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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


Ok, someone please help me. I have a rather bustling city but not sustainable. Let me post some pictures.

I managed to push this far just taking out bonds, things stabilize, y spend it all, everything goes to shit, raise taxes, rinse and repeat. I was rocking them with some 18-19% tax all across the board.

I payed off the bonds and, lowered the taxes but now I'm in the red and with all the bonds out again. Going to have to raise taxes again. I'm not sure how to stabilize this.

Also, all my streets are the highest density and so are the avenues. I got street cars, buses, train, airport, all the schools, all covered with buses.

Oh and everyone is fucking sick. The pollution is not my fault. I have an oil plant but the wind doesn't let it hit anything. I'm waiting for the education levels to rise so I can put down a nuclear plant sometime but I'm not sure until when I should wait.

I don't think you need so many services maxed out. And why is your spending on education so high? You don't need it, based on what you want to specialize in.

Don't forget that everytime you add something to a service (more recycling trucks, for example) it increases the operating costs.


I don't think you need so many services maxed out. And why is your spending on education so high? You don't need it, based on what you want to specialize in.

Don't forget that everytime you add something to a service (more recycling trucks, for example) it increases the operating costs.

I know, but that's the demand. There is way too much trash for example.

I think my play style makes me want to have everything in one city, is that the wrong approach.
I do have a recycling center maxed out and a trade depot with the modules for alloy, metal, and plastic. All 3 on export. :(
are you exporting processors?
because you'll make 100k per 1,000 you export.
the real money makers are processors, tvs and computers.
you should only use materials (plastic, alloy, metal) locally to make processors, etc.
i made about 500k/per month from my processors alone.
im also raking it 185k per 1000 of computers
and 158k off TVs.
my monthly net income after expenses is about 1.5million but im losing about 25k/hour.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Checked /r/simcity to see if 2.0 improved anything, laughed and left.

Wow, there is a lot of hate over there. Has the patch actually made some things worse than before? Does everyone here think the patch made the game better, or has it made it worse for you?
Wow, there is a lot of hate over there. Has the patch actually made some things worse than before? Does everyone here think the patch made the game better, or has it made it worse for you?

I played a few hours yesterday, started 2 new cities from scratch, and I think it is improved. The traffic seemed to have a better flow and the lights were definitely letting more vehicles thru.

I haven't tried recycling, casinos, or any other tourist attractions yet. I just got a bus station up and running shortly before going to bed and while not perfect, they seemed to be working a bit better too.

The big thing for me was fire trucks working like they should so half your city doesn't burn down while three trucks fight one fire.

Some say the number of people getting sick is busted now, but I disagree, I think it is more as intended now since before there really wasn't a need to invest in a big hospital aside from looks and maybe the wellness center. Before the patch, my clinics rarely filled up enough for me to add more than one additional paitent room add-on.

Some things probably need some more tuning, and hopefully the next update brings all of the traffic changes, road weighting being the primary one I want.

I think some people are going to nitpick this game to death, no matter how many fixes are made.


Wow, there is a lot of hate over there. Has the patch actually made some things worse than before? Does everyone here think the patch made the game better, or has it made it worse for you?

Well, I certainly still notice problems, but for me it's been significantly better than before. The regional pollution thing is still a problem, just like it was in 1.x. I don't understand why regional pollution builds up so goddamn fast. Other than that, some of the more severe problems that could easily be fixed have been fixed. Things like the recycling bug that drove me mad. There's a few other things that also still suck: commercial zones turning into hotels en masse after cultural building gets built, dumb behaviour by public transport vehicles and garbage trucks, though police and fire are much better. Haven't experienced any of the new bugs that have been reported, but I'm sure they're there and I'll run into them eventually. Trees thankfully still make birds chirping noises for me. Sewage is also not an issue and watching the sewage map mode remains mesmerizing :p.

(Going wildly off-topic from here, just realized that as I was reading back what I'd typed :p)

I think many of the main issues the game still has are issues that simply take a lot of work to solve, or even structural design issues that take a lot more work still to solve. Map size is still incredibly annoying, region functionality is completely underdeveloped for what is supposed to be some sort of semi-multiplayer experience, map designs are poor (biggest is seven linked together, links are insufficient anyway, a single road in and out is always going to be a bottleneck in a built up region) and so on.

I feel like my main problem from those issues is that you get to a certain point very quickly in this game, and it can be very fun getting there, developing your city. It's that you then end up in a sort of maintenance phase, where there's just not very much to do other than demolishing the odd abandoned building, and rebuilding after the umpteenth disaster the game won't let you turn off outside of sandbox. In older SimCity games, it would take ages to get to that point, in this one it takes only an hour or two if you use cheetah speed. The space also forces you into relatively cookie cutter cities to make the best possible use of what space you do have. I'm not sure they'll ever solve these problems to be honest.

In the end I don't regret purchasing it because I've had some fun times playing it and building cities, but this game should have been so much more than it actually is. I always loved how you could really create your own cities in SimCity games, cities that felt unique, built exactly how you wanted. I'm reminded a lot of Spore with this game, endless potential, but so many sacrifices made and poor design choices taken along the way that the end result retains far too little of the appeal of the general concept of the game. In Spore you were to come from the primordial ooze to eventually create a magnificent galactic civilization. Sure, many elements from the original design remained, but in the end all you ended up doing was fighting off the 4234th identical pirate assault on one of your worlds. The game actively limited your expansion, and more importantly the player's freedom to shape the game world by constantly forcing you to return home to deal with these attacks.

It's fine to compromise in a game design, I'd say it's inevitable for any ambitious game, but I do wish Maxis would take a step back before doing so to look at what it will actually do to exactly what it is about their game design concepts that appeals to fans so much.
The big thing for me was fire trucks working like they should so half your city doesn't burn down while three trucks fight one fire.

Some say the number of people getting sick is busted now, but I disagree, I think it was more as intended now since before there really wasn't a need to invest in a big hospital aside from looks and maybe the wellness center. Before the patch, my clinics rarely filled up enough for me to add more than one additional paitent room add-on.

Cosign both of these


It's ironic that with the always online DRM they hoped to stem piracy and ensure people bought DLC not pirate it. The problem is that maintaining servers is expensive and with the players not in any mood to buy DLC and bound to explode in rage when it starts to roll out in full because the game itself still isn't fixed they will be bleeding cash keeping the servers up.

So many have already stopped playing so the next step financially is to shut down servers. They have to because it's expensive and they bought so many for the initial launch disaster. Well there are people with game saves on these servers and when they are shut down that will make them even angrier and confirm the fears of many that no matter how much you play when your server gets shut down your regions are gone and that's that. Fun.
So many have already stopped playing so the next step financially is to shut down servers. They have to because it's expensive and they bought so many for the initial launch disaster. Well there are people with game saves on these servers and when they are shut down that will make them even angrier and confirm the fears of many that no matter how much you play when your server gets shut down your regions are gone and that's that. Fun.

It's just a matter of time, we are talking about EA after all. They have a proven track record of doing so with their other franchises. Didn't they just recently shut down that SimCity Social thingy?


It's just a matter of time, we are talking about EA after all. They have a proven track record of doing so with their other franchises. Didn't they just recently shut down that SimCity Social thingy?

The funniest thing about that was that the recent product placement Crest promotion came with Simcity social bucks stuff. Like literally the day that promotion was announced Social was shut down.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's just a matter of time, we are talking about EA after all. They have a proven track record of doing so with their other franchises. Didn't they just recently shut down that SimCity Social thingy?

The funniest thing about that was that the recent product placement Crest promotion came with Simcity social bucks stuff. Like literally the day that promotion was announced Social was shut down.

It makes me sad. I love the Simcity franchise, I have since the first one so many years ago. I won't buy Simcity 2013 until they fix it up and patch in an offline mode, and if Bradshaw gets her way that will never happen. But the whole situation just makes me depressed, as a franchise that I've loved for over a decade is decaying right in front of me. Such a waste.

I truly hope Maxis can turn it around and save this game. I'd love to buy it, but not until it's worth my money. And I fear that EA will close it down before it ever gets to that point. :(


Rodent Whores
I think it's rather funny how I'm on a long road trip through Europe, and that it would have been nice to play SimCity on my laptop while on the road for 5 hours at a time. Too bad I dont have internets out in the middle of nowhere in between Austria and Slovenia.

gg Maxis. :p

I really want to try out 2.0 and test out some of these changes, I have a whole list of things written out in Notepad of stuff I have issues with.


I don't understand how a tourist/casino city makes money. I've got about 6 basic casinos making about $20k/day but my specialisation hourly income will bring in about 15k/hour but then all of a sudden drop to $5k even though the daily profit for the casinos remain the same.

The "guide me" function still doesn't seem to work so I can't use that in hopes the game tells me more about the specialisation.


Junior Member
Oh man. SimCity has been like a friend to me. Like a friend that parties something wicked. And is constantly drunk. It all started by him (SimCity) texting me, saying he would come visit one day. I replied "that sounds great. I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with you!" - I promptly got a reply "Yeah, maaaan1!!! We're gonna go out, and we're gonna hit up all the ladies, we're both gonna get laid, and they'll be like tots be suckin our dickkks and fuck yeaah" to which I responded "sure, sure. I'm looking forward to it!". I just kept getting messages about how fucking awesome it was going to be, and stopped replying to them at one point. As SimCity is about to come over, I get a message from several of my friends, saying "just pretend you're not home, we'll explain later!!" - completely confused, I have no chance of clearing it up before I open up the door to a drunk SimCity, that stumbles into my house, too intoxicated to do anything, passing out on my couch and promptly shitting itself. Diarrhea-style.

I'm so baffled by what just went on, I just take it as an honest mistake, and clean up the mess, and patiently waits for him to wake up at 6 in the evening the next day. Being too hung over to do anything, he's still so stoked he tries to get up and go out to have some fun, but passes out in the hallway, and I have to carry him back to the couch. The next day, things seem better. We're having a nice breakfast, and we're getting off to a good start. I try to tell him that he shat in my couch, but he insist that was someone else. After arguing for about half an hour, he does say he's sorry. We start drinking, and everything's good. I'm having a lot of fun. Really. I try to invite my friends, but he won't let me. I try calling my friends, but he manages to ruin my phone. Anyway, we go out, and hit up some bars. He starts hitting up women, and I follow. We get rejected, we get some drinks, I mack with a girl. It's a great night! When I'm ready to head home, he insists we head out to an after party, as he throws the bottle of champagne he just downed, that I payed for, to the pavement. Because, he did forget his wallet. He's insistent that he's good for it, and that he'll pay me back later. I'm not really thinking about that right now, because, after all, it is a good night, and this is fun.

Having been to the after-party longer than I wanted, we return home. The next day, he insist we do the same, I say he maybe should get his wallet so he can pay me back, but he says "naah, I'll get that later, there's no rush". I pay for one more night out, and it's starting to become a bit of a drag. I start seeing what a sleaze-bag he is, ogling girls, pretending to fondle their boobs behind their backs as I try to ask what they do for a living. He finally lets me call up some friends from his phone, that he just now tells me he has. We meet some friends, and it's an OK night, after all. I refuse to go to the after-party. He returns to my place about six hours after I'm home, and is shit-drunk again. He passes out outside of my door, yelling how he will pay me back one day, he promises. The next day, he heads of to party with someone else. It's evident that he's paid me a visit, the day after that, though, as there's vomit on my doormat. He still hasn't paid me back.

That vomit is the 2.0 patch, in case you were wondering.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. I totally forgot to tell you about this asshole friend of his that I met at one of the bars. He was total douchebag that was sure he had all the right answers about everything, trying to excuse SimCity's behavior, and saying that I can't say it's bad behavior, because I haven't been friends with SimCity as long as he has. I think his name was like Anthony Guise or something.


I guess this thread has died then, along with Maxis support for the game. I think the only reason SimCity is even being supported now is to make good on their deals with Nissan, Crest, and whoever else is surely in the pipeline.

Gonna stop following the game because the writing is on the wall. It won't be anything more than what it is right now. They might nail the bugs, but there's no way they can make the cities the size they needed to be. Much less introduce terraforming or add features that make you want to play the game for years. It's just not conceivable. Even an editor/sdk to allow you to make mods is a million years away, if (and thats a pretty big if) they even decide to add one.

Its done.

Dead Man

It may be done, but it was worth it for this post:
Oh man. SimCity has been like a friend to me. Like a friend that parties something wicked. And is constantly drunk. It all started by him (SimCity) texting me, saying he would come visit one day. I replied "that sounds great. I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with you!" - I promptly got a reply "Yeah, maaaan1!!! We're gonna go out, and we're gonna hit up all the ladies, we're both gonna get laid, and they'll be like tots be suckin our dickkks and fuck yeaah" to which I responded "sure, sure. I'm looking forward to it!". I just kept getting messages about how fucking awesome it was going to be, and stopped replying to them at one point. As SimCity is about to come over, I get a message from several of my friends, saying "just pretend you're not home, we'll explain later!!" - completely confused, I have no chance of clearing it up before I open up the door to a drunk SimCity, that stumbles into my house, too intoxicated to do anything, passing out on my couch and promptly shitting itself. Diarrhea-style.

I'm so baffled by what just went on, I just take it as an honest mistake, and clean up the mess, and patiently waits for him to wake up at 6 in the evening the next day. Being too hung over to do anything, he's still so stoked he tries to get up and go out to have some fun, but passes out in the hallway, and I have to carry him back to the couch. The next day, things seem better. We're having a nice breakfast, and we're getting off to a good start. I try to tell him that he shat in my couch, but he insist that was someone else. After arguing for about half an hour, he does say he's sorry. We start drinking, and everything's good. I'm having a lot of fun. Really. I try to invite my friends, but he won't let me. I try calling my friends, but he manages to ruin my phone. Anyway, we go out, and hit up some bars. He starts hitting up women, and I follow. We get rejected, we get some drinks, I mack with a girl. It's a great night! When I'm ready to head home, he insists we head out to an after party, as he throws the bottle of champagne he just downed, that I payed for, to the pavement. Because, he did forget his wallet. He's insistent that he's good for it, and that he'll pay me back later. I'm not really thinking about that right now, because, after all, it is a good night, and this is fun.

Having been to the after-party longer than I wanted, we return home. The next day, he insist we do the same, I say he maybe should get his wallet so he can pay me back, but he says "naah, I'll get that later, there's no rush". I pay for one more night out, and it's starting to become a bit of a drag. I start seeing what a sleaze-bag he is, ogling girls, pretending to fondle their boobs behind their backs as I try to ask what they do for a living. He finally lets me call up some friends from his phone, that he just now tells me he has. We meet some friends, and it's an OK night, after all. I refuse to go to the after-party. He returns to my place about six hours after I'm home, and is shit-drunk again. He passes out outside of my door, yelling how he will pay me back one day, he promises. The next day, he heads of to party with someone else. It's evident that he's paid me a visit, the day after that, though, as there's vomit on my doormat. He still hasn't paid me back.

That vomit is the 2.0 patch, in case you were wondering.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. I totally forgot to tell you about this asshole friend of his that I met at one of the bars. He was total douchebag that was sure he had all the right answers about everything, trying to excuse SimCity's behavior, and saying that I can't say it's bad behavior, because I haven't been friends with SimCity as long as he has. I think his name was like Anthony Guise or something.



Oh man. SimCity has been like a friend to me. Like a friend that parties something wicked. And is constantly drunk. It all started by him (SimCity) texting me, saying he would come visit one day. I replied "that sounds great. I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with you!" - I promptly got a reply "Yeah, maaaan1!!! We're gonna go out, and we're gonna hit up all the ladies, we're both gonna get laid, and they'll be like tots be suckin our dickkks and fuck yeaah" to which I responded "sure, sure. I'm looking forward to it!". I just kept getting messages about how fucking awesome it was going to be, and stopped replying to them at one point. As SimCity is about to come over, I get a message from several of my friends, saying "just pretend you're not home, we'll explain later!!" - completely confused, I have no chance of clearing it up before I open up the door to a drunk SimCity, that stumbles into my house, too intoxicated to do anything, passing out on my couch and promptly shitting itself. Diarrhea-style.

I'm so baffled by what just went on, I just take it as an honest mistake, and clean up the mess, and patiently waits for him to wake up at 6 in the evening the next day. Being too hung over to do anything, he's still so stoked he tries to get up and go out to have some fun, but passes out in the hallway, and I have to carry him back to the couch. The next day, things seem better. We're having a nice breakfast, and we're getting off to a good start. I try to tell him that he shat in my couch, but he insist that was someone else. After arguing for about half an hour, he does say he's sorry. We start drinking, and everything's good. I'm having a lot of fun. Really. I try to invite my friends, but he won't let me. I try calling my friends, but he manages to ruin my phone. Anyway, we go out, and hit up some bars. He starts hitting up women, and I follow. We get rejected, we get some drinks, I mack with a girl. It's a great night! When I'm ready to head home, he insists we head out to an after party, as he throws the bottle of champagne he just downed, that I payed for, to the pavement. Because, he did forget his wallet. He's insistent that he's good for it, and that he'll pay me back later. I'm not really thinking about that right now, because, after all, it is a good night, and this is fun.

Having been to the after-party longer than I wanted, we return home. The next day, he insist we do the same, I say he maybe should get his wallet so he can pay me back, but he says "naah, I'll get that later, there's no rush". I pay for one more night out, and it's starting to become a bit of a drag. I start seeing what a sleaze-bag he is, ogling girls, pretending to fondle their boobs behind their backs as I try to ask what they do for a living. He finally lets me call up some friends from his phone, that he just now tells me he has. We meet some friends, and it's an OK night, after all. I refuse to go to the after-party. He returns to my place about six hours after I'm home, and is shit-drunk again. He passes out outside of my door, yelling how he will pay me back one day, he promises. The next day, he heads of to party with someone else. It's evident that he's paid me a visit, the day after that, though, as there's vomit on my doormat. He still hasn't paid me back.

That vomit is the 2.0 patch, in case you were wondering.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. I totally forgot to tell you about this asshole friend of his that I met at one of the bars. He was total douchebag that was sure he had all the right answers about everything, trying to excuse SimCity's behavior, and saying that I can't say it's bad behavior, because I haven't been friends with SimCity as long as he has. I think his name was like Anthony Guise or something.

Thank you for that. Needed it :p


Found this on Reddit, and supposedly let's you build outside of the box,





I guess this thread has died then, along with Maxis support for the game. I think the only reason SimCity is even being supported now is to make good on their deals with Nissan, Crest, and whoever else is surely in the pipeline.

Gonna stop following the game because the writing is on the wall. It won't be anything more than what it is right now. They might nail the bugs, but there's no way they can make the cities the size they needed to be. Much less introduce terraforming or add features that make you want to play the game for years. It's just not conceivable. Even an editor/sdk to allow you to make mods is a million years away, if (and thats a pretty big if) they even decide to add one.

Its done.
This is really depressing. But you are right. This game is only months old and any real talk for it is dead. It's just the latest piece of bad news or latest uncovered lie the devs told about the game.

I have a hard time coming to grips with what's happened with this Sim City. :(
I guess this thread has died then, along with Maxis support for the game. I think the only reason SimCity is even being supported now is to make good on their deals with Nissan, Crest, and whoever else is surely in the pipeline.

Gonna stop following the game because the writing is on the wall. It won't be anything more than what it is right now.

Yes and maybe. I hate the game and got lucky with a refund. My post history will definitely back that! But, there's a chance that someday, it'll turn into something good.

I thought Civ V was absolute hot garbage when it came out and it took over a year to fix it, but its a solid game now. Firaxis's DLC ambitions led them to can the lead, fix the crap, then flush in missing mechanics from its predecessor in expansions.

If you're lucky, SimCity follows this model. If you're not ..., hmm, has it been a year for Diablo 3 yet? =)


Any active regions accepting people? I am looking for a region to join and all of the public ones are complete SHIT. Send me an invite on Origin: OblastSRT4
Did they ever fix the bug where you can build parks while visiting other players cities? You could destroy everything and it was in there till I quit which was like 1.7. I couldn't believe they didn't fix that

Mobius 1

I think it's safe to say that this was the GAF community that deflated the fastest ever. From absolute enthusiasm to complete dismay and abandonment in a couple of weeks.

I don't have the stomach for the game anymore, everything feels compromised, bugged, or unrewarding. Such a shame.


I think it's safe to say that this was the GAF community that deflated the fastest ever. From absolute enthusiasm to complete dismay and abandonment in a couple of weeks.

I don't have the stomach for the game anymore, everything feels compromised, bugged, or unrewarding. Such a shame.

Completely agree, I've tried numerous times to get back into the game, but when I start playing, I lose all enthusiasm to continue playing..


Neo Member
Got a charge back from Amazon a few days ago. Tried 2.0, wasn't impressed that I lost some of my cities after a 3 week hiatus. First impressions I was loving the game but then as time went on the games flaws really showed. It's disappointing to see really any communication (some of the blog posts the developers have put out on "how to play" the game is just condensation knowing how broken the simulation is), apology or feedback to the community every since the whole "free game" thing.

At first I thought it was all on EA but Maxis is the developer after all, it's pretty downright disgraceful how the game has ended up. The game is essentially a beta with horrible patch notes that hardly address any huge issues. It feels like there's two people working on the game and the rest have taken a long vacation.

I dunno, I'm just ranting. My experience with this game has been frustrating.


Rodent Whores
I think it's safe to say that this was the GAF community that deflated the fastest ever. From absolute enthusiasm to complete dismay and abandonment in a couple of weeks.

I don't have the stomach for the game anymore, everything feels compromised, bugged, or unrewarding. Such a shame.

FF14 thread went downhill pretty fast, too. But unlike SimCity, most of us knew it was gonna be a paid beta.
Played for the first time in like a month today, got bored pretty fast knowing what will happen once I get the base of my city started =/

Any tips on a coastal resort/tourist/casino city?
Fairly straightforward question, but I can find consensus googling. If you're in a large region with multiple great works, to all the cities in the region benefit from the great work, or is it merely limited to the 'local' cities? Or does it vary depending on the great work?

Bonus question: Are HQ upgrades supposed to benefit all cities (Much like City Hall expansions)?

Cheetah speed being back is pretty awesome, my gambling tourist city is off to a good start 15k a day in profit before having access to regional buses

Oh and getting a big earthquake right when you start the fireworks challenge is just cruel


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm pretty sure most things would have been forgiven if only we could build bigger cities... :(

If the game had larger cities (at least double the current size) and offline play I would have bought it long ago, even with all the bugs, just to support Maxis. As it is, I'm still waiting to buy. Most likely until the modders add what I want, since EA seems against an offline mode of any kind.
If Simcity's always online went without a hitch and the agent system actually worked as we thought it would, would this have been a game you would have thrown hundreds of hours into? Not for me anyways. Once the gameplay mechanics have surfaced, there were a few key mechanics, that would have stopped me from buying it even if the entire game worked as it was supposed to be:
-small city size
-inability to disable disasters
-manual saves/reload/undo

Fuck, all Simcity 4 needs to do is steal the postcard view from Anno 1404, and it would be perfect.
Ugh, I made the not leaving room for later game utilities again lol......time to move on to the next city and fill in the gaps.......or bulldoze some things


I do like the building component of the game but not so much the late stage after building lots of factories that churn out computers and TVs that make too much monies. That said, in SC4 RH there was much joy in trying to tackle traffic, like SimCity but with the subways, monorails, highways and so on. Now it's harder due to lack of these options as well as the 'remove road wrecks buildings' rule, which was good till it started taking out buildings with the numerous options I've added.

On the city size, I don't mind that as much as what seems to me like larger road and building sizes than what SC4 would have given which makes the 'SC4 medium' or so size even smaller. Though that might be me and the parallax talking.
Is there a way to destroy, delete, or replace a great work? I accidentally built one in the wrong area ($1 million simoleons down the drain)


Rodent Whores
Tried out 2.0, wasn't feeling it. Kinda bummed about the traffic lights on medium density roads. I feel like I should do more testing, but the game doesn't seem to have as great a pull on me as it did before.

Is there a way to destroy, delete, or replace a great work? I accidentally built one in the wrong area ($1 million simoleons down the drain)

Don't think so.

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
Update 3.0 (yep, already 3.0), coming this week :
Currently In Development

Hi Mayors – below you'll find the notes that will appear in Update 3.0 scheduled for release later this week.

Update 3.0 Notes

• New: Added more Hotel models to increase hotel variety.
• Traffic: Updated routing system to improve traffic. Routing system now understands more information about u-turns, required vehicle stops, and vehicle behavior on certain road types. This should make traffic smarter.
• Traffic: Commercial and industrial buildings stagger their work shifts to start throughout commute hours instead of at the top of the hour. This should reduce traffic.
• Traffic: Fixes one issue where a car won't move causing traffic to back up behind it.
• Traffic: Vehicles can now make right turns on Red. This should improve some cases of traffic.
• Traffic: Trading polish that will improve regional traffic when one city has a lot of jobs and its neighboring city has a lot of workers.
• Air Pollution: Fixed more issues where cities that placed air polluting buildings received large amounts of air pollution from unknown sources.
• Service Vehicles: Fix for disappearing service vehicles on cities that whose vehicles had disappeared before update 2.
• School Buses: Fix for issue where school buses were getting stuck at neighbor's city or arcology.
• Audio: Tuned audio on French Police Station.
• Trading: Fixed issue where fire servers were not trading consistently between Brakeman's Folly and Twain in Whitewater Valley.
• Trading: Sewage trading: Sewage will now take a more direct route to regional sewage plant instead of throughout the city.
• Trading: Made gifting more reliable.
• Ferry Terminal: Ferry Terminal can now send its sewage to the output pipe and treatment plant.
• RCI Tuning: Fixed issue where sims going to a park via transit would sometimes lose their money or happiness on the way home.
• RCI Tuning: Bulldozing abandoned or rubble buildings will now prevent new developments for 6-12 hours.
• RCI Tuning: Less Happiness is taken from wealth 2 and 3 buildings when rent is due when no money is present.
• RCI Tuning: Fix for issue some users experienced where buildings would stay abandoned because moving trucks would not be able to move in.
• Trees: Trees now last longer, but also do not eliminate as much ground pollution.
• Radiation: Radiation causes less ground pollution than previously.
• Transit: Changed thought bubble suggestion to add more trains to deal with crowded passenger trains to suggest that you add more train stations.
• Transit: Improvements to lights to make rail look better at night.
• Transit: Streetcar stops can now be placed directly on standalone streetcar tracks, and passengers can walk along the tracks to them.
• Transit: Tuned the chance buses or streetcars will go to high-traffic stops first as a minor traffic improvement.
• Roads: University pedestrian paths can now cross streets.
• Manufacturing Trucks: Fixed issue some users experienced where manufacturing trucks left the city and were lost permanently.
• Delivery Trucks: Fixed issue where some users would experience a loss of resources is their delivery trucks returned to garages without proper storage.
• Sports Parks: Tuned the amount of skateboarders and neighborhood athletes at the sports parks.
• Data Layers: Zones are now visible in heavy data layers.
• Edit Mode: Added more valid snap points in edit mode. This improvement is most noticeable on Parks.
• Buildings: Addressed some cases where buildings would stack on one another.
that sounds all well and good, but tbh, i've lost all interest in this game.
the only thing that can really revive my insterest is if they expand city borders, and not just by a few square blocks, i mean like 2x the current size.


imho Maxis calling this patch "3.0" just seems wrong. The updates are like a 2.5. Expanding the city size would qualify as a huge leap in numbering.

I wish there's a way to tell how many SimCity players there are nowadays. Maybe it's just how I'm interpreting the forums (here, Reddit and elsewhere) interest has died.


Neo Member
Interview with Maxis' Kip Katsarelis:

...A lot of times, what we are finding is there’s a new way to think about SimCity and how it works, and especially with the fans that have been with the franchise for a long time. They have a way in their mind that SimCity works and it sometimes goes against the grain of how this SimCity works.

One thing we are finding out is it’s just misinformation a lot of the time. What are perceived bugs are really just, well that’s the way the system is designed, and what we are trying to do is better communicate the design intentions through developer blogs, release gameplay videos and answer questions on the forums. Inform the community a little bit better.

On update 2.0 in particular, what we found was we have to be more clear about what each fix does because I don’t think there’s going to be a silver bullet, for traffic for example...

There's more in the interview about how Maxis is not currently looking to increase city size, yet are aware that's the number one complaint against the game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
...A lot of times, what we are finding is there’s a new way to think about SimCity and how it works, and especially with the fans that have been with the franchise for a long time. They have a way in their mind that SimCity works and it sometimes goes against the grain of how this SimCity works.

So...they made a Simcity game for people other than fans of the franchise? Isn't that kind of generally a bad design philosophy?

Maxis just seems to be on a different wavelength than the fans of the franchise are.
So...they made a Simcity game for people other than fans of the franchise? Isn't that kind of generally a bad design philosophy?

That's giving them too much credit. They made a game that ended up not being anything like they thought. Unlike an XCOM, etc., they ran with it and hid the flaws very very well.

Media previews and even an "open beta" in the hands of the public fooled most. The Civ V effect: Modern HD graphics on an aging franchise = instant millions. Why go back to the drawing board?

Note: I mentioned earlier in the thread: Firaxis fixed Civ V and its great now if you don't play multiplayer. That's not going to happen with SimShitty.


Damn, no fix in 3.0 for the education bug I'm experiencing :(. Most of my people have stopped attending school for no reason, dropped my education rating from 4.5 to 2, with resulting problems :/. And no, no traffic problems at all, worked fine for many hours at the same city size.
Damn, no fix in 3.0 for the education bug I'm experiencing :(. Most of my people have stopped attending school for no reason, dropped my education rating from 4.5 to 2, with resulting problems
I got that one too. And prior to that, every city I've made recently, no matter how educated, doesn't create any recyclables.
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