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Should I buy a gaming PC?

David B

An Idiot
I have a good list here of why Windows PC is better than Mac. I am on an iMac right now and I have no more room for consoles or game discs at all, my whole room is taken up. I got room to walk around sure, I ain't no horder. Never been either. But I wrote my own 15 reasons why PC is better than Mac. Here's my written article copy and pasted here.
Reasons why Windows is better than Mac OS.

1. There’s no option in the finder window for documents. Not even in the custom side menu options for the finder!

2. Macs are more expensive than Windows PCs. I’ve gone over it over 20 times. PCs are always cheaper!

3. You can game on Windows and get more games on Windows! Steam, Epic, EA.

4. The minimize, maximize, and close option are on the left instead of the right. Plus, the close button doesn’t really close, the real way to close is you have to top bar and click the application name and then press quit which is irritating!

5. Intel core i7, i9, xeon, and AMD Risen R7, R9, and thread ripper give more performance and are better than Apple M series ARM processors.

6. You can customize a PC by adding more ram, changing out the GPU, CPU, hard drive, the motherboard, the power adaptor, and even adding a DVD drive! You can’t do any of these on Mac with there M processors.

7. There are more options on Windows PCs. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, and many more. Also more options of how powerful it is.

8. There are more freeware programs available for Windows.

9. Windows has a big backwards compatibility! DirectX is supported a lot because Microsoft made it. Got old games? DirectX 1 to 11 is all there, just instantly accept the installation of it.

10. The Apple mouse is kind of odd. One click, no second click, no wheel!

11. There are more developers on Windows and thus more application programs are available on it.

12. There are no USB3 inputs on Macs. Sure the Mac mini, but that’s it. All the other Macs only have thunderbolt4 which uses the same technology as USB-C. So you have to buy a stupid add on just so you can use an external hard drive or hook up a printer or anything else!

13. Windows has snap so you can snap your applications to fill screen, left, right, 3rd of screen and other options. Mac doesn’t have that at all!

14. PCs offer more options to select your device’s screen size, resolution, thinness, touchscreen capabilities, port types, and color.

15. PCs have more ports in general. USB3, USB2, ethernet, HDMI, display port, and more USB inputs than Macs have ever had.

Spec for spec, PCs are ALWAYS CHEAPER!!!
First, you don't buy a Mac to play games on it. Never.
Second, your reasons why PC is "better" are silly. Don't fool yourself. Use the right tools for the right kinds of work.
Being all digital on the PC platform can be very space saving, yes. So if that's a priority for you, then you might be on the right track.
Windows is probably the biggest drawback to gaming on PC. There no real alternative to it, but Linux has been getting better and maybe a second option in the future.
If you don't like clutter from owning tons of game cases and have the money for the right PC for your personal needs, i'd say go for it.


I thought this thread was gonna be between PC and Consoles.

Of course 💯 PC over Mac any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Neo Member
Lmao OK let's play:

1. Finder has quick-view with the space bar, there's no such thing in Windows Explorer. You can't even view a PDF file in 2023. And yes, there is a dedicated Documents folder in Finder.

2. Yeah cheaper means always better, doesn't it? I'd take crappy and bendy plastic over beautifully machined aluminum any day, right?

3. You can't do any actual reliable work that's anything else other than gaming without the hassle of infinite drivers breaking, dlls conflicting, and BSoD on Windows.

4. Driving on the left side of the road is so irritating, isn't it? I wonder how people have managed to get used to something like this? The close window button does exactly that: it closes a window, and NOT quitting the application itself. How weird is that?

5. The M processors consume orders of magnitude less power for the same performance values, thus giving me a battery life to die for. Also let's just take audio latency as a measurement for "better" and it's not even close. The M smokes even the latest offerings from Intel and AMD.

6. You can't cosplay as a fantasy engineer and mess with the internals of a machine, huh. Maybe that's why a lot of these basement-dweller-built ones run and look like RGB barf.

7. More crap to swift through as far as options of manufacturers. Never mind having something straight-forward and working, I want to be overwhelmed with options that barely function!

8. Freeware, nice! I always wanted to use freeware programs, like... which ones exactly? WinRAR, wait that's not freeware... Oh I know, Audacity! That's the one! No? Maybe something that'll animate my wallpaper to match my RGB build, YES! Now I can do some real work/ play some real games!

9. Do you ever wish your system was bloated with 32bit or hell even DOS dependencies just for the fun of it? Let's have hundreds of thousands of dll files in there, PUT THEM ALL IN.

10. The Apple mouse's big features are horizontal scrolling and swiping. Also you wouldn't be able to do that if it was taller, and that's why a lot of XxxXSlayer69XxxX avatars grip it with their palm like a gaming mouse and wonder why it feels awkward. The moment you realise how the swiping gestures can be used in different scrolling circumstances, the whole game changes.

11. More developers!!! Give me MORE. I want Bit Defender 5, and McAfee TOTAL PROTECTION 6, and Norton 720 DAMNIT!

12. I just wish I could use my PS2 port printer from 1991, it was just the best. I simply won't buy a modern laser one that also has a scanner and perhaps it's wifi and will spare me another cable, I JUST WON'T!

13. macOS can snap windows in fullscreen, just like an iPad. Hover over the green button for options. But it also has Stage Manager and so many gestures you can employ to handle windows on your screen. None of which are present on Windows.

Let's do 14, 15, and your conclusion together because I'm getting bored already. Yay ports! Yay touchscreens! Really, USB2 ports in 2023?, there's no better touchscreen than iPads, there's no better screen thinness than Macbooks' (for the specs) and overall build quality. And let's not even touch battery life and power consumption.


Aside from gaming with shader stutters and on increasingly worse PC ports of games, and Windows losing momentum to consoles (and even to Linux lol), everything else is arguably a better user experience of a Personal Computer on macOS. From audio to video, to portability to battery life, from UI design to fonts, pretty much everything is of higher quality from Apple's offerings. Sure this comes with a $$$ premium, but what doesn't these days?


Over a Mac absolutely. Like there is no question for gaming.

I have a gaming PC but if I was getting into the gaming space today I'd go PS5, good exclusives and less hassles, but then again gamepass on xbox is really good value. However PC you have advantages like keysites which gives you about a 20-30 percent discount on day 1 releases and free online. The fact that consoles charge you for basic online functionality is just lol. Also gamepass PC

Also PC has the biggest library of games, emulation, mods...
Definitely don't get a Mac for a gaming system. Even for productivity I would not get a Mac. I did it in 2013 for 2 years and I hated everything about it.


They are two different use cases. Gaming then get a windows PC no question, however Windows is not better than MAC OS, different tools different jobs.
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Gold Member
If you want a gaming machine, don't want consoles and the other option is a Mac, then there is no contest. PC wins by a huge margin.


Neo Member
I have a good list here of why Windows PC is better than Mac. I am on an iMac right now and I have no more room for consoles or game discs at all, my whole room is taken up. I got room to walk around sure, I ain't no horder. Never been either. But I wrote my own 15 reasons why PC is better than Mac. Here's my written article copy and pasted here.
Reasons why Windows is better than Mac OS.

1. There’s no option in the finder window for documents. Not even in the custom side menu options for the finder!

2. Macs are more expensive than Windows PCs. I’ve gone over it over 20 times. PCs are always cheaper!

3. You can game on Windows and get more games on Windows! Steam, Epic, EA.

4. The minimize, maximize, and close option are on the left instead of the right. Plus, the close button doesn’t really close, the real way to close is you have to top bar and click the application name and then press quit which is irritating!

5. Intel core i7, i9, xeon, and AMD Risen R7, R9, and thread ripper give more performance and are better than Apple M series ARM processors.

6. You can customize a PC by adding more ram, changing out the GPU, CPU, hard drive, the motherboard, the power adaptor, and even adding a DVD drive! You can’t do any of these on Mac with there M processors.

7. There are more options on Windows PCs. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, and many more. Also more options of how powerful it is.

8. There are more freeware programs available for Windows.

9. Windows has a big backwards compatibility! DirectX is supported a lot because Microsoft made it. Got old games? DirectX 1 to 11 is all there, just instantly accept the installation of it.

10. The Apple mouse is kind of odd. One click, no second click, no wheel!

11. There are more developers on Windows and thus more application programs are available on it.

12. There are no USB3 inputs on Macs. Sure the Mac mini, but that’s it. All the other Macs only have thunderbolt4 which uses the same technology as USB-C. So you have to buy a stupid add on just so you can use an external hard drive or hook up a printer or anything else!

13. Windows has snap so you can snap your applications to fill screen, left, right, 3rd of screen and other options. Mac doesn’t have that at all!

14. PCs offer more options to select your device’s screen size, resolution, thinness, touchscreen capabilities, port types, and color.

15. PCs have more ports in general. USB3, USB2, ethernet, HDMI, display port, and more USB inputs than Macs have ever had.

Spec for spec, PCs are ALWAYS CHEAPER!!!

Yes as far as gaming is concerned its essentially a "no-brainer." i made the jump maybe about 4 years ago and i dont regret it, not even in the slightest. Best gaming decision i've made this decade.
Quick question for pc gamers: what would be the requirements to run a game like, say, FFXVI when it gets ported, and how much would it cost?


Quick question for pc gamers: what would be the requirements to run a game like, say, FFXVI when it gets ported, and how much would it cost?
Just the tower, my guess is going to be around 2k, but Square Enix PC ports have always been kind of bad, so it might end up costing $2,500 or 3k. Most of it is going to be your GPU. I never really go for value builds though, so I could be way off. But figure 4080 is what, $1,200-$1,400? If you want a screen, speakers, and stuff it will add up quickly.


Neo Member
Quick question for pc gamers: what would be the requirements to run a game like, say, FFXVI when it gets ported, and how much would it cost?
So right now the most popular GPU, or the most common GPU on Steam (according to their data) is the Nvidia RTX 3060. Mind you, it is an entry level card but it can run MOST titles just fine. And if past releases are to serve as an indicator for future ports....Yeah i wouldnt really go with anything less than a 3080 if you can afford it. 4080 for the sake of future proofing. Avoid the 3070's and 4070's if you can. You should be able to run that game on lower/medium settings on an entry level RTX card (or Radeon Equivalent)

As far as processing power is concerned, i wouldnt mess with anything less than 8 physical cores. So 10th Gen i7(or AMD equivalent) and beyond you should be okay.

To play a bleeding edge AAA title, even if its a port, is going to cost upwards of 1700 for the tower if you build it yourself. then your gonna need the appropriate monitor, which could run anywhere from 150-700.

And when you go that big....just go ahead and get 32 GB of ram
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Those prices for a PC that can run FFXVI maybe with shipment prices for some place like Antarctica.
IDK man, based on my experience, if you're going 1440p or 4k, you'll need at least a 3080 or a 4070, and around a 12600k, that's about 1k, plus case, cooler, decent PSU, that's about another 500-700, plus storage, that is around 100-200 minimum, plus ram and a mobo, 300-400? If you're just going to go 1080p, you can probably get away with a lot less, but I don't think that is a "console" experience.


ChatGPT 0.1
Gaming pc fans operate like mental hospital patients the hobby is thought of as hardcore and they shame consoles for being organized, people loving cool controllers. Consoles you don’t get involved in installing drivers, changing ram whatever.


Gold Member
Might be a little high, but not that much, 100-200 for a case minimum, 50-150 for a CPU cooler, 150-200 for a PSU.

You can easily find a good case for $50 to $60 and a sufficient power supply for under $100. Decent CPU cooler can be had for $30 but you are probably better off spending $50.
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