Wow, I'm gone for half a week and the Hyo haters have come out of the woodwork.
Salazar, I'm disappointed in your lack of defense, remember this quote,
When they came for Sooyoung,
I remained silent;
I don't like Sooyoung.
When they bashed Sunny,
I remained quiet;
I am not a fan of Sunny.
When they ridiculed Seohyun,
I did not speak out;
I think she looks like a hamster.
When they went for Taengoo,
I didn't say a word;
That chick might be crazy.
When they came for my beautiful Tiffany,
there was no one left to speak out.
Filler you and a few brave knights put on a valiant effort but its time to join forces and bring our baby home.
The Top Two...with "Gator Grill" sidling on the action.