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So I finally played Control


Wow, thought I was alone in dropping this game about 5-6 hours in. I also thought this game was really boring. I was only compelled by a bit of the weirdness in the initial story. Game tends to be up its own ass a lot. The setting get boring fast, and the characters and gameplay are meh too. For me, it's very overrated.
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I quit when the game explained that the developers intended me to play it like bloodborne or whatever it says. That message clashed so radically with the vibe I was experiencing up to that point that I was just like “I’d rather just play Returnal or Hades if you want me to play like that, then” and uninstalled.


So I kept playing after that point and I can say easily that is the worst part of the game. Really picks up after that. Still a really stupid decision to lock so many essential powers so late. Enemy encounters are a lot more interesting now. Still not the greatest combat. The map is still terrible though and make side missions annoying. Alan Wake DLC was pretty cool. Learning how fucked up the situation behind Jesse running into the FBC was,makes me a lot more confident in Remedy being able to pull off a full survival horror game with Alan Wake 2. If anyone else who dropped it still has it,I recommend giving it another chance.
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I thought the shooting felt as great as any Remedy game, and Control had better Force powers then Jedi Outcast.

Destruction modeling was oh so satisfying. Shit flying all over the place.
Put me in the 4 hours and then dropped it club. Maybe one day I'll push through. The show Severance piqued my interest a bit.


The game gets repetitive pretty fast, but I still manage to play through it. Its not great, but not a bad game either.
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Excellent game. I didn't expect it to suck me in the way it did. The controls are a little loose and remind me of Max Payne but the story is interesting, the graphics are great and it does a lot of unique things. It makes you want to explore and upgrade as much as possible.

I beat it on Xbox but I'll probably replay it on PC eventually with all of the settings maxed out. It's a shame the game doesn't support HDR because I think it could really benefit from it.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
There's a really weird atmosphere about this game. It's sort of like Half-Life meets Doctor Strange meets Stranger Things except it's kind of cold and lonely.

I also really hate games where the big reveal is....

it was all just a dream or in this case, most of what you've experienced was written by Alan Wake. Even the protagonist might not actually real. Of course you don't find out until the DLC where it's very heavily implied that most of this was created and manifested by Alan Wake using his reality warping powers in order to fight the Dark Presesence.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Played through about half of it and was bored to tears. Youtubed the story.
Did you YouTube the story including the AWE DLC? Because the DLC is where it really goes to shit with its big reveal.
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Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Did you YouTube the story including the AWE DLC? Because the DLC is where it really goes to shit with its big reveal.
Yes I did and thank god I stopped playing it. Remedy since Alan Wake always have these vague weird stories. I dont' know why they can't tell a straight story without all this symbolism bullshit. I got free on ps+ and thought it was ok. I could never say I had "fun" playing it.


Is this guy PS5 or XBOX?
this game almost made me angry it was so boring and dull when i played it. i literally was insulted that i had been convinced to waste my time. no disrespect to the dev as i loved alan wake, but hard to believe there was a team of like 500 people who worked on this game, some of which probably got paid a lot.
Control is definitely one of those games where you play it for half an hour, think "well, this is crap but the gameplay will develop soon", then a couple hours later it's the same basic shit... in this case a weak third-person shooter with a gravity gun gimmick from 2004. I didn't even pay for the game (Epic gave it away at some point) and I still felt like I'd lost out on the deal.

It also doesn't help that the environments are so ugly and monotone.


I wanted to play it from the moment I saw the gameplay and the story seemed interesting but I'm now 4 hours in and I can't really seem to get into it. Shootings alright,story isn't really gripping. I hate when games lock your movement abilities away at the start. and having all your powers on some cooldown doesn't feel right.I've heard the flying ability really changes things up but I'm not sure I even want to keep playing.

Yeah I couldn't hold my interest longer then about half as hour. Maybe I don't like offices and an archaic gameloop ( this time around)
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Gold Member
I'm liking it a lot while playing it, but the PC port is fucked up like every other remedi game PC port, I just cheated on an optional boss with the one shot accessibility option because of the game crashing more than half the times on my attempts, even with all the internet suggestions, I got mad because I almost had it some times when crash happened.

It's a much better horror game than anything I've played outside silent hill, because it's the atmosphere which traps you and not cheap af screamers made for YouTube points... And it even doesn't try to beat horror game, lol.

Combat is awesome, specially now that I have the levitation power, I love the story, I don't know what's so bad about it since it's just a type of story based on mistery and psychology... Maybe the complainers just like the things being direct and straight forward and hate uncertainty instead? I think that's just a matter of tastes, I myself like the tone and style, but they could keep all the documents reading... I seriously hate having to pause my playing for reading paragraphs, if I'm playing I'm on a playing mood, not reading or hearing voice notes or whatever... I could accept it if they were exceptions but they are the norm.

Apart from that, I like it a lot, hope I don't have more crashes tho.
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I played it, finished it. I get what you’re saying tho, for me it never felt great to play and the game itself is boring to look at, as is the story, even though I love twin peaks and sci fi shit - didn’t work for me. I do wish they’d incorporate those type of physics interactions in a more interesting environment than like, offices and caves. I like the abilities just felt it coulda been more fun


Very good game I enjoyed it, But not a great game, map is atrocious and some powers are learned too late in the story and the story is just crackers.

I really liked the shooting and throwing stuff around though 🤷‍♂️


Amazing game, loved the setting and the main character. Really liked the x files/SCP vibe the game was going for and the severe architecture design. Gameplay was classic remedy, you should know what to expect after max Payne, Alan wake and quantum break.


Yeah, it wasn’t for me.

I think the main problem was the incredibly dull environments, same problem I had with FEAR.

It was solid enough mechanically, I just thought it was unbelievably boring.

Edit: having said that, I do like Remedy games usually, and a lot of folk have said it’s worth another shot so I probably will at some point. But it’s not high up on the list!
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I think the main problem was the incredibly dull environments, same problem I had with FEAR.

FEAR is infamous for having dull environments but I think it has a visual appeal that's been lost since... it's the epitome of that mid-2000s PC FPS aesthetic that died with the then next-gen consoles. Plus it helps that it's one of the best FPSs ever. Control doesn't have so much going for it.
you should know what to expect after max Payne, Alan wake and quantum break.
It doesn't really play anything like Max Payne or Alan Wake though. It feels very much like the sort of generic third-person-shooter a lesser company might have released back in the 00s though


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Liked it a lot, but had to push through at a few points where it started to drag a bit. Felt it ended pretty strongly and it has a few absolutely standout set-piece, most notably the Ashtray Maze sequence which is fabulously trippy.


Push on warrior. Worth it imo. At least unlock all the abilities first
Already did.
So I kept playing after that point and I can say easily that is the worst part of the game. Really picks up after that. Still a really stupid decision to lock so many essential powers so late. Enemy encounters are a lot more interesting now. Still not the greatest combat. The map is still terrible though and make side missions annoying. Alan Wake DLC was pretty cool. Learning how fucked up the situation behind Jesse running into the FBC was,makes me a lot more confident in Remedy being able to pull off a full survival horror game with Alan Wake 2. If anyone else who dropped it still has it,I recommend giving it another chance.
I had a feeling people weren't seeing the post I came back to bump this thread with.


FEAR is infamous for having dull environments but I think it has a visual appeal that's been lost since... it's the epitome of that mid-2000s PC FPS aesthetic that died with the then next-gen consoles. Plus it helps that it's one of the best FPSs ever. Control doesn't have so much going for it.

It doesn't really play anything like Max Payne or Alan Wake though. It feels very much like the sort of generic third-person-shooter a lesser company might have released back in the 00s though
I would disagree, each game has evolved the combat system, quantum break in particular added several abilities on top of the classic bullet time mechanic, Control feels like the continued evolution of the combat system. I love it but it is a specific flavor of gameplay. I have to wonder how much you played if you are describing it as a generic third person shooter, as the power system gives you ways to customize you approach that can be quite varied in how you go into any situation (shields versus telekinesis, versus flight and mobility, melee.)


It's a very overrated game. It looks nice with rt to the max, but that's about it. Quantum break was a lot better


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
FEAR is infamous for having dull environments but I think it has a visual appeal that's been lost since... it's the epitome of that mid-2000s PC FPS aesthetic that died with the then next-gen consoles. Plus it helps that it's one of the best FPSs ever. Control doesn't have so much going for it.

It doesn't really play anything like Max Payne or Alan Wake though. It feels very much like the sort of generic third-person-shooter a lesser company might have released back in the 00s though

But FEAR is amazing, I love its gameplay, graphics and bullet time.

I loved it for having a shooter with a mixture of Horror, especially as it is the combination of Western action with Japanese terror.

A great wonder is FEAR.

But control??... Is a average game.
What does this thing have going for it?
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But control??... Is a average game.
What does this thing have going for it?
Average? No, too many people are upset about it. That wouldn't happen about an average game.

What makes Control special is the atmosphere, the architecture, some of the bosses and weirdness.. I've been amazed at the setpieces a few times, and yes, a lot of it is deliberately kept quite monotonous, but therefore some setpieces really stand out. The story was cool, even though I didn't 100% understand what was going on (according to the developer, you're not supposed to, since it's about unexplained paranormalities) and there are some quiet nice places to discover.

The gameplay was really tough (not difficultywise, but the funfactor was missing) at first, I'll admit that, and it took me about 5-10 hours to really get into it and understand what the game wanted me to do and how fighting made sense. Later on, when you got some skills and additions to your weapon, most fights were really fun in combination with personalized firearms with altered stats and abilities. The enemies and the combat system forces you to switch and rethink quickly, and once you've figured that out and mastered it, Control has a great gun / psyplay, if not the best in its' genre.

I can understand that the game is not for everyone, but for what it is, it's great. Got the platinum in notime.
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