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Simply a thread about Gaming-culture and what do you think about it?

Many things could be said about Gaming-culture but what do you think of it, where do you see yourself in it? Simply discussing of it.
joaquin phoenix thumbs up GIF
I don't really like gamers. Bunch of whiny children who want to have their cake and eat it too. Very easy to bait, manipulate and trigger though like the sheep that they are. So it's good for business ;)
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I think the less I know about it the better. Whenever I say "keep politics out of games" for instance, what I really mean is keep your drama us vs them as far away from me as possible. It's why I never talk about recent Naughty Dog made games because both groups on the side of certain issues are really annoying/stressful. I have takes as well, but I keep them to myself for my own peace of mind.
What is the culture? 40 yo virgins living in Moms basement wearing Pokemon T-shirts at conventions? Weirdos who dress like video game characters? Twitch streamer and influencer who earn a shitload of money with gaming and their forever broke counterparts who‘ll never earn a dime through twitch? Boogie2988? Define culture please.

But for the most part, I hate people who identify themself with something they do instead of a the character they are in general. I also hate people from the „gymculture“. I used to skydive a lot, didn“t get along with the so called „skydiver community“. Same happened with climbing, downhillskateboarding, tattooed people, I just don‘t like identifications with superficial things I guess.
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started my gaming career around 1980, the things ive seen, amiga vs atari, then pc's vs amiga and atari, then consoles against pc atari and amiga. nothing is changed nowadays. fanboys everywhere, we just got better graphics and worse gameplay.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
What is the culture? 40 yo virgins living in Moms basement wearing Pokemon T-shirts at conventions? Weirdos who dress like video game characters? Twitch streamer and influencer who earn a shitload of money with gaming and their forever broke counterparts who‘ll never earn a dime through twitch? Define culture please.

But for the most part, I hate people who identify themself with something they do instead of a the character they are in general.
Agreed. I love videogames they are my main hobby but If someone saw me in the street the only thing they'd probably say is "that guy dresses well" the term "gamer" wouldn't even cross their minds. To label one's self is to limit one's self.
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But for the most part, I hate people who identify themself with something they do instead of a the character they are in general.
I feel this so much. I think it's fine to participate in a general cultural ideal that rewards you mentally as long as you aren't harming or promoting general harm.

It feels weird to meet people so attached to either "Gamer/Music/Gym/HealthAtEverySize identities that it defines who they are and completely erases their actual identities. I've done so much shit between videogames/music/art/travel/etc to attach myself exclusively to any single "identity" or culture is to pigeonhole yourself from the full possible experiences one could have.


Gold Member
I originally found myself describing how ridiculous the warrior culture is and how it perpetuates many gaming communities. I then remembered that this mindset perpetuates many aspects of our lives. Just as people characterize themselves as gamers, and use this hobby as scaffolding to build an identity around, people do the same with cars, religion, politics, etc..

There is nothing unique amongst gaming culture. Just like other communities, I am apathetic to most, I like many, and I love a few.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It's pretty easy to make sweeping generalizations that don't apply to everyone.

Phones and internet just give the worst elements of society more ability to spread their misery. This isn't exclusive to gaming. If you are able to block that out, normal people enjoy games and can talk about them the same as they always have.


I think gaming culture just like the game industry in general is going through a sort of transition phase. We have next gen systems that haven’t quite lived up to expectations. We are still trying to find ways to make gaming more “inclusive” without completely letting the “woke” culture take things too far and ruin everything. Development budgets are far too expensive and games are taking way too long to make. At the same time, inflation is forcing people to be more picky in the games they buy and be more vocal when games turn out to be trash. This means games are a lot more risky to make and one bad release could crumble a studio.


It's, sadly, based around hype and being part of the zeitgeist. Gaming culture isn't really about playing games and enjoying them; it's about playing whatever is popular at the moment and talking about it online.


I don't care about gaming culture. The most I have to deal with it is here on these forums. Anyone who takes it seriously and makes it affect their daily life, needs a nap


While I'm an avid gamer with a massive gaming collection, you'd never know it. I think I have exactly 2 pieces of gaming related clothing.

Video game culture sucks, and has sucked since everything went mainstream. This forum is one of two I go on. I do not consume anything the gaming media puts out as the media hasn't been worth a tin shit since the 90s. I do not go to conventions, nor do I dress up as video game characters. The only gamers I talk to are friends in a Discord channel. I pretty much avoid gaming culture as much as I can because it's utter shit. With all of the woke idiots playing games now, bitching about lack of wokeness or whatever has turned me off permanently to interacting with anyone that hasn't been vetted in my book.

It's a shame since I go back almost 40 years in this hobby and things today are easily the worst they've ever been.


I wish that gaming never became mainstream. I can't even really talk about it anymore as a fun hobby, you now have strong politics and personal beliefs taking priority over FUN and good gameplay. You have morons on youtube with stupid faces promoting these shit games giving their take on things as if they were an expert of some sort, and you know what? People watch and listen.

Then you have the kinda people that have Triforce tattoos but call Link, Zelda.

Now I'm just throwing a fit, lol. At this point maybe I'm just old, maybe I am remembering things through rose-tinted glasses. But it definitely isn't the same, some ways better...some worse. As far as the social side of things definitely worse.

This place is IT for me, probably the last thing close to a social gaming...thing I can have that doesn't make me roll my eyes too much and of course you have some nonsense here too....but hey, it is what it is.


Hold onto your panties
Gaming culture is full of geeks.

And then there's another side which is full of nerds.



Edit: ...and I'm one of em'.
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I feel like the further we go into generations gamers are becoming more and more entitled, selfish, and harsh. Obviously not ALL gamers, but I feel like there's definitely a rise in all of that. Maybe it's because of the younger crowds? Maybe just a shift in them? I don't know, but it doesn't feel as "culture-y" as it used to, to me either.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "Gaming is a fine hobby and worth fighting for" I agree with the first part.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I often find myself in a weird place with nerd culture in general, because I'm kind of a nerd daywalker. I'm very immersed in and knowledgeable about my hobbies on a level way beyond most people, but I also have a lot of other interests, and my friend circle is more the bohemian artsy type, not gamer nerds.

My ex had a really nerdy friend circle who shared a lot of my interests but I often found them socially awkward and kinda spectrumy and I hated talking talking to them. They had no ability to gauge interest and would just talk and talk at me.

So gaming forums have always had a special place for me, an outlet to talk about and learn about what's going on, without having to be cornered at a party and listen to someone talk about their erotic Genshin Impact fanfiction series.
I feel this so much. I think it's fine to participate in a general cultural ideal that rewards you mentally as long as you aren't harming or promoting general harm.

It feels weird to meet people so attached to either "Gamer/Music/Gym/HealthAtEverySize identities that it defines who they are and completely erases their actual identities. I've done so much shit between videogames/music/art/travel/etc to attach myself exclusively to any single "identity" or culture is to pigeonhole yourself from the full possible experiences one could have.
I just tell people I like everything and have too many hobbies.

I collect movies and video games, I have a shelf of Jurassic park toys, I play airsoft and do some WW2 reenacting in the summer, etc.

But I don't refer to myself as a "gamer" or "airsofter" or anything like that. That's just strange.


The gaming community is embarrassing
I avoid calling myself a gamer anymore even though I've been one for almost 40 years
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