Hahahaha yeah true but...wait, WHAT?!?
Peer pressure has really gotten out of hand these days.
Hahahaha yeah true but...wait, WHAT?!?
Um..... sure.
different strokes, different folks. there was a lot of cheap medicine sold on silk too, it wasn't just hard drugs. doctors and pharmacists have too much power in my state, the bill for opoids (if you're lucky to get them prescribed) is outrageous without insurance.
re: what goes into my body, i value absolute freedom over whatever teet the government will let me suck on.
http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/...y-in-silk-road-online-drug-trafficking-trial/He was hit with seven different charges, including money laundering and conspiring in narcotic trafficking.
The seven charges include three drug counts: distributing or aiding and abetting the distribution of narcotics, distributing narcotics or aiding and abetting distribution over the Internet, and conspiracy to violate narcotics laws. He was also convicted on a fourth count of conspiracy to run a "continuing criminal enterprise," which involves supervising at least five other people in an organization. in addition, he was convicted on conspiracy charges for computer hacking, distributing false identification, and money laundering
He tried to have people murdered!
I value freedom too. That's why I don't like people selling substances to others that take their freedom away
So you campaign against tobacco and alcohol too, right?
Not surprised seeing as it's in the US, he really lost control of himself. For anyone interested in this site's history or the story of the guy behind it and how difficult it was to catch him, Wired has an amazing write up on him here:
It's quite long, but worth the read. It's a Hollywood story through and through.
Broadly speaking? Yes I think we should strongly re-evaluate how we handle cigarettes, and lord knows we have progress to make on how we provide support to alcoholics.
Alex Winter..... I guess we can trust Bill S. Preston Esquire.
I value freedom too. That's why I don't like people selling substances to others that take their freedom away
After listening to alex winter on joe rogan I think this story is a lot more complicated than what has been reported.
me too, but you gotta draw the line somewhere. freedom-stealing substances are sold by nearly every doctor worldwide.
i just want the option to obtain anything i want. i'll go through whatever necessary processes to do so, but the option should be mine to have.
Are there posts missing, I'm confused.
I feel pretty comfortable denying people the ability to purchase enriched uranium. That's something I'm okay with you not being able to buy.
And child pornography. I care.Bullshit. Wow, people bought drugs from each other. Who the fuck cares.
And child pornography. I care.
Just read part one and two, thanks for posting! What an incredible read, holy crap.Not surprised seeing as it's in the US, he really lost control of himself. For anyone interested in this site's history or the story of the guy behind it and how difficult it was to catch him, Wired has an amazing write up on him here:
It's quite long, but worth the read. It's a Hollywood story through and through.
Not surprised seeing as it's in the US, he really lost control of himself. For anyone interested in this site's history or the story of the guy behind it and how difficult it was to catch him, Wired has an amazing write up on him here:
It's quite long, but worth the read. It's a Hollywood story through and through.
He tried to have people assinated due to pressure from others and any customers that died knew the risks
Just finished that Wired article about the case. Highly recommended.
I have much less sympathy for him now. I think the sentence is a bit strong for just the website, but the dude facilitated sales of drugs that likely resulted in the death of the buyers, and then showed virtually no remorse because of his libertarian ideals. The logical endgame to a truly "free market": buyer beware.
And that doesn't even get into the several murders he ordered.
What a fascinating story.
Wait, Sideshow Bob was mayor in an episode?The guy got the book thrown at him.
Considering the overwhelming amount of evidence they have against him and how he tried to fight his way out of it unscathed I can't say I'm surprised at the sentence.
He got what he deserved.
People complain about how we don't treat corruption charges the same way and blablabla....
Well if we got a corrupt official with as much dirt as we got in this case he probably would get life too.
Seriously who's dumb enough to do what Sideshow Bob did when he was mayor
Not surprised seeing as it's in the US, he really lost control of himself. For anyone interested in this site's history or the story of the guy behind it and how difficult it was to catch him, Wired has an amazing write up on him here:
It's quite long, but worth the read. It's a Hollywood story through and through.
Everybody read this:
This guy was the epitome of the worst kind of sociopathic internet libertarian dipshit.
According to The Register, Silk Road members have been active on anonymous forums calling for a campaign of fear against all of the FBI agents involved in the operation to shut down the website.
The names and address of the agents involved have been shared on these forums - which are only accessible through the hidden Tor network - with the so-called Elliot Ness of Cyberspace, Special Agent Christopher Tarbell one of the principle targets.
Home address revealed
The home address of Tarbell was posted on a thread titled "Crowdsource this: let's find out where Special Agent Christopher Tarbell lives." However administrators have now deleted the thread in an attempt to keep a lid on the rising anger among Silk Road users following the FBI raid.
A user called MendoHashMan wrote: "I think there should be a public list of all agents involved, names, addresses, pictures, family info, just make it known that we know. Make them look over their shoulder and worry about who is watching them! No violence needed, just constant fear!"
yeah the whole diversion and laptop grab happening was perfect. maybe the people around you are random people, or maybe they're the best goddamn agents everTotally and Chris Tarbell sounds like the perfect protagonist. Man that guy did everything perfect right down to preventing his San Fran FBI colleagues from going with loud and hot with a giant swat team.
How his undercover team secured the laptop and arrested Ross is how police work should be done. A thing of beauty.
yeah the whole diversion and laptop grab happening was perfect. maybe the people around you are random people, or maybe they're the best goddamn agents ever
So you campaign against tobacco and alcohol too, right?
I took the time to read this article and now I want a movie of the rise and fall of Silk Road to be a thing.
Totally and Chris Tarbell sounds like the perfect protagonist. Man that guy did everything perfect right down to preventing his San Fran FBI colleagues from going with loud and hot with a giant swat team.
How his undercover team secured the laptop and arrested Ross is how police work should be done. A thing of beauty.
For what it's worth this seemingly happened to Tarbell after he busted Ross in 2013
So yeah Silk Road users are just stand up civilians and don't come of looking at all like organized crime mafiosos.
Man, people get on the internet and just say crazy stuff. It boggles the mind. Like some of that stuff is word for word what gamers said about that Anita girl and the other one. What is wrong with these folks.
Not surprised seeing as it's in the US, he really lost control of himself. For anyone interested in this site's history or the story of the guy behind it and how difficult it was to catch him, Wired has an amazing write up on him here:
It's quite long, but worth the read. It's a Hollywood story through and through.
plus his 3 roommates.
crazy story. waiting for the movie.