Tons of people believe the Earth is flat and that Jesus was born to a virgin impregnated by the Holy Ghost.Tons of people believe in it.
What's a moon sign?No. I've been with two separate Scorpios and they were complete opposites. Same moon sign too, before you try to pull that shit with me.
Checkmate, astrology.
I don't believe in it but it worked out for me I guess and was pretty much dead on, a Cancer married to a Scorpio which produced a Pisces.Tons of people believe in it. It's a thing in astrology to choose a life partner that is compatible with your birth month. For example, if you're a Capricorn you're most compatible with a Taurus.
Do you know anyone who subscribes to this? Are you someone who believes?
I'd like to come into this with an open mind and hear everyone's thoughts.
It's just more nonsense. Sun sign is determined by your day and month of birth - everyone knows their sun sign and assumes that's their zodiac. Moon sign is more complicated and requires time and location. You need both signs, plus a "rising sign" to form your full zodiac. However, the more "complex" astrology gets the more apparent it is you can use it to describe literally any individual.What's a moon sign?
Anyway, I find astrology interesting for the same reason I find Myers-Briggs(also bullshit) interesting. I like to hear people talk about me. I find me interesting. But it's all generic nonsense that cam apply in different people vaguely
When Venus and Saturn are aligned, i have diarrhea.
When Jupiter and Uranus are aligned …something, something Uranus.
But the cosmos is not a mind.If the cosmos is a type of great mind then the form, motion and position of celestial bodies could share that cosmic intellectual quality to a degree with the organic environment of a planet through the local inorganic constituents and the individual of which they are made.
It might not be, there could be a better unified theory of the existence of mind in the cosmos. Only those who know little about these subjects speak with absolute certainty.But the cosmos is not a mind.
Geocentrism is a hell of a drug.
Geocentrism is a hell of a drug.
I haven't mentioned relationships. Which should be addressed.LOL, you believe in astrology and all this non-sense?
I haven't mentioned relationships. Which should be addressed.
It seems unfair to pidgeonhole people with astrology and therefore relationships. Looking back over relationship history might be insightful. It was for me, but I looked at more than alignments with Tropical birth charts.
Not the grifter stuff if that's what you're talking about. I don't buy/sell charts or offer personal advice. If that's all you're exposed to then your reaction is normal.OMG, you do believe in this non-sense.
Not the grifter stuff if that's what you're talking about. I don't buy/sell charts or offer personal advice. If that's all you're exposed to then your reaction is normal.
I've been seeing a lot of necro bumps. I've just assumed that's how this forum operates stop necro bumping retarded threads like this one
If you are attracted to women, learn it anyway because belief in astrology is most prevalent among women:
Gallup poll article.
There used to be more women in Great Britain who believed in witches but thankfully we burnt them all.
That's a red flag besides other more apparent signals like danger and anyone who believes that is retarded. The moment a chick asks me what's my zodiac sign - it's over.
Sadly, pretty much every btgg I've gone for has both of these traits. Zodiac signs(or witchcraft,wicca,pagan all nonsense) and danger hair. If they weren't so damn hot. Sigh. I need a new type.That's a red flag besides other more apparent signals like danger hair.
Yeah I don't believe in Astrology but I do believe it has some adaptive value. If you read a horoscope, you are usually looking to fit (oblique) descritions into the specifics of your life, which requires act of reflection as you figure out what fits. So IMHO it's a kind of 'mindfulness hack', and it persists despite having 0 predictive value. You reflect on your life, and you also share that with others.Yeah, I believe in it...sorta. I always ask women about it, it's a good conversation piece and it helps reveal a lot about them without having to question them on certain issues. It doesn't matter if they actually believe it or not, it's whether they think they ascribe to the astrology description, which is key.
A lot of people seem to be dismissive of the people who 'believe' in it and write them off as 'idiots', without actually stopping to think to the potential benefits of touching on astrology as a topic. It is a topic of some self-interest, and people who do 'believe' in it are heavily into it, or mostly, believe because they see themselves in their descriptions to some degree.
User Toots above has one of the best takes about it imo. Use it as an 'in' and icebreaker and to learn more about the persons you're into.
I've been seeing a lot of necro bumps. I've just assumed that's how this forum operates nowadays.
It might not be, there could be a better unified theory of the existence of mind in the cosmos. Only those who know little about these subjects speak with absolute certainty.
I don't believe in Astrology but Capricorn women are the devil incarnate by some cruel twist of fate my mother and also my soon to be narc ex are Capricorns
Never had a cancer try to kill meI would say Cancer women are the worst and most annoying
No doubt you think your anecdotal evidence proves your bias conclusively.I’ve spoken with a lot of astronomers and physicists who know it’s all horseshit… and their expertise dwarves anyone else’s.