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So, with the release of the fabulous new Dragon Age: Veilguard, a new literary device has been gifted us, the gamers: the role player's personal real life accountability. A character misgenders one of her compatriots, and immediately corrects it by "pulling a 'Barve," - an action that denotes physically punishing yourself in a humiliation ritual to get across your apologies for a severe misstep in a situation. In the progenitor case, this translates to doing ten push ups upon misgendering a character.
So, my question is this: given Bioware's pedigree in the gaming world, we can take the lessons taught by the pedadagogues at EA and apply it to other titles that, while good perhaps, lack the refined veneer of their RPG forefathers. What scenarios in gaming of past and present do you think "pulling a Barve," would deescelate or improve a situation?
I'll start. Metal Gear Solid 2, the president could have done a lot to make Raiden more comfortable after grabbing his testicles by pulling a Barve. Imagine if instead of a codex call, you actually got the performance of Prez lowering and raising, each detail about the Patriots sounding more labored and breathy.
So, my question is this: given Bioware's pedigree in the gaming world, we can take the lessons taught by the pedadagogues at EA and apply it to other titles that, while good perhaps, lack the refined veneer of their RPG forefathers. What scenarios in gaming of past and present do you think "pulling a Barve," would deescelate or improve a situation?
I'll start. Metal Gear Solid 2, the president could have done a lot to make Raiden more comfortable after grabbing his testicles by pulling a Barve. Imagine if instead of a codex call, you actually got the performance of Prez lowering and raising, each detail about the Patriots sounding more labored and breathy.