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Should I get a cat?

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Chili Con Carnage!
I think if my cats were stuck in the house for 15-20 years they'd probably be praying for death by the end, i do see your point though, its only natural to want to protect your pets.
the back of our house is a traffic routes for cats. I guess its different when u live in a rather rural area of the emerald isle :p At night u know when they are coming because they set the security light off


Count of Concision
demon said:
Why do people keep telling me to get a dog when I clearly stated in the thread that my apartment does not allow dogs? Did I ever mention anything about dogs otherwise?

Whoops-- I sorta only skimmed the initial post. :p


If I had a choice on getting a cat or pigeon... I would get neither of them... they are both disgusting.

Cats stink, dogs stink, pigeons stink... I love dogs, but they stink. This whole topic stinks! A lot of people stink. Feet normally stink. Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.


"What if you absolutely despise playful, loving children?

Personally, the neediness of dogs irritates me. In contrast, I truly respect the independence that cats have. I think I'm going to get one in a few weeks once I move."

I concur. I have 2 cats. And I absolutely adore them. (Women dig em to!) I truly like the low maintenence and and the fact that they aren't as needy as canines. My cats folow me every where around the house. But if I don't wan't them around i simply tell them to hit and they give me a haughty look down there whiskers and go amuse themselves some where else! Gotta a love em! :D
In all seriousness, no one should get a cat or dog unless they really, really want one. It sounds like this is more your sister's idea than your own. If you're on the fence and need to be talked into getting a cat by a bunch of guys on GAF, it's probably not a good idea in the first place. Especially considering that you just moved into your first apartment.

Take a few months to establish your routine in your new place, see how much you're home, and if you decide you'd really like to have the company, go for it. But don't make the decision based on the sudden availability of this one kitten.


Three-and-a-half quick points:

1) Personally, I'm a "cat guy," and I don't think there is any stigma in owning one if you're a guy. I like cat personalities more -- probably because they are closer to my own -- and I'm allergic to most dogs, which makes it a no-brainer.

1.5) Could we please knock off the use of "homo?" kthxbye

2) With that being said, do NOT get a pet at this point in your life. All kidding aside -- owning a pet is EXACTLY like having a child, except that pets don't go to college. They require money, time, and attention, and you will find that you have to set your own schedule around theirs. Even worse -- it's a commitment that you will have to accept not just for the immediate future, but for 10-15 years into the future. What happens if you can't afford to care for him/her at some point in the future? What happens when you want to go away for the weekend with friends? What happens when you get a job and have to be away for 8+ hours a day? What happens if that job sends you away on travel for a week or more? Get a pet when your life settles down a bit...but why limit your options now?

3) When you DO get a pet, I wholeheartedly endorse "Jinx" or "Jinxy." 'Nuff said.


castrate the cat while you're at it and the cat will definitely moan much less and pee much less on various places in your house.


If you train your cat well, it will never pee outside of it's litterbox. The lady I purchased my cat from did some excellent jobs boxtraining her cats; my cat will be outside and come inside to use his litterbox. Then he'll go back outside and go to sleep.

have it declawed

Nooo.... :( Declawing a cat is the same as if you cut off every one of your fingers at the knuckle.

Anti-declawing articles

Again, it's all about the training. My cat doesn't claw any of the furnature and will only go for his scratching post and the carpet-base. Declawing does not remove the instinct to sharpen claws.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
demon said:
by the way, do male cats behave any differently from female cats?
well if by 'behave any differently' you mean, 'sits outside my window wowing all night to be let in, then when let in, runs out the window and starts wowing outside the window again' then, yes that is how our male cat is different to our two female cats :p

cats are nuts, they do their own thing more than dogs but dont ever think you can try teaching a cat anything! i try telling any of our cats to do something and they look at you as if to say ' get fucked'
julls said:
cats are nuts, they do their own thing more than dogs but dont ever think you can try teaching a cat anything! i try telling any of our cats to do something and they look at you as if to say ' get fucked'

Not true for all cats. My cats will follow me around on command if I make a clicking noise with my tongue. They also know when I'm not happy with them. If I raise my voice they'll stop causing trouble. I swear the little guys know what you're saying. Anyway, all of the cats I've owned (3 persians) have all been very smart, and have great personalities.


cats are nuts, they do their own thing more than dogs but dont ever think you can try teaching a cat anything!

Not necessarily true. Mine can sit and stand on command :) We just have to teach him to roll over and play dead now.

I've owned (3 persians) have all been very smart, and have great personalities.

Perhaps it's the persian breed then. My last cat was just an alley cat, and he wouldn't listen at all. My roomie's cat is a regular 'ol cat too and he's always getting into trouble. My persian though is a wonderful little fellow who listens and knows not to do things that he's not suppose to.

Perhaps persians are just more intelligent than other breeds :D
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