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Shatterline--Best "COD-like" ever--and it's FREE!


Thanks VN1X VN1X for sharing it on COD: MW 2 thread. It's the best COD-like(yeah I know:messenger_grinning_sweat:) ever!

There is a co-op PVE mode called Expedition, which takes place in a semi-open world, filled(kinda) with events. After each boss fight(there are 4 in total?), you have to decide whether you want to give up with lesser loot or chase for better ones and get rekt while you're at it.

And there are 4 other classic PVP modes in it. One of them is Conquest, which plays like Hardpoint, and it's great. Sometimes you just forget you are not playing a COD game.

Other one called Demolition, which plays like Search&Destroy. Third one called Escort, which is a Payload mode, like OW. Fourth one is TDM.

There are operators, like in Black Ops 3 and 4, who have different ultimates and side gears. You have to unlock some of them with experience points I guess.

It's from an Ukranian dev called Frag Lab. It's on Early Access right now.

Don't sleep on this one guys. Especially, you, Jim Ryan ;)

Steam Page.

It will probably be released for consoles as well, according to ShatterlineFPS subreddit moderator "dajolie": reddit link.



Hear hear! And it can't be understated how low the barrier to entry is, both in skill and spec requirements. Yes there are sweats of course but overall it still remains a casual affair and heavily leans into that side of things with modes such as Barricade (Minecraft-lite) or the very robust PVE based Expeditions/Raids (that includes roguelike elements). The latter is the mode where I've probably spent most of my time so far as it's just so addictive killing baddies in a variety of events while leveling up characters, weapons and completing tasks that can net you cosmetic goodies to boot! It needs a lot of QoL improvements but it's very playable and above all: fun.

It's kind of crazy for an unknown dev to come out swinging with a free to play shooter like this. Like I said in the MWII thread it's by no means perfect but thankfully it has a very solid foundation and in some ways puts the other big budget titles to shame with its early access battlepass and an already constant trickle of content.

So if you're into a more old-school (CoD) type shooter then you should definitely give it a go! I came away pleasantly surprised in any case.

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>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
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>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Stephen A Smith Eye Roll GIF by ESPN
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
It's more black ops 4 clone, with heroes.

It is not similar to cod.

I thought about trying it, but can't stand the cringy characters.
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>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Dude. I hate pandering as much as the next guy but this ain't it.

The main issue is that the keyart is just very generic and bland. Plus the main roster of characters, at the moment, basically look like they came walking out of a different shooter where they were the baddies you kill. They're not very distinctive. The fact that a lady of colour graces the keyart is the least of its issues currently.

Mr Moose

>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Those fuckers, telling themselves they can't publish the game unless there's some wokeness in it.


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Damn, so literally any depiction of black characters in a video game is illegitimate as far as you're concerned?
So wokeness is now reduced to having any non-white human characters in video games, period? Even in PvP games with a variety of characters to choose from eh?
Didn't realize game design is meant to be racially segregated in this day and age.
In this case, apparently, Ukrainian game designers can only make games with settings and characters pertaining to Ukraine culture and ethnicities.

The irony in your post is that it's more or less the same mentality the people you accuse of being woke have when approaching characters in games. Everything is perceived, first and foremost, through the lens of race/skin tone.
Looks like you have more in common with woke ideologues than you think.
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Are the maps soo big they have their own zip codes?
If the maps are dumb large like battle fart i don't even want this for free.
>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.

What a stupid and racist post. So anytime there is a non white character in a game it's forced diversity and wokeness? Get over yourself.


Top review on steam says it reminds them of Blacklight Retribution. Definitely downloading and playing this since I loved Blacklight as well.


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Chris Pratt Marvel GIF

The actual game doesn’t look anything like that.
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>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.

Bad take


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Some people go out of their way to be upset by simple shit.

Be wary of shadows, they're dark too.

This is borderline hate, you might want to get that checked out. Not everything that has a none white protagonist is "woke" and "appealing to the woke".

You're going to have a huge issue with the next few years until you accept this, the sooner you accept it the easier life will be on you.
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Are the maps soo big they have their own zip codes?
If the maps are dumb large like battle fart i don't even want this for free.
Pvp ones are exactly like Cod maps.

About that other concern... I don't play games for their cosmetics or art style. I liked the graphics and especially the gameplay, that's all I need. And I don't think it's art style is bad, actually it's pretty good. It's like a Blops 3 game with a OW paint on it. This is not a Paladin vs Overwatch situation, it's not looking like a cheap copy, it's like you're playing a Cod spin-off. And I don't think Cod Blops 3 or 4 have better art style than this.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll give it a shot.

I hope they have anti-cheat, PC games are full of losers that can't play fair and think cheating at a game still counts as being good at a game.


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.

"I am not a racist btw"
>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.


Frustrated Headache GIF by Kelly Clarkson

There is such a thing as Afro-Ukranians. You should look it up.

What if they weren't "forced" to do anything and instead chose to do this themselves? Why is the presence of a black fictional female soldier as artwork or a character in a videogame automatically an issue for some people? In their promotions they showcase 4 white characters (3 male, 1 female) 1 Native American looking female, a latino looking male, and the one black female character. What makes you believe that simply because the studio is made up of white men from Ukraine that they wouldn't want different characters besides just white characters in their free to play shooter?

This has nothing to do with where the industry is headed. It only has to do with you as a person. And what disregard for reality? What reality? A reality that white people making videogames wouldn't consciously choose to design a black female character entirely on their own? What does the fictional game world they envision in these two trailers have to do with black and white?

The Afro-Ukranian community is quite common in Ukraine. One of their most famous celebrities besides the very famous boxers is actually a black female singer named Gaitana. There is also their 2021 Olympic Gold Medalist in wrestling, Zhan Beleniuk. He was also their first black member of parliament. The very loved President of Ukraine called this same man one of Ukraine's most worthy sons in response to his Olympic Gold Medal victory at the Tokyo Olympics while simultaneously condemning any manifestations of racism that might come from his being who he is. You speak as if a Ukranian has never known a black person or seen one.

It's almost like saying Finland developers like Remedy Entertainment know nothing about New York, so they shouldn't have bothered making that game about a New York City Police Detective. You could say they saw it on TV or in movies and that's how that happened, but I'm certain these developers in Ukraine could have come across some black people somehow some way that inspired them to make a black female character, don't you think?

And if it's any consolation, they actively promote this white male character also, and he's the banner of their youtube page. All that nonsense aside, the game genuinely looks like very promising. Thanks to OP for highlighting it.

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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.

Having a black character isn't woke. The team being from Ukraine has nothing to do with it either. Ukraine is a mixed race country, and I hate to break this to you, but no country in Europe is white only. Every country in Europe is mixed race and multi cultural, as it should be.

Anyway, game looks pretty decent. I'll check it out if it ever plans to get released on consoles.


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
Ban fishing can be a lot easier than making a take generated from 12 year olds, 55-post user.

Youre Wrong John C Mcginley GIF

Prison Mike

>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
How about playing the game instead of looking for something woke to piss and whinge about.


I uninstalled it after a few days. I lose every fkn 1v1.TTK is under the floor.

I got to had some fun at first tho.
It's OK, nothing to scream from the rooftops about if I'm being honest. Reminds me of Rogue Company but in first person. Definitely not what I expected when people were saying 'COD-like'.
It was a completely reasonable observation, imo.
For it to be considered within any realm of reasonable, everyone here would have to reach an agreed upon definition for what they think the word woke means. Doing that could bail out that poster for possibly using a word that he simply didn't understand the meaning of. Unfortunately, it's one of those words that constantly moves back and forth over a line in what people want it to mean, that it slowly erodes to something worse than what it originally was.

This forum(and others') constant usage of the word has all added up to the above moment, where someone has essentially watered down the definition of woke to 'person of color = bad' whether through ignorance or bad faith. All of the nuance the word woke once had is nearly gone and it's beginning to become yet another coded word for something far worse in intent.



always chasing the next thrill
>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
You need help


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.

When does this guy get banned? And when do I get gold?


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
What the Frick are talking about?


>check steam page
>see title logo with a black afro female soldier under it
>scroll down further
>again the same black female soldier
>check the devs instagram
>see team is composed solely of white ukranian men

Why would a group of white men from Ukraine care this much about diversity? It's almost as if someone's telling them they can't publish their game unless they cram it with wokeness. Sickening that is the direction the industry is heading in. Complete disregard for reality.
This is you, isn't it?


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
So I decided to give it a spin after playing some cod MW19.

Videos looks wacky of the game, but damn the gameplay is actually fun.

Normally I can't stand hero shooters, but given I can pick my own primary weapons and they aren't locked to the hero like r6 siege and overwatch, is just so nice.

I hate having to pick a hero I hate if I only like a few, but this is nice having your own load out and then the heroes abilities.

It feels fast paced like cod, with more fair ttk. I owned with the standard free rifle.

This could be my "go to" shooter for a while, hopefully it gets updated with content often.
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Thanks VN1X VN1X for sharing it on COD: MW 2 thread. It's the best COD-like(yeah I know:messenger_grinning_sweat:) ever!

There is a co-op PVE mode called Expedition, which takes place in a semi-open world, filled(kinda) with events. After each boss fight(there are 4 in total?), you have to decide whether you want to give up with lesser loot or chase for better ones and get rekt while you're at it.

And there are 4 other classic PVP modes in it. One of them is Conquest, which plays like Hardpoint, and it's great. Sometimes you just forget you are not playing a COD game.

Other one called Demolition, which plays like Search&Destroy. Third one called Escort, which is a Payload mode, like OW. Fourth one is TDM.

There are operators, like in Black Ops 3 and 4, who have different ultimates and side gears. You have to unlock some of them with experience points I guess.

It's from an Ukranian dev called Frag Lab. It's on Early Access right now.

Don't sleep on this one guys. Especially, you, Jim Ryan ;)

Steam Page.

It will probably be released for consoles as well, according to ShatterlineFPS subreddit moderator "dajolie": reddit link.

Always choose to go big or get rekt.
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