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Silly easter eggs in Shining Force GBA...(56k?)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Apparently, outfitting your 'girl' squad in the game in revealing attire extends beyond FF-X2 and Xenosaga 2... Behold!

Here is Khris...one of the first healer units you get.


Find her ultra-hidden 'Maid' outfit on one of the maps and you get...


Ok, next is Anri...an average magic user also found early in the game...


Let's slut that up a notch shall we?


Finally...Tao. Another mage.


Oh baby...


Of course these costumes are so well hidden you pretty much need a faq to get em,(kind of like most of the enemy cards) but well it's kinda funny.

Oh and the game kicks so much ass!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
There were? I thought this stuff was new to the remake?

Oh well...


Awesome site. In fact anyone that is curious about Phantasy Star Generation 1 PS2 should check it out. HUGE resource chock full of info detailed down to sprite rips of each town.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yes, the hidden costume items were in the original Genny Shining Force, though they changed the names of the costume items (they were transliterated Japanese before), completely changed their locations and methods of finding them, and obviously changed the costume sprites themselves.


The Take Out Bandit said:
Breasts like grapefruit, fingers like Vienna Sausage.

Ah to hell with it.

What is the sound of one hand fapping?!

Her hands look like Miss Piggy's haha.
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