Escape Goat
Spike Spiegel
Hates pussies.
(Today, 05:33 PM)
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Spike Spiegel
Hates pussies.
(Today, 05:33 PM)
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belgurdo said:Why do people get mad when the animal being killed is something that is commonly percieved as "cute," but don't give a shit when stuff like mice and snakes die? if they are both pests, then they must be exterminated.
Be-Ah-Hui said:Being a redneck hick is no excuse for being an inhumane asshole.
I couldn't even imagine trying to shoot a cat
belgurdo said:Why do people get mad when the animal being killed is something that is commonly percieved as "cute," but don't give a shit when stuff like mice and snakes die? if they are both pests, then they must be exterminated.
Spike Spiegel said:Paid my grandparents a visit on Saturday, and their cat problem is getting out of hand again. So I grabbed the .22 LR from its place in the closet, asked my grandfather to describe the ones he wanted to get rid of, and set out. Usually, you only get a few shots before they all disappear for the day, but I managed to kill at least one, and wound a few more.
Not the best way to spend a Saturday afternoon, I admit, but there are worse alternatives... like, working on my research paper, washing months of dirt and grime from my car, or being bored out of my skull at work.
If these choices were optioned to me, would that imply that whatever choice i make is allowed thus there would no consequences? I know what i would choose!Lemurnator said:If you had the choice between homework, work, washing your car, and killing kittens. Which would you choose? Honestly.
Flynn said:Most people that give a damn would be pissed at the needless death of a mouse or snake as well.
Not to mention the fact that the definition of pest widely varies. I don't imagine the cats were chewing through the walls, nibbling on electrical cable and shitting all over the pantry.
Jim Bowie said:This is exactly the difference. They're just loitering. No need to fucking shoot them.
Claus said:I'm sure the cow you ate earlier felt the same way.
Claus said:I'm sure the cow you ate earlier felt the same way.
Jim Bowie said:Did Spike eat the cat?
Claus said:So you wouldn't have a problem with any of this as long as Spike skinned and ate the cat? Besides, meat isn't necessary to sustain a healthy life. You can live off fruits and vegetables. No point in harming some innocent, methane producing cows just so you can fill your gullet.
Jim Bowie said:I would sort of be surprised that Spike was eating a cat. But there is certainly a difference between offing a loitering cat and killing something to eat it, would you not agree? The difference here is that killing the cat had no purpose. Killing cattle has many purposes, such as food or clothing. Spike did neither of these things.
Also, you don't need a car, a house, clothing, or money to live. Why do you deem it necessary for you to take all these things, which hurt the enviroment and abuse animals, and use them just to be comfortable?
BobbyRobby said:I suggest everyone go read up on Factory Farms. Extremely Inhumane, yet no one seems to care.
Claus said:A car, house, clothing, and money are all conveniences. They make living easier, which is why I need them. Besides, people are hurt just as much by the impacts of producing these things as well. You don't need meat to have an easier time living.
He killed a male. That one male could impregnate every feral cat in the area easily. He may not have taken a large step in controlling the population, but I'm sure it helped.
Jim Bowie said:Yeah, conveniences. Having many meal options makes my life easier. I can swing by a fast food restaurant, eat a hamburger, and go on with my day.
You're also using after-the-fact revelations to justify the attack. Do you really think Spike flipped over the cat, found a cock, and then blew it away? Nah. He shot him, and then found out he was a male.
And if he did do the former, why wouldn't he just take it to a fucking pound?!?
:lolJim Bowie said:Yeah, conveniences. Having many meal options makes my life easier. I can swing by a fast food restaurant, eat a hamburger, and go on with my day.
You're also using after-the-fact revelations to justify the attack. Do you really think Spike flipped over the cat, found a cock, and then blew it away? Nah. He shot him, and then found out he was a male.
And if he did do the former, why wouldn't he just take it to a fucking pound?!?
Claus said:You can also order a salad instead of that hamburger. Just because it's fast food doesn't mean it can't be health food.
Actually, killing off a female would probably have had more of an impact since that is one less cat popping out a litter of 6 in 2 months.
Jim Bowie said:Does it matter if it's healthy or not? Off-topic, d00d. We're talking conveinence, remember?
Once again, he didn't make a conscious decision on, "I'm going for a particular gender." He went out back with a gun, and shot a cat. With no reason other than being there. I'm not buying that it was damaging his grandparents' property by sitting on their property being cats.
Also, how would the female cat pop out a litter of 6 with no male cats? Who came first, the chicken or the egg?
NLB2 said:Spike, your a goodman. Animal rights has gone to far if you can't kill some annoying wild cats and not get flamed for it. My heart goes out to you.
Otaking said:...I seriously hope this was a joke thread. I was about to go to sleep and now I fear for my pet cats' lives. My cats (and dog) are some of the best companions I've ever had. And now I feel so damn depressed after reading this thread. And those pictures with the pleas for life from cats didn't help either (even though they might've been meant as jokes). Why...just...why would you be posting about killing some cats, feral or not? If you killed feral humans, would you be posting about it here too?
Rei_Toei said:It's not cool to wound animals and not finish them off. They're gonna die in an miserable way :/ At least make the effort to really kill them.
Iceman said:How many cats do you think would stick around after hearing a few gunshots, watching Mr. Jingles go down and then feeling a burning sensation in your gut?
BAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolLemurnator said:
ManDudeChild said:I'm pretty sure Mr. Jingles was a mouse. :lol
luxsol said:...
I'm curious... is everyone here who is against shooting these animals also a vegetarian?
Spike Spiegel said:Paid my grandparents a visit on Saturday, and their cat problem is getting out of hand again.