Zee_truly evil
The game is starting to piss me off! Right now I'm fighting Beelzabab but he keeps slaughtering me, my MC is at level 86 and I also have Alice with salvation and all her other skills unlocked, she's level 80 
Just saw this on twitter:
God DAMN.Also, which demon is this?
Game is a lot more fun for me when I'm not trying to recruit demons, I've decided. I still have to, but it isn't as fun that way because recruiting demons isa horrible and stupid process that I hate hate hatereally really hard.
The demon is Moh Shuvuu and the attack "Riot Gun".
The guy seems to be a big fan of that demon. He gave all the incenses he grinded to her.
The demon is Moh Shuvuu and the attack "Riot Gun".
The guy seems to be a big fan of that demon. He gave all the incenses he grinded to her.
The demon is Moh Shuvuu and the attack "Riot Gun".
The guy seems to be a big fan of that demon. He gave all the incenses he grinded to her.
eBay takes 10%, and PayPal takes 2.9% + $0.30.
I can't imagine horde or fiend hunting for that long without slitting my wrists.
I figured it'd be a high level demon, such dedication! Now if only I could make a Yoshitsune like that. But I dream..
So, I'm obviously near or at the (neutral) end (I think). But, I'm stuck in a certain forest, and I'm starting to wonder if its a game glitch.I'm in the monochrome forest. I'm on Trail D, Burroughs tells me there's a strong Demon nearby. I find a hole with an exclamation mark over it - but that's it; I can't seem to jump into it; there's no other prompt at all, and Trail D is the only trail I've come across with a similar hole. I've cleared all other barriers on the other trails to. Am I missing something?
Any help would be appreciated!!
Waifus are srs bzns.
Anyone else love the boss song of the final dlc? It adds a touch of finality to the game, as if saying "This is it, this is the final and ultimate battle."
I asked that Japanese guy and he told me that he grinded the incenses from Red Rider.
He was kind enough to draw a flow chart for me to explain how he was doing it.
I share it here for those who are interested:
He told me that he loves the concept of the fiends and many players in Japan are like him. No wonder that Atlus put that mechanic in the game. There are a lot of crazy people there.
Interesting enough, he told me that the fiends were in SMT1,2 and if... as well and the chance to encounter them was 1/256. I played these games many times and never came across any fiend, so, until now I never knew they were there.
Basically what Atlus did is a continuation to these games. Nocturne was an oddity in that regard.
Press down (D-pad).
Quick questions guys, I am half way through the game now but I plan on playing it another 2 times to get all the endings. On what play through should I do all the side quests as I don't wanna have to do them every time I try complete the game, also when you complete the game does your demon compendium transfer over and if not would I be better filling it on my last playthrough?
So any tips for defeating the boss behind a door after some burning stuff and a forest? The team I'm using is: Jueyuan (Healing), Leanan Sidhe (Decent HP and Spells), and Strigoii (Bufu)
Edit: Befriended some new monsters and fused a Naga! Time to grind them up a few levels.
If it's who I think you're talking about, then you're going to needThe Minotaurrakukaja, sukukaja and tarunda spells to make sure you can survive his attacks, and make sure your team has at least 2-3 Ice users,
That Moh Shuvuu reminds me of the "Ultimate Hua Po" a guy I know on the Penny Arcade Forums made in Strange Journey. I'll see if I can dig it up later.
All of my demons and I use Ice spells. Thank you for the tips.
Also how much does +1 and ect help a skill?
Well I was just hoping Gaf might of had one and wanted to trade. I might try selling it on ebay for a couple of dollars and try to buy an amazon one. I find 2.99 to be a fair price after looking at the DLC.
How does paypal work with Ebay? Like how much of a cut would they take? I've only bought never sold before lol.
Occult Flash or Hades Blast?
Hades Blast doesn't seem to do much more damage than Occult Flash.
I can't decide...
Is this for bosses or mooks? If it's bosses milk the extra damage for all it's worth. Occult flash otherwise. I personally use Titanomachia for the crit chance but me and my optimized demons have very high agility. (150+ minimum)
Can anyone tell me the key to earning easy macca in this game I am on the mission were I need like 100,000 macca for the. It's really annoying as I spent all my remaining macca on an outfit and I don't wanna sell any of my items as I am a hoarder.Platinum card quest in Ginza
No problem
The whisper upgrades' effects depend on the level it's at and what skill it is. There's an incomplete list of effects here.
The bars that go across multiple upgrades, is that +5 heal for each time you receive another whisper for the skill?
Guys, l need some help.
So I abruptly beat the game yesterday and got an ending where the world just disintegrated. l said "fuck that", reloaded my file, bnd selected the other choice.
Now, theare pissed at me and l'm fighting them now. The fourth guy is who l'm having trouble with. I do well up until he does like two back to back almighty attacks on me, then a physical attack. These attacks in succession pretty much wipe me out.White
So... is there anyway to deflect almighty attacks? What's a good strategy to defeating this guy?
No problem
The whisper upgrades' effects depend on the level it's at and what skill it is. There's an incomplete list of effects here.
Ok, need help again. Where the hell am I supposed to go?
It seems as though I'm locked in neutral. I defeated the White. I'm back in regular Tokyo. Isabeau just rejoined me as Jonathan and Walter are missing.
I resurface in Kasumigaseki and have no idea where to go. I'm sure I was told, but I forgot. And the quest log shows no active quests aside from 'activate all the terminals'.
So I just started this game, but I feel so week, I die in two/three hits and take a long time killing stronger monsters. I'm at the quest whereWe're looking for Navarre and am at the second fight with the hooded man where Jonathan helps you.
Any tips for how to progress in the game?