Brock is way dumber. Shibata set up a hot feud with Noah , while Brock set a feud with Shane.
Oh I meant in terms of performer safety. No doubt this NOAH thing is going to be hot.
Brock is way dumber. Shibata set up a hot feud with Noah , while Brock set a feud with Shane.
For WM18 Vince really didn't have anything better for Austin other then going against Nash and Scott?
I think all that sped up him wanting to leave. Not just Brock stuff.
this was soon after
Gonna be awkward when big bad heel Owens likely gets "You Deserve It" chants because that's slowly becoming the most annoying chant ever.
Not a fan of how Austin was used after WM17 was he losing his pop?
I mean why wouldn't you save Brock v Austin for the final round of the tournament? There was history with Rock, Austin, and Taker within the last year for Austin so they easily could've teased Austin possibly facing one of them at SS. But you have a new beast in the company who is hungry and wants to be where Austin was! They were stupid for thinking Austin wanted to job on Raw when it's a clear cut ppv money match.I think all that sped up him wanting to leave. Not just Brock stuff.
this was soon after
I mean why wouldn't you save Brock v Austin for the final round of the tournament? There was history with Rock, Austin, and Taker within the last year for Austin so they easily could've teased Austin possibly facing one of them at SS. But you have a new beast in the company who is hungry and wants to be where Austin was! They were stupid for thinking Austin wanted to job on Raw when it's a clear cut ppv money match.
Unless his promo celebrating it next week involves Triple H taking the talk-time (which probably will happen), I figure they'll repeat them.He already got them before Raw went off the air. And he does.
I don't even think they thought it that, probably weren't even thinking of it. Before Austin walked out, you still had Vince & Flair with they 50-50 control thing but as soon as they found out he was out, they wrapped up the storyline abruptly.But if he did job on raw, think about what the rematch would've been like. How is Austin going to get his revenge on this gigantic person?
Fuck Vince for having my favs job to fuckboi Lenser just to get finessed 2 years later
I there's a way you could find that original cut. If you have a blockbuster, see if they still have it!
Remember when Tana worked an injury angle into the entire G1
This motherfucker don't look injured.
Ah good old Daily Motion.
Remember when Tana worked an injury angle into the entire G1
This motherfucker don't look injured.
Yes! GFW is partnering with The Tennessee State Fair lmfao! I may go next week.
Glorious.Remember when Tana worked an injury angle into the entire G1
This motherfucker don't look injured.
Remember when Tana worked an injury angle into the entire G1
This motherfucker don't look injured.
Gold? I'm trying to get a contractMake sure to buy some gold
Is he lying?"David Arquette was more over than Kevin Owens will ever be."
- Today's Vince Russo podcast
He was injured enough to miss Dominion, which I flew all the way to Japan to see. Tana worked me hard.
Man, my Stardom subscription has absolutely paid for itself. I've been loving what they have on there. Just wish there was more discussion about it here. Waaaah.
Kris Wolf has a bright future.
Is he lying?
Remember when Tana worked an injury angle into the entire G1
This motherfucker don't look injured.
Low quality bait. KO gets one of the best pops consistently."David Arquette was more over than Kevin Owens will ever be."
- Today's Vince Russo podcast
OP, please add Russo's picture to the list of shooters.
How was it? Im thinking about going to a show when I go to japan.
Low quality bait. KO gets one of the best pops consistently.
"David Arquette was more over than Kevin Owens will ever be."
- Today's Vince Russo podcast
OP, please add Russo's picture to the list of shooters.
"David Arquette was more over than Kevin Owens will ever be."
- Today's Vince Russo podcast
OP, please add Russo's picture to the list of shooters.
Bret gonna be pissed that Seth looks just like him.Don't. That is just a weak troll attempt to get people to talk about him.
I also found this cartoon funny:
I don't believe it. Russo is right, he's responsible for the biggest period ever. He knows who is and isn't over. I SWARE TO GAHD!...yes? KO has been on on top of drawing house show cards, NXT tours/PPVs (like last year's Takeover: Brooklyn which sold out) and European circuits.
How would you guys rate Vince as a commentator? He's no Jim Ross, but I feel like he's very underrated and he knew how to carry the broadcast. On a good day, he could keep you interested in even the most mundane jobber matches. I feel like his value is underrated because he was followed by one of the best announce teams in all of wrestling. Going back though and watching those years he called Raw, he was pretty damn good.
That cartoon is too damn accurateDon't. That is just a weak troll attempt to get people to talk about him.
I also found this cartoon funny:
I don't believe it. Russo is right, he's responsible for the biggest period ever. He knows who is and isn't over. I SWARE TO GAHD!
Low quality bait. KO gets one of the best pops consistently.
How was much did you end up paying for it?It was great. Definitely preferred sitting in a Japanese crowd to the typical American crowds. I was hugely disappointed when I found out the Tana/Omega ladder match wasn't gonna happen and Tana was being replaced by Elgin, who I'm not high on at all, but the match ended up being great.
How would you guys rate Vince as a commentator? He's no Jim Ross, but I feel like he's very underrated and he knew how to carry the broadcast. On a good day, he could keep you interested in even the most mundane jobber matches. I feel like his value is underrated because he was followed by one of the best announce teams in all of wrestling. Going back though and watching those years he called Raw, he was pretty damn good.
Russo would say those are just internet nimrods in the crowd. He said today that casual fans would look at Kevin Owens and go "who is that?" The casual audience knew who David Arquette was.
He never sounded genuine. Had an annoying habit of compressing his voice when he was supposed to be loud. I am sort of nostalgic for some of his calls I suppose.
Vince McMahon was not a very good commentator mostly because he sounded so goddamn artificial when it came to being excited. Like, I totally understand trying to put over talent. But when Man Mountain Rock is playing guitar after a match and McMahon is acting like he's watching Jesus Christ have a jam session with Jimi Hendrix it loses any sense of authenticity and it comes across so blatantly as a promoter trying to get a talent over. Vince on commentary needed to learn that sometimes less is more.
Russo would say those are just internet nimrods in the crowd. He said today that casual fans would look at Kevin Owens and go "who is that?" The casual audience knew who David Arquette was.
Vince McMahon was not a very good commentator mostly because he sounded so goddamn artificial when it came to being excited. Like, I totally understand trying to put over talent. But when Man Mountain Rock is playing guitar after a match and McMahon is acting like he's watching Jesus Christ have a jam session with Jimi Hendrix it loses any sense of authenticity and it comes across so blatantly as a promoter trying to get a talent over. Vince on commentary needed to learn that sometimes less is more.