It sucks when you get a good demon with high attack and a good physical skill but they can't use it too much due to low MP
To me, that's one big advantage of having a physical MC. Physical demons are MP starved, while the protagonist is not.
It sucks when you get a good demon with high attack and a good physical skill but they can't use it too much due to low MP
Had that happen in thearea. Found a domain on the main map, was going through fairly easy as the demons were only in their 20s. Get to the boss, notice he's level 75. Yeah, my whole team got rocked in 2 casts.Shinjuku
I have decided that I will not pay attention to alignment any more. I will pick everything based on my opinion and what I end up is the path I shall take.
Early game question
any terminals when you get to Tokyo?
Physical demons are fodder. Even with a mag-focused MC, caster demons loaded with elemental spells/buffs/heals are better, anyways. Their only purpose is to whisper sweet physical skills to the mc.
Early game question
any terminals when you get to Tokyo?
I just ran into this domain ten minutes ago. He's weak against gun attacks and not hugely accurate, so if you know what you're doing and can void or repel Ice you might be able to beat him with some strong gun-users.
Physical demons are fodder. Even with a mag-focused MC, caster demons loaded with elemental spells/buffs/heals are better, anyways. Their only purpose is to whisper sweet physical skills to the mc.
Early game question
any terminals when you get to Tokyo?
So yes.There's one in the first town you encounter.
Hm, I'll have to do some demon fusion and/or hunting. Only downside is my MC's gear makes him weak to ice. Thanks for the tip!
As far as character builds go, I probably screwed mine up but he's been fun. From the very beginning I've been putting 3 points into MAG and 1 each into AGI and LCK, and then I use every stat boosting incense I get on him. His magic skills hit like a truck even if enemies aren't weak against them.
Can you tell me where?is it in the subway area?
Are you using stat buffs and debuffs?So I'm level 11, have 3 characters with Bufu, and I can't beatThe Minotaur
I get to the 3rd dialogue bit where there are no actual choices and it looks like I'm about to win but he just won't die. It's about that time he starts breaking out that uber move that instant kills a lot of my characters.
Is there anything I can do here besides just grinding? I'd prefer not to do that.
Be wary, his physical strikes will still hurt like HELL, and he has a lot of HP. But if you blast him with enough gun moves, he should fold eventually. I made the same mistake of wearing the White Samurai armor into the fight, switched it out for one that isn't weak against ice and I was able to tank him a lot more effectively.
Unfortunately, I forgot that Tam Lin is weak to Ice, and once the boss exploited that I was done for.
Can you tell me where?is it in the subway area?
Are you using stat buffs and debuffs?
I'm not too worried about physical hits now, thanks to Tetrakarn (I think that's it.) It repels Physical and Gun attacks for one turn. I love seeing enemies kill themselves with it, always makes me smile.
I have a demon that is my dedicated healer that is casting a defense buff. I forget the name but it starts with an R. Is there something else I should be casting?
Update on #TeamLuck after using all my incenses
As mentioned before shinjuku demons gibe u a lot of exp which will happen as u try to do quests there
Edit : ignore the blight. Its going away soon. Just bought the last skill slot
I just arrived on Tokyo but I assume it's behind thatfight, is this correct? Bring anti-Zan demons/armor to make your life easier. My team got wiped out very fast, hahaha....Tengu(
Anyways...I think I am just gonna restart over from the very beginning, only this time I will forego STR entirely in favor to DEX/AGI/LCK build.
Had to conspire and kill him in one turn because of this. Everything single one of her moves smirked him if I prolonged it.
I just arrived on Tokyo but I assume it's behind thatfight, is this correct? Bring anti-Zan demons/armor to make your life easier. My team got wiped out very fast, hahaha....Tengu(
Anyways...I think I am just gonna restart over from the very beginning, only this time I will forego STR entirely in favor to DEX/AGI/LCK build.
Still very early in the game, just hit level 4 and did my first demo fusion. Is it me or is the game actively trying to kill your right from the jump with how much damage enemies are doing to do you? Does the game need you to die or something and I've just been staying alive when I shouldn't? It's somewhat hard to even keep demons alive as they can be taken out in a single round or even one hit killed.
What level were you when you did that?
Boy oh boy the big demon fight in the, um, third? town of Tokyo,, is destroying my team. I know that she's weak toXi Wangmu, but whenever I really start to do some serious damage to her she retaliates with a combination offorce. And a move that deals damage to me and restores her health. Any tips or recommendations?megaton press
Boosting your defense and evasion can help a lot, and I'd have at the very least three party members that can useattacks to exploit the weakness and gain more turns. Also, on the very first turn,forcethis is your opportunity to buff up, since all your attacks do 1 damage, anyway.
Boy oh boy the big demon fight in the, um, third? town of Tokyo,, is destroying my team. I know that she's weak toXi Wangmu, but whenever I really start to do some serious damage to her she retaliates with a combination offorce. And a move that deals damage to me and restores her health. Any tips or recommendations?megaton press
Just paid Charon about 5k macca to revive, and it was totally worth it. I made the mistake of never paying him early on when I'd die and had to sit through that long-ass-mountain-scaling animation every time. Now, I can breeze right past him and reload. Totally worth the price. Shitty to have to learn the hard way, but I couldn't take those Game Over deals anymore.
Spend the first few turns buffing your defense and hit/evade as you can't do any damage to start. Use dekunda after her big buff and start debugging her attack.
Anyone recommend a purely support demon? I have a Hathor I can finally fuse with Tarukaja,Sukukaja,Rakukaja,Media,Heal Pleroma and Spirit Drain. But I worry about having a demon that's completely support will hinder me later.
Boy oh boy the big demon fight in the, um, third? town of Tokyo,, is destroying my team. I know that she's weak toXi Wangmu, but whenever I really start to do some serious damage to her she retaliates with a combination offorce. And a move that deals damage to me and restores her health. Any tips or recommendations?megaton press
Boy oh boy the big demon fight in the, um, third? town of Tokyo,, is destroying my team. I know that she's weak toXi Wangmu, but whenever I really start to do some serious damage to her she retaliates with a combination offorce. And a move that deals damage to me and restores her health. Any tips or recommendations?megaton press
I just beat this.
I was buffing defense and attack to their max and debuffing hit/evasion. I did that to the max. The first few turns you can't do anything anyway, so buff/debuff. Then exploit the weakness while finishing off buffing/debuffing to the max.
Apis [cow demon] level 18 is the earliest I've seen I think ^^; Much later on you can buy Tetraja stones from shops tooWTB: Tetraja
I wonder if any early demons have it
Boy oh boy the big demon fight in the, um, third? town of Tokyo,, is destroying my team. I know that she's weak toXi Wangmu, but whenever I really start to do some serious damage to her she retaliates with a combination offorce. And a move that deals damage to me and restores her health. Any tips or recommendations?megaton press
The Skill Mutation app is a must, in my opinion. There's no downsides, and getting a great result is satisfying. I just changed Ice Breath to Mediarama and Megido to Bufudyne.