We must be playing a different game. The tutorial doesn't work. The cities are too small. Lots of lockups/crashes. Once it locked and caused the sound card to flip out causing me to have to restart the computer. I play games on my PC almost every day, and I literally can't remember the last time I've crashed out of one until last night. Even Tomb Raider, which apparently is causing issues for nvidia owners, is working perfectly for me. SimCity is near unplayable.
You can't delete cities and start over. This is infuriating. If you fail, you just have to bail out and found a new city somewhere else, apologizing to your former neighbors on the way out for the waste of space forever clogging up the region.
Playing with friends is unintuitive. When someone invites me to a region, you'd think I'd log in and see an invite to a region. Instead, I have to click on the inviter's name to make the invite pop up. Of course, even then the first five times I tried to join the region it said it was invite only. I got this with the invitation still in the background behind the region window.
You can maybe pin the region joining thing on EA/Origin. The rest is squarely on Maxis. I bought this game before reading any reviews because their name was on the cover. I won't be making that mistake again.