especially after LSL: Reloaded got mixed or even negative reviews.


Also, maybe it's just my assumption I later validated within my head but wasn't the engine unfriendly to manual saving? I seem to recall a Doublefine development post about how they managed to fit one into the engine, so it really may've been that the engine wasn't friendly to getting it put in without breaking the whole thing.

It really is one of my big issues with a lot of games recently though, that after people complained about save points we're instead seeing all agency removed from the player for saving, and while this is acceptable in some types of games (namely those like platformers where they're clearly segmented and thus intuitive to whether it'd save for not, and many FPS can get away with it) the more character and team building is involved and the more open a game the worse it gets.


If the intent of this was always mobile, then what about all of modding capabilities of this? Even the most negative review so far acknowledges the community will run with this and make this truly something great

The editor seems mostly designed to enable players to create additional mission content, that's not really that unusual even for mobile. It's more of a make and share thing. The editor has strict restrictions which prevent the creation of new weapons/skills/spells/rules. Even importing art assets not part of the base game is an "unsupported feature" apparently. They say you can do it, but not out of the box.

The game design and how everything is packaged definitely seems like it's made by a team who are only experienced in creating for a mobile space imo.
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