Velcro Fly
That is some low hanging fruit but KO did it pretty well
PWInsider says GFW trademarks are still listed as owned by Global Force Wrestling LLC
If Jarrett's gone completely, they're gone too. Because he still owns them. And
there are no words anymore to describe TNA
He said things might have been better for everyone if Shane didn't survive the plane crash.What happened
Did he threaten him with a plane crash, Warrior style??
What happened
Did he threaten him with a plane crash, Warrior style??
What happened
Did he threaten him with a plane crash, Warrior style??
He said things might have been better for everyone if Shane didn't survive the plane crash.
LmaoKevin talked about his kids, Shane told him not to do that. Then Kevin proceeds to talk about the Heli crash Shane had, how everyone in his family wished he wouldn't have survived, including his kids. Then Shane goes awol
I forgot you marks watch this shit live.
Bryan selling "disappointed father" better than anyone.
I apologize to anybody who kept using the letters TNA
TNA never died because TNA cannot die, TNA will never die
Meltz is the most jacked guy there.Dave Meltzer hangs out with a bunch of indie wresltlers
Looks like a hoot
I guess the KO vs Shane match is going to be for control of Smackdown. Owens as GM seems fun for a few months - up until the Rumble at least.
Carmella right now is the most successful compared to Cass and enzo.