Three-and-a-half quick points:
1) Personally, I'm a "cat guy," and I don't think there is any stigma in owning one if you're a guy. I like cat personalities more -- probably because they are closer to my own -- and I'm allergic to most dogs, which makes it a no-brainer.
1.5) Could we please knock off the use of "homo?" kthxbye
2) With that being said, do NOT get a pet at this point in your life. All kidding aside -- owning a pet is EXACTLY like having a child, except that pets don't go to college. They require money, time, and attention, and you will find that you have to set your own schedule around theirs. Even worse -- it's a commitment that you will have to accept not just for the immediate future, but for 10-15 years into the future. What happens if you can't afford to care for him/her at some point in the future? What happens when you want to go away for the weekend with friends? What happens when you get a job and have to be away for 8+ hours a day? What happens if that job sends you away on travel for a week or more? Get a pet when your life settles down a bit...but why limit your options now?
3) When you DO get a pet, I wholeheartedly endorse "Jinx" or "Jinxy." 'Nuff said.