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Should I play ICO


Like seriously... I know this sounds dumb because its an apparently great game (from what Ive heard). But as a fan of videogames and as a firm believer of gaming as an artform... is this really a MUST play game?


-Whats the length of the game?
-How difficult is the game?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

Seriously, just play it.

It's not too terribly long (6-8 hours) and isn't difficult, but the journey is amazing.
Call in advance, but it shouldn't be horribly hard to track down. Just let your fingers do the walking.

Oh and yes.. totally worth playing.
It should last like 8 hours first playthrough.

ANd as many have said here, this game is awesome and is worth playing/owning. I wish I could find this game for a resonable price :(


I don't know what the deal is with everyone's inability to find this game. It's $20 at the local Blockbuster here. The problem is that I don't have a PS2. :(


dark10x said:
What did you do, rush through it?

Nope. I played Prince of Persia first, so the style of play was already familar (yes i know ICO came first). The overall puzzle elements aren't too complex either. Wonderfully artful game though.

If it came to playing PoP for 12 hours, or ICO for 4 hours....ICO all the way


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tenguman said:
Nope. I played Prince of Persia first, so the style of play was already familar (yes i know ICO came first). The overall puzzle elements aren't too complex either. Wonderfully artful game though.

If it came to playing PoP for 12 hours, or ICO for 4 hours....ICO all the way

Damn, you really did bust through it fast then...

I never actually became stuck in ICO, but I certainly did take my time and explore. I believe my final game time was around 8 hours.
Speevy said:
I don't know what the deal is with everyone's inability to find this game. It's $20 at the local Blockbuster here. The problem is that I don't have a PS2. :(

I hear it isn't hard finding in the US. But I'm in Canada, and the game is going to high prices here.
dark10x said:
Damn, you really did bust through it fast then...

I never actually became stuck in ICO, but I certainly did take my time and explore. I believe my final game time was around 8 hours.

THe average player takes about 8 hours (more if they get stuck, less if they rush rather than take their time with the game).


I'm not going to bother reading your post, nor the posts above, all I needed to read was your thread topic and know enough to answer YES


I didn't explore too much. The gameplay sets itself up to be linear in that you are often presented with what exactly you have to do next. I approached it like a Zelda game at first, exploring every nook and cranny -- but found out real quick that there wasn't any real benefit since the game basically points you in the right direction most of the time.

with that, I blew through it rather quickly since the puzzels themselves didn't take too much brain power and it was relatively easy to converse through the world with the control setup.

It pretty much comes down to how quickly you can figure out what you need to do next.

I wouldn't say it took me 4 hours...but closer to 5. I felt I took my time, I certainly wasn't in the mindset of "I want to beat this as fast as I can!". However I'm not the type of person that'll walk instead of run just to make a trip last longer if you know what I mean.

Ill Saint

Hearing most of the "it's real short" comments on the net, I took my time with it and soaked in the atmosphere. 12 of the best gaming hours I've ever spent.


Im the odd man out here. ICO didnt impress me that much. Its not a bad game, some cool puzzles, but im not as enthusiastic about it as some(all) other people are. :/
I finally got a chance to play my copy yesterday at my cousin's house (own 3 PS2 games but no PS2 yet :p) and I loved it. It looked beautiful and is a nice change of pace compared to any other games I have. You should definitely give it a go.

Pedigree Chum: Try heading out to your local Toys R Us (though not every store has it in stock). I bought a copy today for my cousin there for ~$19.99 CAN (and had Zellers pricematch the copy I got 2 weeks ago); it was on sale (few weeks ago it was like $39.99).



+Hyped by GAF
+Semi-interesting ideas
+It ends

-Hyped by GAF
-Bullshit plot
-Boring art-style
-Boring combat
-No real motivation to finish

The score: -2!

worst game this gen


I just bought this game used at ebgames.com for 8 and change plus free shipping with the discounts. It's in great condition.
Leshita said:
I finally got a chance to play my copy yesterday at my cousin's house (own 3 PS2 games but no PS2 yet :p) and I loved it. It looked beautiful and is a nice change of pace compared to any other games I have. You should definitely give it a go.

Pedigree Chum: Try heading out to your local Toys R Us (though not every store has it in stock). I bought a copy today for my cousin there for ~$19.99 CAN (and had Zellers pricematch the copy I got 2 weeks ago); it was on sale (few weeks ago it was like $39.99).

Shit, $20CDN would be awesome. I had a chance to buy it for $40CDN new and passed on it. I'll check out TRU as soon as possible, thanks!


Tag of Excellence

Why would you waste your time playing this game when you could be playing Kung Fu 2? KUNG FU FREAKING 2.


Ok... I got it at Gamerush today... for..


I havent played it... but I dled the beautiful PAL cover already :)

Ill post my thoughts later
I hated Ico too but after olimario picked up a PS2 and posted that pic of Ico and Yoda crossing the bridge, I had this sudden urge to pick up the game and continue. I beat Ico exactly the same time as Oli did and I gotta say its an awesome game.

But there are some dumbass puzzles along the way and you might get stuck. I got stuck at the mirror/sunlight puzzle room.

oh btw play the game and don't get discouraged if you get stuck! Ask us for help :)

the ending is awesome


Best thing happening to gaming. A true work of a genius.

Incredible lighting too:




















Lord Error

Insane For Sony
If so many people likes the game this much, assume there has got to be something to it, and that you should give it a try, regardless if you end up not liking it. In my opinion, Ico is a wonderful game. My favorite ever, actually.

So play it, you'll thanks us later ;)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh, and a tip for you...

If you are using an HDTV, crank the sharpness ALL THE WAY DOWN. If you do so, you should be able to make the game look roughly like those shots just posted in this thread. Obviously, though, the bigger your TV gets...the more pixelated it will become.

Ranger X

There's no reason not playing ICO. Don't ask yourself questions and play it. Even if it's not your type of game you should play if just for your gaming knowledge.


Yes, it's a beautiful game.

Especially if you enjoyed the old Prince of Persia, Flashback, or Heart of Darkness.


I played it for about an hour... its a good game, Im starting to get the feel of it, but then I stopped for the night

Its purrty


Oooh yes another ICO thread! Umm, no frickin' brainer here. YES GO PLAY IT NOW!!!
Greatest game this generation.

Also, try to get the superior European version. It's got a built in 60/50hz selector also.


i just played and finished ico recently...i thought it was good, but not the greatest thing in the universe that's ever happened to videogaming as some people seem to think. whatever it is though, it's short and it's pretty fun, so it's really not asking much when people tell you to play it.
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