Speaking of PROGRESS, 250 tickets left for their Brixton show seems pretty good.
The Origin's "we're all best mates" dynamic is a beautiful thing.
Speaking of PROGRESS, 250 tickets left for their Brixton show seems pretty good.
So if I want to get into Progress can I just jump straight in or should I go back a bit?
The Origin's "we're all best mates" dynamic is a beautiful thing.
I'll give it a look, thanks man!Pretty much, the last few shows have been setting up stuff for Brixton.
This years Super Strong Style tournament is probably a good place to start.
You can always go back and do title runs like Jimmy Havoc (Chapter 10-21) Ospreay (20-25) and Scurll (25-Now) later once/if you're into it. It's a lot easier to run through the back catalog than a PWG for example.
The KO situation is weird and parts of it I blame on social media. The, I'm evil but I do this to put food in the table to feed my family doesn't work for the bad guy. Back in the day, they would've had his kid going for the good guy simply to show how real it was and how the kid can't get behind the father being a cheater. This kayfabe shit is too much for me, I need to let it die as they've already done.Still i think... i mean they let him be absolutly not heelish when he wants. You can think it's normal in 2016 to not ask a wrestler to be 100% kayfabe in real life but he's using social network a lot and clearly doesn't give a shit about acting heel or not. he's just natural.
All i say is he won't act like a pure cheating devilish heel i think. Maybe it's for that reason that he wasn't in the loop (seemingly at least). It wasn't the usual screw job finish. it was meant to be a moment of joy. Which makes it interesting for what' coming.
Wait was Roman there?
Dark match. I think next week they start the separate touring though, which I believe is stupid. Why hold a live event the night one of your program are live on tv? Give them a night off, it won't hurt.Wait was Roman there?
The KO situation is weird and parts of it I blame on social media. The, I'm evil but I do this to put food in the table to feed my family doesn't work for the bad guy. Back in the day, they would've had his kid going for the good guy simply to show how real it was and how the kid can't get behind the father being a cheater. This kayfabe shit is too much for me, I need to let it die as they've already done.
Poor Ligero. When's he gonna get a steady employment?
Damn guy needs a solid contract somewhere so he can stop hustling so hard. He's the BJ Whitmer of EuropeI mean he's working 200 times a week
When you say he tells everyone he's not acting as a heel, is this in interviews?But this is also about Owens always telling everyone he's not acting as a heel. he refuses to say that. He's acting naturally as a tweener actually so for him there is no limitation between the two.
Now.. What will WWE do with that. They respected it for now, but as a champ ? That also means as a heel he shouldn't have an over moveset. He should do more headlocks etc.. -__- And of course he shouldn't look strong. Which they've been pretty good at showing in the last weeks already.. Maybe it will be the contrary and now that he's a champ he'll be super Owens who could beat Cena clean.
2 hours + 30 minutes cause Talking Smack is must-seeI know it's been driven into the ground but goddamn Raw is too long. Smackdown at 2 hours feels pretty much perfectly paced.
When you say he tells everyone he's not acting as a heel, is this in interviews?
Or maybe he's not aware that he's the bad guy. Maybe he believes he's really a good guy but the audience perceives him as the bad person?
Damn guy needs a solid contract somewhere so he can stop hustling so hard. He's the BJ Whitmer of Europe
What I'm trying to say to your obtuse ass is that he needs a REAL promotion to make an investment in him. Plus he's far better than Whitmer, that's an easy gimme there.BJ got bookings outside of ROH??
Why don't wrestlers name moves after themselves like Tazplex or Steinerline
Why don't wrestlers name moves after themselves like Tazplex or Steinerline
Why don't wrestlers name themselves after moves?
"Hailing from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 197 pounds - The Hurrincanrana!!!"
The Razor's Edge is a good indie name
ohWhat I'm trying to say to your obtuse ass is that he needs a REAL promotion to make an investment in him. Plus he's far better than Whitmer, that's an easy gimme there.
Ligero is underappreciated. Hope he gets his Ciampa moment (and probably a better comparison, Ciampa wrestled anywhere forever)
So how did smackdown handle the Daniel Bryan and miz stuff?
When you say he tells everyone he's not acting as a heel, is this in interviews?
Or maybe he's not aware that he's the bad guy. Maybe he believes he's really a good guy but the audience perceives him as the bad person?
So how did smackdown handle the Daniel Bryan and miz stuff?
They re-ran the segment before the show which led to Shane telling DBry not to talk to talent that way, blah blah blah. Of course DBry calls him out on the Brock thing.
It culminates with Miz doing a promo in the ring and Ziggler coming out and challenging him right there, to show he's not a coward.
It's a Ziggler feud.
I can deal with this in a way.Owens' character always seemed, to me, to have the perception that he wasn't the bad guy. During the entire Sami Zayn feud, even dating back to NXT, he took the stance of "what I did wasn't personal it was business. Sami's the one who made it personal".
Fuck this! These new jabronis come in thinking they can just disrupt what we've had going on for ages. Motherfucker has no respect!In interview, not kayfabe interviews, he tells people i don't really like to be a heel or a face, i just act the more naturally i can and try to stick to a coherent personality..
The venue emptied amid hypocrisy about blood and sponsors, and about WWEs defense from its class-action concussion lawsuits and the ridiculous elbows thrown directly at Ortons head. The few lingering behind were reminded who was ultimately responsible for all this as the giant scoreboard video screen switched to colored bars and the overlay text read: VINCE
Why don't wrestlers name moves after themselves like Tazplex or Steinerline
Because when they do all you get are comments about Vince feeding it into their ears and it being cringe worthy like the Becksploder.Why don't wrestlers name moves after themselves like Tazplex or Steinerline
Fox , you got the shoot of the month wrong , this was the real shoot of the month.
Fox , you got the shoot of the month wrong , this was the real shoot of the month.
Why don't wrestlers name moves after themselves like Tazplex or Steinerline
Awww look at the little wal mart toy
The network cut of that ppv was eh, I remember the vhs having the aftermath with Bret's tantrum and shit. So when I rewatched, I was confused.Survivor Series 1997
Good sweet lord, the traditional Survivor Series matches stunk up the place this year. You had the one where they shoehorned two tag team feuds into a Survivor Series match, the one where they shoehorned gang warfare chapter # 1,609 into a match, the one where they got the rest of The Hart Foundation on a card vs a thrown together Team USA with a new guy in Steve Blackman, and finally, the one where they did another gang warfare thing with LOD vs Nation Of Domination. These all ranged from terrible to just kind of there. This left us with 3 actual matches on the PPV and these weren't bad at all.
You had Mankind trying to break down the wall that is Kane. Kane truly is a monster here and he is put over as an unstoppable force. Mankind is the perfect foil as someone who will keep coming back for more. Next you have Stone Cold getting his revenge on Owen. This is kind of just a brawl and then you have a Stunner out of nowhere to give Stone Cold the belt. Finally.....finally....we have the rematch of the century. HBK vs Bret in a match that has so much heat it's nuclear. These guys are all over the place and early on you can tell the refs are giving them a lot of leeway as they're brawling all over the place. It's a pure six slobberknocker. Then they get it to the ring and it's kind of an actual match. Bret works over HBK a lot until HBK turns it around and into a sharpshooter and the finish happens. To this day it's one of the more awkward finishes I have ever seen in a match. Earl calls for the bell, Bret looks pissed as fuck and they rush HBK out while he also looks a little pissed off. You can actually see Bret spit on Vince in the aftermath, but it's mostly a confusing chain of events that you don't really understand without hindsight and all of the exposition that has happened since.
I personally feel like Bret worked himself into a shoot by not wanting to do the finish Vince wanted to set up. He let his ego get the best of him and he thought the integrity of the Hitman character was above the bigger picture. I'm not saying what Vince did was right, but he was in a spot where he had a major player leaving his company and refusing to co-operate on the way out.
As an overall show, this wasn't good. The Survivor Series matches were kind of eh, and the best matches of the night were all brawls. There were some good brawls here, and a must watch point of wrasslin' history, but overall I give the show a C.
Nope, he's off. It's just that he's appearing at shows he was listed as appearing at before the second season was greenlit.
The network cut of that ppv was eh, I remember the vhs having the aftermath with Bret's tantrum and shit. So when I rewatched, I was confused.
Brock is way dumber. Shibata set up a hot feud with Noah , while Brock set a feud with Shane.I'm not sure if this or Brock's elbows were dumber but Shibata came off as 100x more badass, which I suppose is the intended effect.
For WM18 Vince really didn't have anything better for Austin other then going against Nash and Scott?
I there's a way you could find that original cut. If you have a blockbuster, see if they still have it!I might have to search the tubes and find that.
You'd be delighted to know that Vince wanted him to job to Scott to continue the feud!For WM18 Vince really didn't have anything better for Austin other then going against Nash and Scott?