Russo would say those are just internet nimrods in the crowd. He said today that casual fans would look at Kevin Owens and go "who is that?" The casual audience knew who David Arquette was.
I'm not going to lie: I am a Alberto Del Rio mark and him leaving stings. He had a great look, theme, in-ring. Was booked to shit and back. I doubt he ever steps back into a WWE ring.
I still don't know who David Arquette was apart from being in that terrible WCW film I've been told to never watch.
It can be said for everyone in the roster anyway...
Khlo, you wouldn't understand bro....sure.
I don't get what anyone saw in ADR at least with his WWE work. His character was boring. His mic work was nothing beyond mediocre. You could visibly tell when Del Rio didn't give a shit. His in-ring work also noticeably declined when he stopped giving a shit. Plus Del Rio basically never got over.
every month is Nashtember
He needed Ricardo Rodriguez back for his return instead of the shitty Mexi-America angle.I don't get what anyone saw in ADR at least with his WWE work. His character was boring. His mic work was nothing beyond mediocre. You could visibly tell when Del Rio didn't give a shit. His in-ring work also noticeably declined when he stopped giving a shit. Plus Del Rio basically never got over.
How was much did you end up paying for it?
Khlo, you wouldn't understand bro.
Once I saw charactuhs, I couldn't help but read in Dusty's voiceLook, bro you see it's all about CHARACTUHS. I created CHARACTUHS and Dave was a great actor so he was a great CHARACTUH. Kevin Owens, he looks like a fan and bro, if I showed MY KIDS a picture of Kevin Owens they would probably tell me he needed to lay off the HAWT DAWGS aahahah, isn't that right Disco?
Dark match. I think next week they start the separate touring though, which I believe is stupid. Why hold a live event the night one of your program are live on tv? Give them a night off, it won't hurt.
Vince McMahon is a truly wonderful commentator.
I'm tellin ya. Quality moments.
Not surprised Sephzilla continues to bring up his gif trash bin which is only full of bad Attitude Era jiffs. smh.
I'd like to sit that young man down and force him to watch some WCW PPVs with Dusty Rhodes on commentary.
I'm not going to sit here and be berated by a man who can't even keep his own word
Kris Wolf has such a fantastically expressive face. She is the future
She's been in Japan for a bit, so when (if) she comes back to America, the world is her oyster.
I want Booker back on commentary. Booker is wonderful.
hey Sunny
SHUCKY DUCKYI want Booker back on commentary. Booker is wonderful.
to each their own.
She looks like a poor man's...
He's simply irresistible, I have no idea why they demoted him.I want Booker back on commentary. Booker is wonderful.
Ohhh okay, thanks for clearing that up. I thought they were going to be touring the same night as a Raw or SD.I think they are - sure I read somebody (Bekcy?) saying that the split means they get an extra night off a week.
He's simply irresistible, I have no idea why they demoted him.
Ohhh okay, thanks for clearing that up. I thought they were going to be touring the same night as a Raw or SD.
Booker is the worst. On commentary, in the ring and on the pre-show. Motherfucker should be calling numbers in a bingo hall
Get out of here you hhh loving motherfucker!
Here's a real woman.
Hey. Hey. You forgot doing the best version of HBK's theme.his stupid dance move was more over than him, and the highlights of his career was getting fucked by HHH and beaten up in a grocery store.
That list of shooters is worthless without Dave Mastiff.
That list of shooters is worthless without Dave Mastiff.
Here's a real woman.
Who is David Arquette?
"alright Chuck now look into the camera..."
That looks really cool but goddamn it also looks Seth Rollins level unsafe. Look at KO's head during this