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Silent Hill 4: The Room - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"Silent Hill 4: The Room is an interesting sequel that attempts to branch out in several areas of gameplay and setting while remaining true to the psychological thriller-style that's always set the Silent Hill series apart from more action-oriented scares. While not all of the changes made necessarily serve to enhance the series, the dark, gripping storytelling is what allows this game its Silent Hill credentials. If you're an existing horror fan or a Silent Hill fan, Silent Hill 4: The Room is certainly worth looking at--if not for purchase, at the very least for rental."


works for Gamestop (lol)
IGN's review


8.5 Presentation
Well-done cutscenes are mixed with odd pacing and very familiar scenes of horror and surreal imagery.
9.0 Graphics
Excellent textures, clean production and great motion capture work.
8.5 Sound
Great voice acting and dialog are joined with oddball sound effects.
7.5 Gameplay
The major changes aren't all that major afterall. The room itself is cool, the inventory system is not an improvement and the boss fights are not great fun. It's just OK.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
There are four story endings, and three difficulty levels. But how many times do you want to play it?
(out of 10 / not an average)

Silent Hill 4: The Room is one of those games that's become difficult to review. While all the classic touches that have become so familiar and so great in the series have returned, they have simultaneously become cliché. You expect to be scared, and you will be scared, but the freakishness, the undertones of distress and uncomfortable wreathing of characters that merge lamps and mannequins, replaced now by raging wheelchairs and insignificant ape-things, just don't scare or unnerve me like previous games in the series did. On the other hand, I still enjoyed it enough, despite its weaknesses.

The major changes aren't really all that major at all. The first-person perspective in the room is a good addition, but it doesn't significantly alter the gameplay or the sense of fright. The on-screen item selection is a change that's been needed for two games now and the new inventory system isn't an improvement. The room itself is a good idea, with its constantly changing appearance and list of things to do, but it doesn't do enough to sear your imagination like the first two games in the series did. Plus, the quality and quantity of boss fights and logic puzzles is a bummer.

Perhaps I'm getting a little overdosed. It's a series I truly love, but once every year? Is that over-saturation? The result, either way, is that it's not as scary as other games in the series.

In all, as a survival-horror game, it's a solid fight-fest that newbies and diehard fans will enjoy. Or at least some will. Those on the fence won't be attracted, and those hoping for something new are due to experience a decent, but not great, addition to the series.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gamespot must have made a mistake. Their score is .9 points too high. :p


Miburou said:
7.9 sounds about right. It's a competent game, just nothing special.
That should be a 6. And that's what the game is. Above average, but not that great at all.

The "SH flair" was worn down in SH3 already. I, for one, had followed the series since it started and was used to blood, rust and wheelchairs by then.
Silent Hill 4 is boring. There are too many enemies at the same time attacking you. Riddles are gone and you need up to one minute to save your progress in your appartement (Your appartement is the only place to save a game and to get there you need up to a minute).
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