Wow this game definitely picked up after arriving in(really cool intro scene to the area as well). I mean, I was already enjoying this quite a bit before but man...Tokyo
What an overworld theme.
Uuuuuuuuuugh these side quests uuuuuuuuuugh.
I stopped after locking on Neutral Route.Just picked up my 32h save file. I can't remember exactly where I was headed before I stopped but man I love the battle system in this game.
I thought I was closing on on 100hr when I read this post, so I checked and it turns out I blew past that 26hr ago.Just picked up my 32h save file. I can't remember exactly where I was headed before I stopped but man I love the battle system in this game.
I thought I was closing on on 100hr when I read this post, so I checked and it turns out I blew past that 26hr ago.
What have I become D:
I finally triggered the Red Rider fight after hours of RNG resetting... Only to have the f*cker kill my party in two turns.
RNGesus.The real SMT4 starts here.
I don't recommend starting with Red Rider since he is one of the hardest Fiends if not the hardest period.
What works against 90% of the bosses will inevitably fail here. You need to take your demons to the next level to be able to win against that bastard.
I recommend a team of physical/hybrid demons because that's the only way to survive. Magic demons are too weak to withstand his attacks.
I hear you. It's a pain to make him spawn, but he isn't the worst in that regard.RNGesus.
That information would have been so useful yesterday. Across the whole Internet, I can only find info on how to trigger him rather than how to beat him, so I went in completely unprepared.
What kind of a sadistic freak puts that kind of pain behind a 1/256 random trigger?
Pacing in this is so weird for me. I feel like I spent a ton of hours never really gaining much for exp and then suddenly there's a chunk in the game where I'm gaining a level ever minute or two from fighting things that aren't actually that hard.
I totally agree with this, especially with how easy it is to have things go real bad real fast. I have been working on a boss for the last 30 minutes (wiping when she is almost dead to an unlucky smirk, yay!) or so and having to fast forward though Charon's spiel every time is annoying. I had to reset in Fire Emblem far less than in this game but I still appreciated the option.I really hate how you can't hold down a button combination in-game to return to the title screen like Fire Emblem.
Its beautiful ;-;
I totally agree with this, especially with how easy it is to have things go real bad real fast. I have been working on a boss for the last 30 minutes (wiping when she is almost dead to an unlucky smirk, yay!) or so and having to fast forward though Charon's spiel every time is annoying. I had to reset in Fire Emblem far less than in this game but I still appreciated the option.
Hold down X, or the down direction on the d-pad. Apparently it takes ~10s to get back to the game this way.Wait you can fast forward through that part? Don't you have to see the twenty second intro of looking around at Hell first?
You have to die and res at least once to be able to fast forward through it. It was well worth the cost to me to be able to speed it up in the future.Wait you can fast forward through that part? Don't you have to see the twenty second intro of looking around at Hell first?
4 discs/112 tracks of glorious soundtrack.
Hell yeah, it will be mine.
I feel your pain. I was actually shocked, I got the neutral path my first time without trying...then I get hit with the side quests requirements and shelved the game for a while. One of my favorite games of the year but I was just not up for that.
ok. Im LTTP as well. just taking bites out of this, one thing im stuck on is getting moss in the early game. I found 2 relatively easily. i cant find the 3rd one for the quest.
ive notice that some items come back on the field (jewels), but the moss doesnt ?
No.Dialogue when scouting doesn't affect alignment does it?
There are exactly 3 mosses you can pick up immediately. 1 in the first Stratum and 2 in the second Stratum.
You are probably missing the one in the Second Stratum where you need to crawl through a hole to find it.
Would Judgement be a good skill to have on my MC? I'm currently law but definitely aiming for neutral.
If you've been keeping your luck up, sure, but if you're a magic or phys build you can just use a multi target spell/ability to clear the field instead. I usually let my demons handle the instakill spells.
Would Judgement be a good skill to have on my MC? I'm currently law but definitely aiming for neutral.
If you've been keeping your luck up, sure, but if you're a magic or phys build you can just use a multi target spell/ability to clear the field instead. I usually let my demons handle the instakill spells.
Sorry for double post, but I have a question. Mid game spoiler, regarding alignment and a major choice:Here's the thing though, I'm currently leaning Law and I'm really not sure by how much. Should I go ahead and do the hunter prelims and get some extra Chaos points? And better yet, is there a cutoff point before you get alignment locked where you can't do any other side quests?I'm about to choose Walter to go see Lilith.
I think he is talking about the almighty spell Judgement and not the insta death expel spell Judgement Light.
As for the spell itself, don't bother. It's basically a megido that does more damage against Neutral demons and costs more MP.
Try to be Neutral before going to Camp Ichigaya and hope for the best.
I finished all the Neutral missions and since I didn't want to spend hours trying to spawn fiends, decided to find out what would happen if I leveled up a Lham Daerg all the way to max with all the demon enhance apps active.
The result was this:
I put Draconic Reaction, Repel Ice, High Gun Plemora, Titanomachea, Riot Gun, Heaven's Bow, Judgement (morphed from Occult Flash - wanted a magic attack to complement the others) and Charge on this bad boy.
Thinking though, that were I to make another, I might swap out one or both of the secondary attacks for Life/Mana Surge or a cheap magic move like Thunder Reign. What do you guys think?
Checked the Cynical man and I'm neutral! Huzzah. Now I've read that I should lean slightly chaotic. I'm using an FAQ for the choices from here on in. Question about some mandatory choices:if you first pick to not press the button at those button pressing choices, do you avoid the points given by the pressing the button choice?
I feel your pain. I was actually shocked, I got the neutral path my first time without trying...then I get hit with the side quests requirements and shelved the game for a while. One of my favorite games of the year but I was just not up for that.