Diablos said:kablooey - I'm almost positive that I remember you posting about being in tons of advanced classes in school and being generally very, very smart.
kablooey said:Anyway...I've spent far too much time in this thread being distracted with trying to prove myself to MAF.![]()
Thanks for the advice folks...what I really wanted to know though, is how do I go about telling my family/close friends about this?
Diablos said:And what were they? If you are one of those "OMG I got a B instead of an A, I am stupid" people I don't want to hear it.
Hell, even if you got D's or failed grades in those classes that proves that you would (obviously) do much better in the regular ones... nothing wrong with being normal like everyone else when it comes to academics.
MAF, I bet you think depression is an invention of socially inept individuals right?
bionic77 said:Go to a doctor, get a diagnosis, if you have ADD tell your family. I would assume your family would be really supportive in that situation. If not, then they suck.
kablooey said:Yeah, I did get a few D's, and if it weren't for parental intervention, it could've been a lot worse...
And I don't know, I see what you're saying, but massive underachievement is all relative, I think. Also, I'm in a bunch of "normal" classes right now, and close to failing almost all of them...
I'd bet you there are tons of ways to teach people how to program without shoving math problems in your face day after day.
Diablos said:Retardboy: the enter/return key is your friend![]()
Diablos said:In fact, that's why I avoid programming like the plague. There's no doubt I'd be screwed when it came to math. Honestly... I would't pass.
Diablos said:If ADHD is just a joke, maybe you should watch one of the few shows left on MTV that is worth watching -- True Life. They had a special on kids with ADHD and how drugs they took helped the situation but also made them addicts.
kablooey said:The thing is though, I have to go to my parents before going to the doctor. I said so in my first post, but I don't know if my insurance covers psychological visits. I have to tell my parents first to find out if it does. And I think that they're naturally going to be a little cynical/skeptical, like many here.
Makura said:Unfortunately ADD and ADHD are very real indeed. But drugs aren't always the answer and every case requires unique treatment. It's something that can be treated quite effectively.
retardboy said:If you really really truly have a desire to do it, you can do it.
kablooey said:Ah, here's another problem. I can concentrate on things that I like doing (though not as much as I'd like, which scares me the most). But only being able to do what you want to do simply isn't very realistic, and the biggest hurdle is getting myself to buckle down to do the things I don't want to do to get to the things I do. Make sense?
kablooey said:Ah, here's another problem. I can concentrate on things that I like doing (though not as much as I'd like, which scares me the most). But only being able to do what you want to do simply isn't very realistic, and the biggest hurdle is getting myself to buckle down to do the things I don't want to do to get to the things I do. Make sense?
I don't know if this had any affect, but I fell out of a shopping cart and had a concussion when I was about 2.![]()
retardboy said:Meh... We all have ADHD if those are the symptoms. I can't finish an RPG either. Only ones I have finished were SoA, Grandia 2, Shining Force 1-2, and Shenmue 1-2. The reason why I haven't finished the rest is because I simply lost interest... stories didn't catch my interest or something like that. ...(really frickin' long single paragraph post)... Saying you have ADHD is just a freaken cop out, IMHO. I just say I'm a lazy bum. Sometimes I wonder if ADHD is real but then I just really think to myself about why the hell I'm so damn lazy and I come to the conclusions I mentioned above. Who knows though... There may very well be ADHD so I don't want to bash you or anything. I'm not in your body so I wouldn't know.
Ferrio said:That's because computer science isn't just about programming. It's about the mathematics, and algorithms behind it. As well as how computers work at the low level and such. Programming is just one small aspect in what a computer scientist should be.
kablooey said:Err, yeah. Fascinating, huh? Ooh, look, butterflies! *chases
This was pretty unexpected, to be honest. I've been having problems concentrating on schoolwork, instead opting to fool around here on the net, and elsewhere, or listen to music. I know everyone has this from time to time, but I actually want to concentrate...yet, I can't.
Anyway, I read somewhere about some people who had ADD, and their symptoms seemed to match mine. I looked more into it, and almost every listed symptom of ADHD is applicable to me, and has been since I was a kid. I have no idea why I was never diagnosed as a kid, actually. Also, having a 'hyperactive disorder' isn't as fun as it sounds...I'm constantly on edge, like a crack addict almost, and it's not healthy.
So, the hard part is now informing my parents about this, and figuring out where to go from here. I wish I didn't have to tell my parents though, as any kind of mental "deficiency" is a major taboo in our family...however, the counselor at the school psychological services says that I can only be offically diagnosed by a shrink, which would cost money, and I'm not sure if my insurance covers psychological visits. So, I'm forced to ask my parents to find out.
Getting to the point: does anyone here know some people who've gone through something similar? Did medication and such work out for them? General support would also be appreciated, because my life is going to be pretty damn chaotic until all this gets sorted out.![]()