Friends, gather around. I may not know much (well actually but I do but I'm just nevermind), but I do know this: Holland rules. In Amsterdam there are over 500 'coffeshops' alone and in the centre you literally have one around every corner, it's crazy. I started smoking weed rather late myself (17), cause I didn't want to do it just to have done it but because I really wanted to. In the summer I travelled to one of our islands with 5 friends, and with me a big bag of weed and 2 joints that my older brother rolled for me. He started early (13), and has helped me a lot with trying certain drugs (mushrooms, xtc). He had bought the weed for me, since you do have to be 18 (or at least look like 18), because many coffeeshops check you on it. It was an awesome week and a great introduction to what this topic is actually about: weed.
Seriously, everything you do is ten times better when you do it stoned. Listening to music, watching films (cinema especially), playing an instrument etc.
So I pose the question to ye all: have you done it and if so what did you think of it? Any great stories about it?
Btw, I just smoked a big one so I might me typing a bit weird, I wouldn't know.
Seriously, everything you do is ten times better when you do it stoned. Listening to music, watching films (cinema especially), playing an instrument etc.
So I pose the question to ye all: have you done it and if so what did you think of it? Any great stories about it?
Btw, I just smoked a big one so I might me typing a bit weird, I wouldn't know.