Man, the DLC superbosses are just sitting in my quest list. It's kind of tempting to take my lv 13-14 party against them and get curbstomped instantly.
Do it Gaz, and tell me how each of them goes on irc yo.
Man, the DLC superbosses are just sitting in my quest list. It's kind of tempting to take my lv 13-14 party against them and get curbstomped instantly.
Do it Gaz, and tell me how each of them goes on irc yo.
Are there any story spoilers in the lead-up to the bosses? If not, I'll do it after I eat.
I need some advice again, for Vishnu:
Mana Surge or Draconic Reaction? Or perhaps should I take them both and remove Invitation?
This is the only time that I allow a DLC skill on my demons (Pierce Physical).
I have ~80 St, 60 Lu and 60 Ag incenses ready to be used on him.
This is probably the 5th or 6th version of Vishnu I build and all the incenses I spent previously are wasted. I hope this is the last time -_-
Mana Surge. Vishnu doesn't have the MP to keep using Antichthon and invitation without support. Draconic reaction is great for a pure offensive Vishnu though. It all really depends on how much you find yourself needing to revive demons.
I remember Draconic Reaction was the key to survive Ancient of Day and later the Fiend's attacks. But Vishnu didn't have a lot of agility back then. I wonder if with 300 Ag, he will be as evasive as with something like 120 Ag + DR?
Do we know how much agility percentage DR adds?
My plan is to make him an uber demon who is capable to survive anything, support the other weaker demons and when he doesn't know what to do, simply attacks. His triple physical attack is awesome, that's why I gave him Pierce without any physical skills.
Come onto IRC Buddha, I'm doin' this.
The only figure I've seen on DR is "2nd tier sukukaja", which I imagine isn't more than a 75% boost.
Thanks man, I will take your advice and go for Mana Surge then.
I will try that and report.
@Gazoinks: I'm curious. How far are you in the story?
Fun fact: I am so anal about dying I have never actually done the river man. Ever. Even once.
Anyway I am now in. Frankly I think thatBlasted TokyoWalter is a huge dipshit for talking about a world ruled by the strong while he's clowning on Tayama for doing exactly that, and also for siding with flipping demons and unleashing them on Tokyo. I mean these are DEMONS. Some might say "Yeah but you've been pallin' it up with them all game" to which I say "No. Unlike Pokemon, demons are unrelenting assholes I have had to kow-tow into my forces and then force at swordpoint to stay that way. They're not my friends, they're my stupid slaves to be used and discarded at my pleasure." But anyway, yeah, Walter's a moron. On the other hand, I can't side with Jonathan because what kind of idiot just stands by and lets be a world where people harvest people's brains to feed demons while they come along and perform a hostile takeover of my nation. (because those angels are SO not demons. Sure.) So he's out. I wanted to side with Isabeau but she didn't have a side. So I'm hoping the Neutral Ending is what I get and that it is worth it.
Burroughs kinda creeps me out, the way she spends the entire game cheering for me at emotionally scarring moments. If she turns out to be the final boss I won't be surprised.
Picked this game up a while back but never really started it, first SMT game. Holy shit, tough game. Not what I've been used to the last number of years. Go persuade 3 demons to join you... And then I proceeded to meet the riverman multiple times before finishing that up.
But I am enjoying it despite it destruction of my soul.
^I've never done the riverman either (aside from when I first died and didn't know what was going on), it just seems easier to reload instead of spending money. And I need my play coins for Soul Hackers!
You'll adjust to it soon enough, especially once you start to get a hang of the Press Turn system. Protip: Stocking demons who all have the same weakness will get you curbstomped by the one boss that uses that element. I know this from experience.
Also buffs are your friends. I'm not sure if they ever explicitly say this, but buffs in SMT games last until they're dispelled and can stack.
Yeah, I reload now rather then spend money at the Riverman. Macca is in too short supply, at least early on for me to keep spending it on that.
I've got it down to where generally, it's boss/special fights I normally get curb stomped at the first meeting of. Though every now and again the regular fights will have initiative on me and a couple winks later I'm dead. =)
Do buffs stack/continue outside of the fight as well? Can I buff up ahead of time and be less fragile?
^I've never done the riverman either (aside from when I first died and didn't know what was going on), it just seems easier to reload instead of spending money. And I need my play coins for Soul Hackers!
Just got SMTIV from the Atlus sale and i'm kinda enjoying it, but I need to know a few thigns:
Is this a grindy game? cause I've been grinding like crazy and I'm getting my ass kicked by a boss, like I understand the whole combat system with getting additional moves by using "super effective" moves but this boss just starts critting left and right and I get my ass kicked.
No, not really. Don't grind to level up unless you really want a fusion that's unavailable by a level. If you're getting killed easily, it generally means you need to look at what's wrong with your team and restructure, not level up. Try to avoid having demons who are weak to the boss's spells, use demons who have his weakness, and get as many buffs/debuffs as you can.
Yup, with the exception of personas spinoff, mainstay smt are based not only on weakness/strength, but also on the whole buff/debuff thing..No, not really. Don't grind to level up unless you really want a fusion that's unavailable by a level. If you're getting killed easily, it generally means you need to look at what's wrong with your team and restructure, not level up. Try to avoid having demons who are weak to the boss's spells, use demons who have his weakness, and get as many buffs/debuffs as you can.
Because this fucker is somehow dealing 400 damage to me when I have immunity to physical and magical damage
If your entire party has this, the AI will start Megido spam. So you will die very fast. All late game bosses do this.
Also for this boss, its good to have someone that Null a status ailment.
So uh, is there some way of beating this bullshit boss King Kenji or is the game just done right here? Because this fucker is somehow dealing 400 damage to me when I have immunity to physical and magical damage. This is ridiculous. This is the problem with this fucking game. I go up and up and up in levels and fuse and fuse and fuse demons, learn the fucking rules and then it's all for fucking nothing because the boss kills my entire team in 1 hit, begging the question of why he gets FIVE FUCKING TURNS.
So pissed.
Kenji is one of the game's last major roadblocks. You're gonna need a party full of high-HP demons and at least one with a Null ailment skill(and you would preferably carry one too.)Ancient curse is nullified if the target is immune to any of the ailments it inflicts. I'd also advise you to make sure one of his elements can hit without a press-turn penalty (make your demons merely resist his attacks instead of being fully immune.) If you null/absorb/reflect all of them Kenji will just resort to spamming almighty attacks at full power, as opposed to him launching resisted attacks that are much more manageable.
Reflecting his attacks is the only way I can even hurt him, though. Nothing does even 100 damage to the guy.
Hm. I'm assuming you've made use of buffs/debuffs and charged magic attacks? If you're doing that little damage even with those you may be underleveled. And as mentioned above, Kenji should have an elemental weakness.
I have no idea what a charged magic attack is. I doubt I've ever even seen or had such an ability. I'm hitting him with stuff like Zanmadyne and Maragion and dealing 90 damage at most.
Charge is a skill that more than doubles the damage dealt by physical attacks.
Concentrate is similar but for magic attacks.
I have no idea what a charged magic attack is. I doubt I've ever even seen or had such an ability. I'm hitting him with stuff like Zanmadyne and Maragion and dealing 90 damage at most.
I wish I could unsee the the smile on the Black Samurai's helmet.
EDIT: Killed him, got the Neutral Ending. At least I assume that's what's going on, here.
Who did you meet in the white forest? Or did you just choose to destroy everythingand the game ended right there? If it was the destroy everything ending, that's technically the fourth/"bad" ending, which completely skips over the last part of the game.
IChose not to destroy everything and met Stephen Hawking in the Forest. I'm currently hunting down the White before continuing on to save the world in my own way. Which is good, because so far nobody has had any good plans for saving the world. This plan to revive a Goddess of Tokyo seems sound, though. By which I mean I don't trust it, either, because why would replacing one God with another change anything?
And as for the spoilter.:A flaw in the fabric of reality has driven the Abrahamic God (who is the chief god in power in the SMT universe.) insane. This isn't really explained in IV aside from DLC which touches on it.
That's not really a spoiler. It's based on an off-hand comment from an old interview and hasn't really ever been acknowledged in-game directly. I don't know from where you're getting that the SMTIV DLC references it either.
Anyway, the series also often seems to change the meaning of "meta" elements that should tie the games together, so I wouldn't put much value in those words. I mean, SMT IV's take on Lucifer is very different from what we had seen in previous games and that's an actual character who often makes on screen appearances, not just a hinted at element.There's even the issue of how the Great Will of the Universe and God seem to be considered the same entity in some games, but not the same in others,
Still loving it, but the game is damned hard. Just finally beat Medusa. Got through with most of my demons slaughtered, though. Took a bunch of tries and some luck. And leveling so I could fuse another demon with zan. Three demons with zan and buffing my defense still barely did much of anything against her.
Ah. My bad. I've only played a few installments and seen some supplementary materials so I don't really have the full picture. I was thinking of how The Ancient One of the Sun hasgod outright state that the humans must be eradicated and replaced with his new race, which is basically doomed to be "tainted" by the people of Blasted Tokyo since he didn't see to it that they were properly exterminated. The whole thing came across as completely irrational and self-defeating.
Still loving it, but the game is damned hard. Just finally beat Medusa. Got through with most of my demons slaughtered, though. Took a bunch of tries and some luck. And leveling so I could fuse another demon with zan. Three demons with zan and buffing my defense still barely did much of anything against her.