Lately I have suspicions that we have been seeing many alt accounts and didn’t think they were allowed , I‘m not naming names or pointing fingers but think if ALT’s are approved should have some sort of tag like we do now for when someone wants to change there name to know who they were/are. Personally I don’t think alts should be allowed due to the fact they can be abused and it’s confusing for members of the GAF community who like to communicate with one another.
Now I have no proof and could be 100% wrong like I am many times but input from GAF and maybe the Mod‘s can chime in and clear up any suspicions have a discussions about them.
I could just be paranoid or crazy but generally go with what my instincts tell me.
So GAF and Mod’s lets do this.
For some reason you think I'm an alternate used by

Send me your thesis for when I wake up (if I don't die that is)