So what's the earliest demon with diarama/mediarama? I still haven't fused one and at this point dia/media is really lacking (and making fights harder than they should be).
What does Luck do?
I think maybe I'll go with a (1/2/0/2/0) and (0/2/0/2/1) build, varying between levels. Although I thought AGI was just how fast you go in comparison to the rest of your team. What else does it do?
Yeah similar thing happened to me. I guess when I bought Fire Emblem, I had not made my Club Nintendo account yet. I bought SMT thinking I'd get the 30 bucks but no dice.
Nintendo's online policies are just fucking insane.
Luck increases your critical hit rate, item drop rate, and the success/failure chances of status effects and Hama/Mudo spells. Meaning higher luck means your status/instakill spells have a higher chance of hitting, and enemies' versions have a lower chance of hitting you.
Agility also increases your dodge rate and accuracy, which means it's very, very important in battle. It's also believed that it decreases the chances enemies have of surprise attacking you if they run into you without you getting the pre-emptive bonus.
So what's the earliest demon with diarama/mediarama? I still haven't fused one and at this point dia/media is really lacking (and making fights harder than they should be).
Ask support about it? I've heard others say they will help.
According to this: Sedna gets Diarama at 31 and Brigid (level 33) starts with Mediarama and Dis learns it at 33 as well.
Not sure if this thing is 100% accurate though. I've only tinkered with it a little.
Huh. I though it was either you get the first attack, or they do. (Which didn't seem fair. 40-50 damage to you right away vs. 5-10 damage to them.... yeah, not fair)
Ok. Yeah, I'll go with that (0/2/0/2/1) and (1/2/0/2/0) build.
Yeah similar thing happened to me. I guess when I bought Fire Emblem, I had not made my Club Nintendo account yet. I bought SMT thinking I'd get the 30 bucks but no dice.
Nintendo's online policies are just fucking insane. I took a little break from playing to claim my 30$ ehop credit. So, just let me go ahead and link my system to my freshly created Club Nintendo account...
So now I´m getting punished again for buying digitally and not following the SPECIFIC order of steps Nintendo had in mind. (My bad karma started back when I was dumb enough to import an US 3DS to europe because I was craving Etrian Odyssey 4 too much and now am forever locked into buying eshop titles because importing the physical copies is stupidly expensive.)
I fucking hate Nintendo sometimes.
So what's the earliest demon with diarama/mediarama? I still haven't fused one and at this point dia/media is really lacking (and making fights harder than they should be).
So my Jack Frost just learned Rapid Needle, and its kill animation is kind of crazy. Whenever an enemy dies from the spell, they pulsate for a second and then DETONATE in a massive fountain of red and purple blood. Pretty much a Fist of the North Star death.
Kind of cool, especially since Needle Shot (the one-target version of the same spell) uses the default Gun kill animation of just a bullet hole and a splash of regular blood.
yeah javelin rain does that too.
Is Javelin Rain a high-level spell like it was in Nocturne, or is it mid-rank again like in Strange Journey?
I think my favorite Demifiend-exclusive skill in Nocturne was Fatal Impulse though. It was so cool to watch him conjure an energy katana out of nowhere and do a quick-draw slash that killed everything on screen.
This is certainly better than the Last of Us or Fire Emblem. I haven't played a better game all year.
The problem is that I´m not even a US citizen and thus not actually eligible. I imported a US 3DS because back then I wanted Etrian 4 too much to make me realize what a dumb move that was.
At least I get to play SMT4 way earlier than my other euro buddies this way, but man, the hassle never stops. Maybe I´ll try Nintendo support either way and the whole region thing won´t even come up, but I already registered my account with a fake adress somewhere from Texas.
How did you get that demon? I only won that battle by having Walter attacking(and somehow actually hitting XD) while I was constantly reviving/healing my party; only landed one concentrated agilao for 400-something damage, buffs did squat x.x If it was a random skill mutation I'm jealous XD
Hey random demon's domain
I go and fight the boss, bam, my whole team gets bodied faster than a character in UMVC3.
I am often given to hyperbolic statements about games, and then I get bored of them; but goddamn, I have spend the last hour or so recruiting demons and this game is my GOTY.And yes I said this about Animal Crossing: New Leaf and I traded that game in for this one.
This is certainly better than the Last of Us or Fire Emblem. I haven't played a better game all year.
Sticking with a Physical MC, it seems like things are just wayyy tougher than otherwise. I have just arrived at Tokyo with a level 17 MC (St 31, Dx 42, Ma 7, Ag 35, and Lu 9) and the journey to where I am was so... ugly, with so many deaths and restarts and what-have-you.
Several observations about how Physical MC makes things (much?) more difficult for me so far:
- First of all, no Endurance stat/no Defense stat whatsoever, and the HP/MP increase is the same/linear whether you go Physical or Magical. This makes my Physical MC as fragile as a typical Mage, even against physical attacks, which is just bloody bollocks.
- I managed to beat two main bosses so far,
andMinotaur, both of which have an elemental weakness, weaknesses that my MC cannot exploit since he is physical-focused. This makes things difficult. I expect many other bosses will be same as well in the futureMedusa- Now, the argument is if my MC is physical-focused, then I need to make my demons magical-focused to cover bases. This requires fusions, naturally, and at times this can require a LOT of money to accomplish. NOW, the PROBLEM is with physical-focused MC, I need to purchase upgraded weapons/bullets in order to increase my physical damage from weapons, but this means I have to share my money between weapons and compendiums! Just for reference, right now where I am the price of a Slasher Knife is 9.580, an Ultra Rifle is 7880, and various bullets are priced 2.810 for each type. Bloody expensive, and that money can be used for demon fusions instead.
So ah, those of you who play their MC all physical, tips please? Hahahaha.
Sticking with a Physical MC, it seems like things are just wayyy tougher than otherwise. I have just arrived at Tokyo with a level 17 MC (St 31, Dx 42, Ma 7, Ag 35, and Lu 9) and the journey to where I am was so... ugly, with so many deaths and restarts and what-have-you.
Several observations about how Physical MC makes things (much?) more difficult for me so far:
- First of all, no Endurance stat/no Defense stat whatsoever, and the HP/MP increase is the same/linear whether you go Physical or Magical. This makes my Physical MC as fragile as a typical Mage, even against physical attacks, which is just bloody bollocks.
- I managed to beat two main bosses so far,
andMinotaur, both of which have an elemental weakness, weaknesses that my MC cannot exploit since he is physical-focused. This makes things difficult. I expect many other bosses will be same as well in the futureMedusa- Now, the argument is if my MC is physical-focused, then I need to make my demons magical-focused to cover bases. This requires fusions, naturally, and at times this can require a LOT of money to accomplish. NOW, the PROBLEM is with physical-focused MC, I need to purchase upgraded weapons/bullets in order to increase my physical damage from weapons, but this means I have to share my money between weapons and compendiums! Just for reference, right now where I am the price of a Slasher Knife is 9.580, an Ultra Rifle is 7880, and various bullets are priced 2.810 for each type. Bloody expensive, and that money can be used for demon fusions instead.
So ah, those of you who play their MC all physical, tips please? Hahahaha.
The thing I hate about going physical was that fact that physical skills run on MP too. Does that matter at all or. . .
HP and MP seem to be tied to your level and equipment instead of stats.
But yeah, I wish phys skills still used HP. Had a feeling it was gonna be this way after Strange Journey.
The thing I hate about going physical was that fact that physical skills run on MP too. Does that matter at all or. . .
Looking good. I used all of mine so far too aside from STR and DEX. I'll probably wait until I have my final team to use those seeing as I never use any phys attacks aside from when I'm autoing.
I'm currently about 20 hours in and I'm heading to Shibuya for the first time. I ended up likinga lot more than I did before, and I just finished some extra challenge quests. DefeatingAsmodeus's designat the shrine was a cakewalk.Okuninushi
Another boss, another dumbass move by assist character
level 20-30 sidequest spoiler
So ah, those of you who play their MC all physical, tips please? Hahahaha.
Haha, I know what you mean.
I came to the conclusion that the assist character was intentionally set up in a way to make the boss more difficult, since ALL of her moves give the boss smirks / extra turns.
Fortunately, fusing fire resist demons makes the quest much easier since Maragidyne kills his turns.
What do Fuxi feathers do? Gryphon talons. I can't sell them, but they are valuable?
Don't buy melee weapons. Don't buy the ultra rifle; the bazooka (2.8k normally, 1.9k on sale) is better and cheaper. Money is easier to make in Tokyo.
It gets much easier with good guns and bullets.
get some damn luck! critical hits give you press turns, and they're your big advantage over magic attacks. Also, Fang Breaker is one of the greatest boss fight abilities I've gotten so far.
I don't think upgrading weapons does anything to your skill damage, does it? I basically gave up using regular attacks with the MC.
Other than two physical skills + charge the rest of my abilities are all support, like war cry and dekunda. Recarm is a must ASAP. Spirit drain and/or some form of MP recovery while walking helps a lot.
Another boss, another dumbass move by assist character
level 20-30 sidequest boss spoiler
Quest items you can deliver for awards + EXP. You know when it happens. Part of story
You guys know what? I just bought the bazooka and the force bullets for a test drive. And by God just with shooting stuff the battles outside the malls are going so fast :O
Now I *REALLY* regret putting so many points in STR instead of LCK, aggghhhhhhh.
I am now thinking that I should probably just restart from the beginning. Pretty far... but, heh....
You guys know what? I just bought the bazooka and the force bullets for a test drive. And by God just with shooting stuff the battles outside the malls are going so fast :O
Now I *REALLY* regret putting so many points in STR instead of LCK, aggghhhhhhh.
I am now thinking that I should probably just restart from the beginning. Pretty far... but, heh....