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So, I guess I'm gonna pop this gofundme for my cat, Agent Mauer, here.


Hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood Poodaddy. I haven't posted in a while, as far as threads, and I think these days I spend most of my time in the pics that make you laugh thread as I'm just trying not to think about stuff. A lot has changed for me these past few years, to include moving across the country, and various other bits of personal drama that has made life a nonstop rail road of confusion. I know I'm not special, and it's been a hard few years for everyone, and to everyone I say I hope you're keeping safe and healthy, and trying to find a way to have fun in all this. I'm posting this thread to ask for help that I don't deserve, from a community that I imagine mostly doesn't know I exist, and that's fine. I've never asked for money before from anyone I wasn't birthed from, so I hope I'm doing this right.

My cat, Agent Mauer, is pretty much the sweetest and most amazing cat I've ever met. She's been diagnosed with lymphoma, and she's three years old. I've got her enrolled at Angel Animal Medical Center in Boston for radiation treatment, and I think she's gonna be ok. This isn't one of those, "please donate or my cat's gonna die" things; far from it. She's gonna be fine, I've already spent the money, near 15000 in total, to make sure of it. The bummer is this, the credit card debt this has plunged my family into is pretty tough to get out from under. I have absolutely no regrets, I would have spent anything on Mauer just to keep her alive for a week if that's all I could do, and I know that I'm not owed any money from anyone just because I have a sick cat. Times are tough, you've got your family to care for, and I've got mine, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Please don't even consider giving any money if you're having a tough time financially right now or if you're even just wondering why you'd give your hard earned money to a stranger; hey I get it man, why would you? I appreciate your time more than you know, regardless of your decision, and if I could I'd buy you a coffee.


Dr Bass

Best of luck in raising money for your buddy.

I know exactly what it's like to be in this situation. I hope more than you know for the best outcome for Agent Mauer.


Resident Cheap Arse
It's good to hear about someone doing good for one they care about so I dropped in 10 of your yankee funny money. Good on you, man. Hope you and yours come out on top in the end.


So sorry to hear that man. The best hopes and wishes to your kitten.

It's good to hear about someone doing good for one they care about so I dropped in 10 of your yankee funny money. Good on you, man. Hope you and yours come out on top in the end.
Thanks guys, you're the best.

I don't know about that tag brother, you don't seem like any cheap arse I've ever met. Seem like a goddamn decent person, wish there were more of those out there like you guys.


Done. Best of luck to you all.
Thank you so much brother, you're a king.

I wish I was rich so I could somehow buy everyone in this thread a Shelby to say thanks. Then we could all speed off into the sunset wearing aviator shades and tank tops while listening to 80's power metal.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Just don't take the drugs all at once. jk

Sorry to hear about your cat, pets getting sick is horrible. I lost my dog after 18 years last year, and my other dog has a collapsed trachea that makes him hack away all the time.


Sorry to hear about your kitty. Best wishes to your family.

Just don't take the drugs all at once. jk

Sorry to hear about your cat, pets getting sick is horrible. I lost my dog after 18 years last year, and my other dog has a collapsed trachea that makes him hack away all the time.

30 from me.

Best luck.
Goddamn guys. Thank you so much seriously. I absolutely love you fuckers, I wish there was some kind of way to pay it back.

And don't worry, I have every faith that Mauer's gonna be just fine. I miss her, but in three weeks I just know she's gonna be great man. This radiation is gonna work, it's gonna work because it goddamn well better. Agent Mauer will be back here with her family where she belongs, and she can take up semi permanent residence on my chest again.


Glad to help a bit. My cat is getting up there in years, and I totally understand the attachment and the pain involved at the thought of losing them. Here's hoping for a full recovery for Agent Mauer.


Glad to help a bit. My cat is getting up there in years, and I totally understand the attachment and the pain involved at the thought of losing them. Here's hoping for a full recovery for Agent Mauer.
Thank you so much brother, you guys are amazing.


Man, I know exactly how this feels. I had a cat that developed inflammatory bowel disease and needed repeat biopsies to make sure it hadn't progressed to bowel cancer, along with constant medication. They initially gave her 6-12 months to live but she ended up making it another 3 years.

Not gonna lie, things are tight for my family living on a fixed income but a lot of people spent their time and money to help out when my Pom was diagnosed and the bills were overwhelming so I feel compelled to pay it forward. I sent $10 your way. Wish I could do more.


Man, I know exactly how this feels. I had a cat that developed inflammatory bowel disease and needed repeat biopsies to make sure it hadn't progressed to bowel cancer, along with constant medication. They initially gave her 6-12 months to live but she ended up making it another 3 years.

Not gonna lie, things are tight for my family living on a fixed income but a lot of people spent their time and money to help out when my Pom was diagnosed and the bills were overwhelming so I feel compelled to pay it forward. I sent $10 your way. Wish I could do more.
Jesus man, thank you so much seriously. I'm sorry to hear about your cat man, it's horrible to watch the little guys go through that, you just want to do whatever you can to make it better for them. I'm so glad that this radiation stuff picked up traction, as it's apparently new in the veterinary world. They've only been doing this procedure for cats for about ten years I'm told, so if this had happen to Agent Mauer ten years ago, had she been alive, there would have simply been only the choice of chemotherapy, which simply did not work for Mauer. She went through six weeks of chemo, but it just would not get the cancer into remission. Thank goodness there's a B plan these days for this Lymphoma in cats, as there wasn't one just a scant ten years ago. Crazy to think about.


As a fish, cats are my worst enemy, pulling for Agent Mauer though :messenger_heart:

i sent something through Paypal, sorry it's not a lot, but hope it helps
You're the best brother, thanks so much man. Please don't be sorry, I literally appreciate absolutely any help so much. It means the absolute world to me that you guys are giving like this, even a cent is more than I ever imagined anyone would help us. I truly believed I'd be taking this financial hit with absolutely no help, as I've never really received financial help from anyone in the past, not even my parents past the age of 18, so I'm not accustomed to the feeling man. I'm absolutely floored to be receiving aid from people who genuinely must just care, no ulterior motives, just good people. It has literally shocked me, very seriously, no lie. Kind of restored my faith in humanity at a time when I really feel that all of our faith in that is shaken pretty much constantly these days. It's a very nihilistic, fearful period of time, filled to the brim with sides, cliques, divisions, lies, and bullshit, that we currently live in. We all need to be reminded sometimes that there are so many great people out there, and it's important to remember that when the horrible ones are so damn loud that they can seem like an overpowering presence. People are decent, they are good, and it's a powerful thing to see.


Lost my dog 3 years ago while I was away abroad on a trip, Couldn't get home quick enough to be with him and it still gnaws at me all this time later. Spent all I could to have him taken care of but still couldn't be there for him still don't regret a penny spent. I love what you're doing for your best friend.

Had a pretty good day on the markets so I'm sending some your way, stay strong brother.

$50 via paypal.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood Poodaddy. I haven't posted in a while, as far as threads, and I think these days I spend most of my time in the pics that make you laugh thread as I'm just trying not to think about stuff. A lot has changed for me these past few years, to include moving across the country, and various other bits of personal drama that has made life a nonstop rail road of confusion. I know I'm not special, and it's been a hard few years for everyone, and to everyone I say I hope you're keeping safe and healthy, and trying to find a way to have fun in all this. I'm posting this thread to ask for help that I don't deserve, from a community that I imagine mostly doesn't know I exist, and that's fine. I've never asked for money before from anyone I wasn't birthed from, so I hope I'm doing this right.

My cat, Agent Mauer, is pretty much the sweetest and most amazing cat I've ever met. She's been diagnosed with lymphoma, and she's three years old. I've got her enrolled at Angel Animal Medical Center in Boston for radiation treatment, and I think she's gonna be ok. This isn't one of those, "please donate or my cat's gonna die" things; far from it. She's gonna be fine, I've already spent the money, near 15000 in total, to make sure of it. The bummer is this, the credit card debt this has plunged my family into is pretty tough to get out from under. I have absolutely no regrets, I would have spent anything on Mauer just to keep her alive for a week if that's all I could do, and I know that I'm not owed any money from anyone just because I have a sick cat. Times are tough, you've got your family to care for, and I've got mine, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Please don't even consider giving any money if you're having a tough time financially right now or if you're even just wondering why you'd give your hard earned money to a stranger; hey I get it man, why would you? I appreciate your time more than you know, regardless of your decision, and if I could I'd buy you a coffee.

Done, hope things can pick back up. It is not easy to go through things like this for anyone :/.


Done. Best of luck buddy.

Lost my dog 3 years ago while I was away abroad on a trip, Couldn't get home quick enough to be with him and it still gnaws at me all this time later. Spent all I could to have him taken care of but still couldn't be there for him still don't regret a penny spent. I love what you're doing for your best friend.

Had a pretty good day on the markets so I'm sending some your way, stay strong brother.

$50 via paypal.

💵💲> your way

I hope your cat recovers. Losing a beloved pet is rough.

I'm not even a cat person, what am I doing...here's $25 in the interest of good karma, healthy pets and families. You're good peeps poodaddy poodaddy

Done, hope things can pick back up. It is not easy to go through things like this for anyone :/.
Goddammit guys, I'm over here trying to keep it together and you guys are making me feel like one of the screaming women at an Opera shoot. I'm completely touched, humbled, and utterly appreciative of you all, thank you so much, I sincerely, truly do thank you guys. Everyone, if I didn't make a penny more right now, I'm still so thrilled and appreciative with how much you guys have helped me. Every penny on that GoFundMe has come from the Neogaf community guys. I can't believe how kickass our community is man. Love you fuckers, and thank you for accepting me here and making me feel like there's good people out there. If something ever happens in anyone's corner out there in this thread, please please just say the word and I'll always be there for you guys when you need help as best I can.

Raising a metaphorical glass to the Neogaf community fellas. Best forum out there, period.
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Faith - Hope - Love
poodaddy poodaddy , your sweet kitty is in my prayers and I donated what I could- Thank you for sharing your story with us and I wish Agent Mauer all the best and many happy and healthy years ahead! ❤️


poodaddy poodaddy , your sweet kitty is in my prayers and I donated what I could- Thank you for sharing your story with us and I wish Agent Mauer all the best and many happy and healthy years ahead! ❤️
Thank you so much!! I just know she's gonna be ok, I can't wait to get her back. I truly appreciate your help, it really does help.


Live from NeoGAF, it's Friday Night!
Get him a sexy nurse!

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Gold Member
My old boy is on 22 and going strong 🤞, even fell out of an open window from the 15th floor one winters day. An alley cat with 9 lives.
Agent M. deserves a long comfortable life too.
Best of luck to you and your family.


My old boy is on 22 and going strong 🤞, even fell out of an open window from the 15th floor one winters day. An alley cat with 9 lives.
Agent M. deserves a long comfortable life too.
Best of luck to you and your family.
Thank you man, I truly appreciate it. 22 years old man, that's amazing! I've never had a cat make it quite that long, but I had a cat make it to 19 when I lived in East TN. I miss her, she was named Goofy. She was a pretty amazing cat. It sounds like you have an amazing little guy too, here's hoping he stays healthy brother, they're just incredible companions.
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