This raw has been the worst, I hope SD doesn't suffer from them trying to make Raw look good by making sd bad. Like seriously I hope this lands in 1s just because fuck them.Pretty much. WWE would greatly benefit by having an off season. However, since they score monster ratings compared to other programming on the USA network, all they have to do is put out crap like this. Seriously the worst Raw I've seen and that's from seeing bits and pieces.
This raw has been the worst, I hope SD doesn't suffer from them trying to make Raw look good by making sd bad. Like seriously I hope this lands in 1s just because fuck them.
This raw has been the worst, I hope SD doesn't suffer from them trying to make Raw look good by making sd bad. Like seriously I hope this lands in 1s just because fuck them.
Yes, only finishers can end matches...too bad none of the wrestlers have ever figured this out.
I don't remember shit from this shit but last week's was bad too.You think this one is worse than last weeks? I guess thats like asking which turd stinks the most.
The rule of upper midcard and lower states that the match can also end with a rollup.