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So... Castlevania/Boktai DS?


What ever happened to these...

Johnny Nighttrain said:
im not gonna give out my sources. but while im at it. Boktai and Castlevania should hit in january.

we should hear about 5-7 more suprises tonight.

Johnny Nighttrain said:
my predictions....

- Mizuguchi DS game. consider Lumines a side / pet project.
- Boktai DS and Castlevania DS in January.
- 5-7 suprise games.

that's all you guys get.

....Johnny clearly has some good sources (he got the Mizuguchi game right), so where's the Konami stuff (besides Goemon)? He also seemed to know about the Viewtiful Joe DS unveiling before Clover leaked it on their website... step up Johnny, what's going on?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Boktai bothers me.........

Now don't get me wrong, it is an INCREDIBLY solid game, and the whole sunlight thing really is great.

But god damn does it take a while to finish a level. on average it takes me 30-60 minutes per level. and you HAVE to play it on the GBA and HAVE to pretty much play it in the sun. so there goes chillin out on the couch, or the bed, or whatever. Not to mention you have to angle yourself relatively good (no shadows) to have the sensor get some sun... and then stay there for 30-60 minutes.

great game but logisitically for me at least it is pretty much a pain in the ass to play. unfortunate because again it is really a great game and a complete blast.


most that info was already known, ya know (Mizuguchi game from GDC, Boktai from E3 and Castlevania DS from EGM 4 issues ago)...


Er, you guys know Boktai's 99% playable w/o sunlight right? All that sun is mandatory for is Boss fights...


MarkMacD said:
most that info was already known, ya know (Mizuguchi game from GDC, Boktai from E3 and Castlevania DS from EGM 4 issues ago)...
Nope, it was assumed that Mizuguchi had one handheld game (either PSP or DS) and Lumines had already been shown at TGS by that point. No one knew there was a DS game in addition to that...
jarrod said:
Nope, it was assumed that Mizuguchi had one handheld game (either PSP or DS) and Lumines had already been shown at TGS by that point. No one knew there was a DS game in addition to that...
I did.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
jarrod said:
Er, you guys know Boktai's 99% playable w/o sunlight right? All that sun is mandatory for is Boss fights...

...meaning it's less than "99% playable w/o sunlight" since you can't get anywhere if you were playing the game at say....night time, a cloudy day, etc. It's a stupid gimmick.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I got boktai and played in 30 minutes and was killed by a random spider without playing in the sun. Never went back.


Lyte Edge said:
...meaning it's less than "99% playable w/o sunlight" since you can't get anywhere if you were playing the game at say....night time, a cloudy day, etc. It's a stupid gimmick.
You can complete any dungeon up to the boss w/o sunlight. And the game's actually easier at night... am I the only person who played Boktai here? :/


Sam Houser fucked my wife
I played Boktai while doing a guide, so I had to have it hooked up to a Game Boy Player while playing (for screenshots). I played about 99% of it inside, and only had to go outside for the pile drivers (destroying the bosses) and for building up some sunlight stocks every once in a while. I played most of the game with the Dark lens and Beatmania frame.

aoi tsuki

i played a solid hour of it, then got just past the maze of hedges in the courtyard. Left it at the room where you read the diary of the vampire for clues on how to get out of a room.

But yes, you can definitely play it at night, and the game so far is pretty easy, yet entertaining. Playing at night requires a little more resourcefulness since you risk running out of power for your solar gun, but it's actually quite easy to sneak past enemies, and those enemies you do kill often leave crystals. Then there's the solar stations. i actually prefer playing at night because it requires you to use a little more strategy.

i didn't expect to like it since i really hate the sun, and i'm indoors a lot, but the core gamplay is so solid and somewhat refreshing that i hate to put it down. In a way, the usage of the sun is a gimmick, not in that it forces you to be outside to fully enjoy the game, but that it's not all the necessary, at least not early on.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I strongly question that 99% number. Many times in the beginning you are just fucked because there is no sun and you have no way to charge your gun. Sure you can get the different fruit, but let's face it, it is possible that many more than a few times you have no juice and have run out of fruits.

So taking into account the pile drivers AND the times that you NEED sunlight to replenish your reserves, I call shennanigans on that 99% number.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Thanks to the microphone and touch screen, Boktai can now necessitate wind and rain.

GOTY 2005

I'm halfway serious. You couldn't base the gameplay around wind or rain to the extent they have with sunlight, because you can't get those effects as consistently, but that would be so awesome as a smaller feature.
Jonnyboy117 said:
I'm halfway serious. You couldn't base the gameplay around wind or rain to the extent they have with sunlight, because you can't get those effects as consistently

And because you shouldn't take your DS into THE RAIN


Poppycock! You can drive over a gba in a tank then light it on fire and it still works. The DS should survive a nuclear holocaust, especially the magical wonderful wont-scratch-iful touchscreen.

That or include a barometer with the game in the GBA port.
Kobun Heat said:
And because you shouldn't take your DS into THE RAIN
Everyone always talks about how durable Nintendo systems are. Time to see how truthful that is and make the very testing a gameplay feature.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
borghe said:
So taking into account the pile drivers AND the times that you NEED sunlight to replenish your reserves, I call shennanigans on that 99% number.
Yes, you obviously know more about the game than people who played and finished it.
I really really want to hear what's going on with CV and Boktai. Konami really pleased me on the GBA, even with games like Yu-Gi-Oh. They gave GBA some strong support with effort as well.

Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh, it would have been easy to push the DS game as a launch title, maybe. But I was even more surprised that there was nothing at all about it in last weeks reports. We saw quite a bit of it at E3 and all. Any word on that?


Yu-Gi-Oh was announced as a first quarter 2005 release back at E3... both Capcom & Konami need to step up and reveal some DS info I'd say. Koei too, they originally said Dynasty Warriors would be a launch game...


jarrod said:
Yu-Gi-Oh was announced as a first quarter 2005 release back at E3... both Capcom & Konami need to step up and reveal some DS info I'd say. Koei too, they originally said Dynasty Warriors would be a launch game...

The Clover Studio update this week is apparently themed "VJ DS." So we'll see.
er, sorry guys. i misunderstood my source. i thought i heard they'd hit in january, but that's when they're gonna get unveiled. atleast according to Kojima and Iga. im guessing they're gonna have some kind of little press conference for them or something.


No additional functions
That's cool. I would rather them take their time and get it right than rush for launch title. Castlevania didn't even start development until after E3 anyway. I'm guessing it'll come out next summer at the earliest.
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