About Devil Summoner... Is there any way to experience it without knowing japanase? Like some youtube playthrough with subtitles or a written let's play? I'd like to be more familiar with it before trying Soul Hackers again.
This Pastebin includes links to a set of script translations, which include NPC dialog. I used it and found it pretty great.
Devil Summoner's clunky. I actually had a blast playing it (loved the little touches, like getting Macca mainly by doing your job in the form of sidequests) and loved the dungeons, but cj_iwakura's right - it's got some irritating gameplay aspects. I was able to look past and enjoy most of it (except how bullshit the negotiations were - even after the PSP version allegedly improved them).
I can't think of a good way to put it - Devil Summoner's one of my favorites in the series, but in a way where I'm simultaneously not sure if I could really recommend it to people. It's worth a try, but if you're not digging it, it's not worth forcing yourself through.