I should screen shot every time I pull full animated packs lol it happens all the time to me xD
I've only had it happen once. I love foils! : /
edit: second batch of ten had no legendaries, but animated Frogbat and Owlcat....Owlcat is so over-the-top. lol
edit 2:
Super, SUPER disappointed in my pulls. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited to play with the new cards, but man, luck was not with me this time.
42 Packs
Legendaries: Gawain, Minthe, Ginger, Golem
Even my golds were disappointing. Only one Blood Moon.
I main Control Vampire, though I play around with Control Necro a bit. I was looking forward to getting new cards that supported those archetypes, or new ones like Control Elf, but all I got instead was a bunch of crappy Royal cards. :/
Maaaaayne ; . ;
edit 3: OH! Looks like there's a button in the card inventory menu now for something called a Premium Orb! Seems like you can use them to convert a card into an animated one? @.@