"I got him over"Cedric is so ridiculously better than he was in ROH. It's mind-blowing really.
"I got him over"Cedric is so ridiculously better than he was in ROH. It's mind-blowing really.
Lol"I got him over"
Cedric is so ridiculously better than he was in ROH. It's mind-blowing really.
You should go back and watch it imho. Some amazing matches. Tonight is on another level but not by much.I wonder if it's a good thing I haven't seen the rest of the CWC yet.
I'm not having the kind of visceral reaction to the crowd some of you are having.
I've never actually seen a match, are the Briscoes actually good?Why give it your all in a promotion that is going to forever build around two homophobic hillbillies?
He just didn't want to be exclusively tied to one company. I'm sure he would've signed if they would've let him still wrestle in Japan, but WWE don't play that.
I don't think Perkins is bad, but I would never judge him based on a match with Ibushi. Ibushi can, and literally has, made a match with a blow up doll look good.
I've seen Ibushi have great matches against inanimate objects. Not saying Perkins is bad, but judging his quality based on a match with Ibushi is dumb
Fuckin Star Wars now?!
Also inb4 anyone posts "I told you so" about Full Sail. You're worse than them!
I've never actually seen a match, are the Briscoes actually good?
His matches with the blowup doll were impressive and fun, not legitimately great or exciting. Ibushi can have subpar matches when he's in with bad opposition. You don't have a match that good with an actual person who is any worse than great. I know, because I've seen Ibushi have bad matches with Fale.
I've never actually seen a match, are the Briscoes actually good?
Fuckin Star Wars now?!
Also inb4 anyone posts "I told you so" about Full Sail. You're worse than them!
Dude's gonna go in the WWE HOF next to the Brooklyn Brawler.
I've never actually seen a match, are the Briscoes actually good?
I am so done with Full Sail.
Yeah its nice to have a crowd of people who want to see wrestling as opposed to the raw crowds with divorcee parents bringing their kids to raw while everyone stres at their phone but this is the worst.
There has to be a solution.
What's up with the Darth Vader theme?
Has anyone ever had a good match with Fale though
The final might be even better than that considering they will probably have significantly more time.
But I can't even imagine what a better match would look like.
Has anyone ever had a good match with Fale though
A real wrassler' would have called an audible an played heel.
Any matches that immediately stand out as must-sees?Absolutely. They've had some truly great matches as a team and as individuals.
Oh damn! I think we have our new phenom!Let's go CIAMPA
Any matches that immediately stand out as must-sees?
Let's go CIAMPA
JamesEllsworthAMA130 points 4 hours ago
Outstanding because I loved all of those guys. I am actually friends with Gillberg,
I trained at his school for a bit. I am happy to be the new 'job' guy, and it's just amazing to me.
Thing with TJ is all his matches have been great these past few weeks, not just tonights
Straight up PWG tag match here.