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Shiite Iraqis Massacre Sunnis - Rip them from Cars on Highway; Kill 41 People

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Usually the daily doom and gloom in Iraq stories are not given much attention to by me. This travesty caught my eye though.

Random people driving along, out in the street, herded up and murdered.


BAGHDAD, Iraq - Masked Shiite gunmen stopped cars in western Baghdad Sunday and grabbed people off the streets, singling out the Sunni Arabs among them and killing at least 41, police said.

The rampage in the Jihad neighborhood was in apparent retaliation for the Saturday night car bombing of a Shiite mosque that killed two and wounded nine. Sunni leaders expressed outrage over the Sunday attacks, referring to them as a "massacre."

Armed men belonging to the Mahdi army, the Shiite militia loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, sealed off roads leading to the neighboring area of Shula, fearing reprisals, police said, although al-Sadr aides denied their militiamen were behind the attacks. Clashes also were reported in the area and in eastern Baghdad.

Two parked car bombs later struck the al-Timim Shiite mosque in central Baghdad, killing 17 people and wounding 38, according to police Lt. Mohammed Khayoun.

Police and witnesses said gunmen pulled up in four cars in the dangerous Jihad neighborhood in western Baghdad at about 10 a.m. and began seizing pedestrians and people in vehicles.

An Interior Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons, said Shiite militiamen wearing masks and black uniforms roamed the neighborhood, abducting Sunnis.

Wissam Mohammad Hussein al-Ani, a 27-year-old Sunni calligrapher, said three gunmen stopped him as he walked toward the bus and asked him to produce his identification. They let him go after he produced a fake ID with a Shiite name but seized two young men standing nearby.

The Shiite owner of a supermarket in the area said he saw heavily armed men pull four people out of a car, blindfold them and force them to stand to the side while they grabbed five others out of a minivan.

"After ten minutes, the gunmen took the nine people to a place few meters away from the market and opened fire on them," Saad Jawad Kadhim al-Azzawi said. "When I heard the gunfire, I closed my supermarket and went home."

Police Lt. Maitham Abdul-Razzaq said 41 bodies were taken to hospitals and police were searching for more victims reportedly left dumped in the streets. He also said U.S. and Iraqi forces had sealed off the area.

Witnesses said the American forces were using loudspeakers to announce a two-day curfew.

Government leaders urged calm, with the prime minister's office saying the situation was under control and President Jalal Talabani calling on Iraqis to cling to national unity and "not be provoked by acts of violence that some want to look sectarian."

Al-Sadr also condemned the killings in a telephone conversation with Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, who also heads the Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party, his secretary Mohammed Shaker said.

The cleric called for an emergency session of parliament to discuss the sectarian crisis and said he will form an investigative committee to bring those involved to justice, even if they are part of his Mahdi Army militia, al-Hashimi's secretary said.

But Sunnis were irate. Deputy Prime Minister Salam al-Zubaie, a member of the sect, called the attack "a real and ugly massacre," and blamed Iraqi security forces, widely believed to have been infiltrated by Shiite militias, for failing to maintain order.

"There are officers who instead of being in charge should be questioned and referred to judicial authorities," al-Zubaie told Al-Jazeera TV. "Jihad is witnessing a catastrophic crime."

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's office distanced itself from al-Zubaie's comments, issuing a statement saying they "do not represent the government's point of view."

The Shiite-led government has vowed to crack down on Shiite militias and Iraqi troops backed by U.S. jets raided the stronghold of Sadr City on Friday, killing and wounding dozens of people.

An Interior Ministry aide said the situation was brought under control after several hours.

Maj. Gen. Ali Jasim told The Associated Press that by mid-afternoon, the neighborhood was "under the full control" of Interior Ministry commandos.

Alaa Maki, a member of the largest Sunni bloc in parliament, accused Shiite extremists of trying to wipe out the minority, which was dominant under Saddam Hussein but lost power to majority Shiites after his ouster.

"We demand the presidency, the prime minister and the parliament stand against this agenda," he said. "The situation is very serious. If it deteriorates, all of us will be losers."

Some Sunni leaders blamed the Madhdi army.

Sheikh Abdul Samad al-Hadithi, imam of the Fakhri Shanshal Sunni mosque that also was hit by a car bomb Friday, with two people killed, said the militiamen were looking for revenge for the bombing against the Shiite mosque Saturday.

He said they first set up checkpoints and killed nine employees of the Sunni Endowment, the state agency responsible for Sunni mosques and shrines, then went on a rampage, killing more than 50 people according to their IDs.

"They wanted to retaliate against people of the other sect," al-Hadithi said, accusing Interior Ministry forces at the site of standing by while the attacks occurred.

Al-Sadr aide Sheik Abdul-Hadi al-Darraji denied any links, saying the attackers were wearing the black uniforms to provoke sectarian tension.

Clashes also broke out between gunmen and Iraqi police in the eastern Fadhal neighborhood, but the situation was brought under control after several hours, Abdul-Razzaq said.

In other violence, gunmen killed an Iraqi intelligence officer in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, one of several deadly shootings targeting security forces.

The officer was gunned down after his car was intercepted in the center of Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, health official Salim al-Abadi said.

Gunmen also opened fire on a foot patrol in eastern Baghdad, killing a policeman, police said. Another policeman was killed in a drive-by shooting in the northern city of Kirkuk.


By two prominent University professor's, the current Iraq situation meets the definition of a Civil War. The people on the ground say so, soldiers serving in the coliation have said so, as have few foreign dignateries (sp?). Yet only the Administration has yet to admit to this, not have to be a genius why.


Gas Guzzler
MrToughPants said:
You don't see Atheists and Scientologists mass murdering each other.

No, Scientologists tend more to kill their own people, although they do plan murder against people who try to oppose Scientology.


Small balls, big fun!
This sort of thing has been going on for some time now, but usually in the cover of night. The stories are usually of mass graves, or piles of bodies being discovered.

I just don't see a good outcome from this dynamic. The US is sticking around to defeat the Sunni insurgents, but what strategy is there to keep the Shiite militias in check? The Mehdi Army is the only one they could move against without utterly pissing off big chunks of the government, and even then...

The Sunni community won't have a full, peaceful acceptance of the new order until stuff like this stops, and stuff like this won't stop while there's still an insurgency. Throw in the whole "who gets the oil?" question, and it just looks really ugly.


I thought there was no civil war and I also thought zarqawi was dead so this stuff would stop. I guess not.


I thought there were no terrorists and I also thought that the insurgents were proud Iraqi patriots bravely defending themselves from the US' unjust occupation of their country. I guess not.
maynerd said:
I also thought zarqawi was dead so this stuff would stop. I guess not.

I know you're joking around trying to mock people in the administration. But, I don't recall anyone ever stating that anything remotely close to that. I fact, I remember very distinctly Bush saying that violence would likely increase.

(Not that this particular incident has anything to do with Zarqawi anyway.)
Is there an official or unofficial death toll from both sides of this sect-war?

The only real figure I see from google is 50K since 2001, but it cannot possibly be that high...


RiZ III said:
what about protestants and catholics?
That conflict may be rooted in the Catholic and Protestant communities in that region, but the aims of both sides are political and secular. The same thing cannot be said for Muslim Sunni-Shiite sectarian groups in Iraq.
Well Joe Lieberman says cell phone penetration in Iraq has been astounding thus victory is around the corner. Who to believe, who to believe...


Mandark said:
It most certainly can.
Go ahead and make the argument then, with sources as well. I would really like to hear how this is a secular conflict devoid of religion, at the least, to the same extent that it has been in Ireland within the past 50 years.


Small balls, big fun!
Why limit yourself to England/Ireland, and why only the last 50 years? There's a rich history of Protestants and Catholics killing each other.

Anyway, the first thing is to remember oil. Oil, oil, oil. There's a good bit of it in the Shiite South and the Kurdish North, but not so much in the Sunni center. Check pages 12-14 of this document. Anbar, the province that's suffered the most violence (at least concerning US casualties) has nothing. Basrah's soaked, and Kirkuk, the center of the Kurd-Arab dispute, is up there.

There Iraqi constitution includes a clause that allows three provinces to form a region that gets to keep its oil revenue. This is partly for the Kurds, who want to maintain some independence, but also has big implications for the rest of the country. If Basrah and a couple of other provinces form a region, for example, the Sunni community in central/west Iraq will get cut out of the cash flow.

There's definitely a religious element to the conflict, but it's mainly by using religion as a marker for ethnicity. The Kurds are almost all Sunni, but there's not corresponding violence against them from the same sources.

It's also worth noting that the event cited in the OP is attributed to the Mehdi Army. Sadr supported the Sunnis in Fallujah, and there were demonstrations by Sunnis in support of him when he was holed up in Najaf. So his movement isn't inherently hostile to Sunnis.

Basically, there's a struggle for political power and wealth that was previously held by an ethnic minority. That's a recipe for conflict and tribalism, no matter what you're using to draw the lines between ethnic groups.

My question is why so many people see historical conflict involving Christians and look for other causes, but always assume some innate problem with Islam as the root for Muslim conflicts.
Mandark is right on the mark.

Probably one of the simpler ideas is to section the country off into three autonomous states. But, because the Sunnis have no oil, they would never agree to it.
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