"God's Beard!"
Haha. I thought it was weird, you beating the game with Mediarama.
So if I load up my save from before the fight then choose not to, I can play longer?
Haha. I thought it was weird, you beating the game with Mediarama.
Yes. This moment isthe route lock.
If you have a ring that nullifies a status effect, it will block Ancient Curse.
What route did you get?
The quest involving the three sacred treasures is obtained by talking to demons in battle.
I'm confused about the final expanse part...
The White are asking me if I want to Preserve, Destroy, or I Don't Know.
I wanna choose I Don't Know but it won't let me... instead it keeps looping me until I choose an extreme...
since I cant choose the middle option, does this mean choosing one of them will lock me into one of the two opposing alignments? Since I can't choose the middle option, does that mean I screwed myself out of getting Neutral path?
also for what it's worth, up to this point I have done every side mission which I hear is a thing you're supposed to do to get neutral?
I donno... 60 hours in and this game is still confusing lol
Beat Chemtrail, what a pain in the ass he is. Got all fiendsDDDDDDDDDDD
ahh lol I mean Jonathan.Walter is Chaos.
also for what it's worth, up to this point I have done every side mission which I hear is a thing you're supposed to do to get neutral?
He is the god protector of Tokyo.
I don't know if his name is stated clearly in this game but if you played the previous SMT, it's obvious since he's always been there.
Here is his name if you can't figure out:
Cool, thanks!
This is my very first SMT game so I have no idea how I was supposed to even know that!
Isn't this kind of game breaking though? Really, how are you supposed to know this without looking up a FAQ or asking GAF? If there's no way to figure this out in-game, my opinion of the game just dropped tremendously.
Yes, it's definitely stated by Stephen at the alignment lock, and I think some NPCs midgame also talk about him at some point.
But that's the thing, I'm very attentive with NPCs. But I think the fact that it's just a Japanese name I'm not familiar with, it's just hard to recall. If I knew it would be important later, I would've written down or something.
Any tips for Chemtrail? His spawn spot is far from the entrance, which makes the retry painful.
Do you know the DLC trick? Load the DLC (the farming ones, Death has its applications for example) on the spawn spot, save then cancel the quest you will return to the same place you were and reload the RNG. If doesnt work reload the save and repeat.
Works for all the fiends.
I don't have these DLCs >_>
How much of the DLC would you guys say is essential? Not clothing/reskins/weapons, but DLC with story expansion or helping to make progress a bit easier.
I'm only 9 hours in, but I plan on getting some of the DLC if they're worthwhile.
Well, I just checked ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJWllXZnHnc ), Stephen tells you his name not exactly at the alignment lock, but after you beat the White.
Not sure how you not interpreted that as important, but he is rather talkative, that may explain it.
Concerning other NPCs, I think I read his name in some dialogues, but don't take my word for it.
I'm not gonna switch to easy but it's already driving me a bit nuts how quickly you can get killed if you get ambushed by a demon. How do you prevent the enemy advantage? Is the only way to avoid it hitting the demon with your sword?
Just started this game and it's kicking my ass. Died about 16 times in the first 3 strata of Naraku already. I wish the death dialogue wasn't so damn long...just let me load my last save already!! Finally beat the boss in the Demon Domain after some fusions though.
I'm not gonna switch to easy but it's already driving me a bit nuts how quickly you can get killed if you get ambushed by a demon. How do you prevent the enemy advantage? Is the only way to avoid it hitting the demon with your sword? It seems like even if I run into a demon head on they get the advantage unless I hit them with the sword.
Well you will suffer hunting Chemtrail..
even with the dlc, hunting chemtrial is a major pain in the ass compared to the others so far imo, I put my fiend hunt on hold, btw
I thank you, kindly!Clipped wings is great, as well as Ancient one of the Sun. The DLC with Sanat is okay, though the skills you get from it are amazing for physical party members. The guardian of Tokyo DLC is crazy and gives you a great reward.
Outside of those, the Underworld Money maker or Experience of the afterlife are good time savers if you don't want to grind money or Demons to build up what you need to beat the extra bosses. The main game isn't demanding enough to justify using them beforehand though.
Apparently when it usesLight Wing it flashes the color of the element you can use
Well I beat it using Concentrate + Almighty combo.