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Since Last Comic Standing is FIXED, how many other reality shows are too?

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Hollywood Square
I know a lot are scripted, but how many are completely fixed? Where they screw over contestants and such?


Queen of Denmark
Supposedly one or more seasons of Survivor favored certain contestants, and there were some rumors flying about the latest season of American Idol, too. I don't really watch any reality TV shows, though, so I'm not sure how true either of those are.
I don't think a lot of TV execs care about how real everything is. Some of them have almost out right said this in the past. It's more about the "experience" than the "reality" or some nonsense.

Don't ask me, I can't stand any of these shows lol.


Man these pointless debates piss me off. It's TV it's not real. If your think it is your an idiot. Why is it that people think TV is real in any way. Or even better yet the whole this movie is based on a true story. Do you think because they state that in a film it's a binding contact. Another favorite is when they show dates and places in movies and donkey's are stupid enough to feel that makes it fact. But it said New York 1954 it must have happened.


darscot said:
Man these pointless debates piss me off. It's TV it's not real. If your think it is your an idiot. Why is it that people think TV is real in any way. Or even better yet the whole this movie is based on a true story. Do you think because they state that in a film it's a binding contact. Another favorite is when they show dates and places in movies and donkey's are stupid enough to feel that makes it fact. But it said New York 1954 it must have happened.

Man, I can't even make the "killed your dog" joke here. Relax.


Yah even re-reading it myself I came off way more serious then I meant too. It was just supposed to be a comedic rant but I seem to have missed the comedy.


Hollywood Square
DJ Demon J said:
How is it fixed?

Last Comic Standing? The comics that get into the house are approached ahead of time. Drew Carey and Brett Butler, the two guest judges in the episode to air next, walked out in protest after learning that none of their votes count. It was a big deal a few weeks back. I think Butler even posted something on her website about it.

And this is spoilers...

According to those who were there, Ant bombed horrifically. But then he got into the house. It'll be interesting to see how it's edited


I was looking forward to the series, but I'm not watching any more after last episode's debacle. The best contestants...the funniest ones....were shafted. If two people are equally funny, and one would work better in a reality TV setting, then I wouldn't mind if the producers took the more attractive/whatever person...but this was just horrible. One guy got a standing o from the crowd and the judges, and he didn't get in. I'm not going to waste my time talking about this shit any more. It's just too stupid.
Reality TV stopped being reality when people found out that could get somewhat famous for being on it. So now people play up their roles to TV standards in order to get noticed. The only reality you'll find now is either Cops or the first few seasons of The Real World.


There were some comics that got in that weren't even 1/10th as funny as some that didn't. And a lot of them have already had their 30 minute specials on CC. :p
Having it fixed so as which comics make it into the house is lame. But at least after that it should in theory be up to the audience. That's almost as bad though, because they wouldn't know funny if it bit them in the ass. Witness Dat Phan beating Dave Mordal. Idiots.


Funny Business at 'Last Comic' Irks Comedians
Sun Mar 7, 7:53 PM ET

By Nellie Andreeva and Georg Szalai

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Two celebrity judges on NBC's "Last Comic Standing" have raised questions about the veracity of the show's process for selecting the final 10 participants to be featured in the televised competition.

Comedians Drew Carey and Brett Butler said their input as judges was discounted during the semifinal round that took place last month in favor of NBC executives and the show's producers. One of "Last Comic's" executive producers, Barry Katz, also is the manager of two of the performers who made the final 10, the one-name comic Ant and Gary Gulman, and he also manages "Last Comic" host Jay Mohr.

In an interview last week at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen, Colo., where he headlined two events, Carey cited the discrepancy between the show's final picks and the judges' reactions to the 20 contenders in the semifinals, which took place Feb. 26 at Le Theater des Arts in Las Vegas.

"I thought it was crooked and dishonest," Carey said. "It was like somebody at NBC cast the show ahead of the event in Vegas. And they had 1,100 in the audience (for the semifinals competition) who saw how blatantly it was cast. If this happened on 'Survivor' or any other reality TV show, it would be a major scandal."

Sources close to the show noted that while the judges' opinion in the rounds leading to the final are taken into account, the final decision is made by the show's producers and NBC executives, and a fine-print disclaimer to that effect ran in the credits of the show's first season.

Carey argued that the judges were misled about the nature of their role. Carey and Butler served as celebrity judges alongside "Yes, Dear" star Anthony Clark and Tess Drake, a finalist from the first season of "Last Comic."

Butler echoed Carey's sentiment in a posting last week on her Web site.

"As panel judges, we can say that (a) we were both surprised and disappointed at the results and (b) we had NOTHING to do with them," Butler wrote.

Katz was in Aspen for the festival, but declined to comment on the issue.

Mohr was scheduled to film footage for "Last Comic" during the festival, but canceled due to an illness, sources said.

NBC will continue with the production of the show as planned, with the 10 finalists selected in Vegas moving into a house together during the taping of the series.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Standup comedy has no place on broadcast television. What's great about it in the first place is that a comic and discuss any subject. When you add the advertisers into the mix, that freedom is sacrificed.
I wish Dimitri Martin had showed up for this season. He's fucking brilliant. He was on Conan the other night and throughly blew me away. I think he's actually passed Mitch Hedberg in the style of comedy they do.
Dat Phan winning actually showed that it was NOT fixed, as unfunny as he was, the little clique of comedians that run the show (jay mohr, Colin Quinn... who are actually friends with Mordal) HATE him. With a passion.


Fifty said:
I was looking forward to the series, but I'm not watching any more after last episode's debacle. The best contestants...the funniest ones....were shafted. If two people are equally funny, and one would work better in a reality TV setting, then I wouldn't mind if the producers took the more attractive/whatever person...but this was just horrible. One guy got a standing o from the crowd and the judges, and he didn't get in. I'm not going to waste my time talking about this shit any more. It's just too stupid.


My favorite comedian of the show, that one guy with the boogieman story got shafted while some fucker with a joke that was about as funny as Katie Couric's colonoscopy got moved on. Gay show
yeah. Ant should just walk on stage and scream "GUESS WHAT? IM GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" and then walk off. that would pretty much sum up his horrible act.



Jessica Kirson
"I've actually been on Atkins... Today I had no crackers, no muffins, no cake. I had sixteen chickens, a dozen eggs and a lamb. I ate a whole farm."

.......... *sigh*
Buck star>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a cotton swab to the dickhole>>>>jessica kirson.


Hollywood Square
Ninja Scooter said:
yeah. Ant should just walk on stage and scream "GUESS WHAT? IM GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" and then walk off. that would pretty much sum up his horrible act.

Haha, that'd be funnier than his actual act!


Ninja Scooter said:
Buck star>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>a cotton swab to the dickhole>>>>jessica kirson.

Welcome to the Buck Star Show bitch!
DMczaf said:

Jessica Kirson
"I've actually been on Atkins... Today I had no crackers, no muffins, no cake. I had sixteen chickens, a dozen eggs and a lamb. I ate a whole farm."

.......... *sigh*

I can't believe this waste of space made it to the finals. There were a bunch of people funnier than her. Off the top of my head I can name Vladamir. Sure he's young and hasn't been going that long but he was still hilarious. I guess the nation doesn't like jokes about hitting your mother. They should. There was also that one guy who was mentioned that made the boogie man jokes. Then there was that really old guy with the awesome deep voice. He was incredible. I'm really surprised Jay London made it on. Nobody ilke sthick, even though they should. Too bad he won't win, and too bad his act wouldn't make for a good sitcom anyway.

Edit: Oh yeah, how the fuck didn't Pablo Francisco make it?


This is the (real) last thing I'll say on this topic....

The two people that HAD to make the finals, because they were the only two with any real talent.... Dan Ardoot (might have misspelled it...the ex-med school kid, Iranian/Jewish background) and the old bald guy. I didn't care who took the other 3 spots, but the fact that those guys didn't make it was just a travesty. (And I'm only talking about people who were in the semis)


StrikerObi said:
Having it fixed so as which comics make it into the house is lame. But at least after that it should in theory be up to the audience. That's almost as bad though, because they wouldn't know funny if it bit them in the ass. Witness Dat Phan beating Dave Mordal. Idiots.

Yeah, I thought Dave was the only good comedian on the show. Dat and Ralphie have that retard appeal going and that is what the majority of the audience seemed to like. Dave actually had good material. Dat and Ralphie just went off their own stereotype and then Ralphie added in some classless jokes to finish it off. I guess there is a reason most of them never made it.


DMczaf said:

Jessica Kirson
"I've actually been on Atkins... Today I had no crackers, no muffins, no cake. I had sixteen chickens, a dozen eggs and a lamb. I ate a whole farm."

.......... *sigh*
Even in the "good" clips they spliced together, she bombed. I'd hate to see what her whole set was like. The fact that she made it when others who were FAR more deserving didn't, infuriates me. That said, I did enjoy last season, which was most likely rigged as well .
Fifty said:
This is the (real) last thing I'll say on this topic....

The two people that HAD to make the finals, because they were the only two with any real talent.... Dan Ardoot (might have misspelled it...the ex-med school kid, Iranian/Jewish background) and the old bald guy. I didn't care who took the other 3 spots, but the fact that those guys didn't make it was just a travesty. (And I'm only talking about people who were in the semis)

ditto. That Iranian/Jewish joke was the second funniest bit he did, the first being the NBC reality show with Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and Buddah. That shit had me rolling, especially the part with Muhammad, "Jesus turned my water into wine, he knows I don't drink wine." simply the finniest person on the show that night. it really sucks that Ant got picked over him.

From gauging your responses, I didn't miss much last week. Anyway, I'm not watching another episode. They should have just left it to the funny people.
Too bad. I was going to watch Last Comic this season since there doesn't seem to be any good sitcoms left. Well, I don't think I'll be watching it now.

+1 for Carey and Butler for walking out though.
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