Since me and my friend
have simultaneously joined NeoGAF, and little did I know that this coincidence resulted in a bromance I usually never deal with on gaming forums. From showing similar tastes as much in music ( we’re both big Justice fans ! ) as in anime ( we’re also both great fans of Hiroyuki Imaishi animes ! ), and having in common an undisputed amount of respect towards Hideo Kojima,, our relationship escalated quickly, which came to a surprise for me ( and that’s reciprocal ) considering that on my first experience with gaming forums, I never really remembered anyone in particular who I appreciated discussing with.
But thanks to NeoGAF, not only was I guaranteed one of the most sane and well-reasoned gaming discussion hiveminds of the Internet ( at least to me ), but I also knew how to make up with members who I felt like they had a legitimate personality.
Starlight Lotice
especially is one of the members who stood out to me for having shared with me his authentic passion for all things Sega, and for this I’m grateful to him for staying true to himself on this aspect. I could also briefly mention
for being regular fans of my threads ( whenever I post some )... when I have the occasion to write them ! But even though I don’t have any other particular member I can think of, there are tons of members who steadily grew more founded of my work over my past threads, and all the great feedback I’ve received makes me feel like I’ve achieved my main purpose on GAF : to bring qualitative and personal insights on subjects who should be shed a bit more spotlight on. So for those who I haven’t mentioned, thank you still for having taken the time to appreciate throughout the year my early threads, kudos to all of you for your ongoing support !
From my first impressions of staying on NeoGAF, what else needs to be highlighted about this forum compared to other gaming forums ? Well, not only do I find the user interface to be intuitive and clean to lurk through, the way bumping up threads work that makes the poster’s efforts feeling more valued over the long term ( if luck strikes ) is pretty great, the thread editing that is complete with options and helps to preview how your thread will look ( which is a life-changer for me ), among other good things, but I also found the moderation team to do a much better job ( than the old gaming forum I was on at least ) when it comes to preventing console warring, spams, SJWs, and other eventual nuisances. Honestly, hats off to the mods for doing rightfully heir job when other people of this profession NEEDS TO.
But if I was to be nitpicky and point out a negative aspect from this forum ( in my personal opinion should it be noted ) out of my countless praising, it would be regarding the politics section. I mean, I know that I’m not well placed to address this seeing as I usually never post there, and I should therefore not judge what is solely best for more grown up people than me to discuss about. But I do think that, ultimately, it shouldn’t really be one of the main focuses in a gaming forum. Not to say that I’m against the notion of discussing gaming publishers or editors’ policies regarding gaming as a whole however, no this I’m remotely fine with. It’s just that to me, discussing politics can sometimes bring out hidden traits from members you thought you knew well until then, and that this revealed them to be assholes. I feel like it could occasionally bring out the worst from those who sought to post there often when much better use of their time could’ve been spent on discussing say playing video games. To each their own regarding their personal thoughts on whether to leave intact or not the politics section, but for me I really don’t see the absolute necessity of a lifetime for it to be there, and that NeoGAF can easily continue to exist without it... not much like REEEEsetEra though.
Aside from that, that’s all I had to say regarding my first year on NeoGAF ; a good first year to say the least. Again, I was able to meet up with some great new friends and above all, I was able to pull out some damn good threads like the commemorative thread on P.T./Silent Hills’ 5th anniversary, of the one that was a ridiculously long part-time retrospective, part-time review on 2019’s sleeper anime hit Promare, and the history of the genius anime studio behind it ( Trigger ). So I guess that, to wrap this up, so far it’s starting off strong for me... and for
also !
Here’s to another great year in gaming discussion with my ( occasional ) presence !

But thanks to NeoGAF, not only was I guaranteed one of the most sane and well-reasoned gaming discussion hiveminds of the Internet ( at least to me ), but I also knew how to make up with members who I felt like they had a legitimate personality.

From my first impressions of staying on NeoGAF, what else needs to be highlighted about this forum compared to other gaming forums ? Well, not only do I find the user interface to be intuitive and clean to lurk through, the way bumping up threads work that makes the poster’s efforts feeling more valued over the long term ( if luck strikes ) is pretty great, the thread editing that is complete with options and helps to preview how your thread will look ( which is a life-changer for me ), among other good things, but I also found the moderation team to do a much better job ( than the old gaming forum I was on at least ) when it comes to preventing console warring, spams, SJWs, and other eventual nuisances. Honestly, hats off to the mods for doing rightfully heir job when other people of this profession NEEDS TO.
But if I was to be nitpicky and point out a negative aspect from this forum ( in my personal opinion should it be noted ) out of my countless praising, it would be regarding the politics section. I mean, I know that I’m not well placed to address this seeing as I usually never post there, and I should therefore not judge what is solely best for more grown up people than me to discuss about. But I do think that, ultimately, it shouldn’t really be one of the main focuses in a gaming forum. Not to say that I’m against the notion of discussing gaming publishers or editors’ policies regarding gaming as a whole however, no this I’m remotely fine with. It’s just that to me, discussing politics can sometimes bring out hidden traits from members you thought you knew well until then, and that this revealed them to be assholes. I feel like it could occasionally bring out the worst from those who sought to post there often when much better use of their time could’ve been spent on discussing say playing video games. To each their own regarding their personal thoughts on whether to leave intact or not the politics section, but for me I really don’t see the absolute necessity of a lifetime for it to be there, and that NeoGAF can easily continue to exist without it... not much like REEEEsetEra though.
Aside from that, that’s all I had to say regarding my first year on NeoGAF ; a good first year to say the least. Again, I was able to meet up with some great new friends and above all, I was able to pull out some damn good threads like the commemorative thread on P.T./Silent Hills’ 5th anniversary, of the one that was a ridiculously long part-time retrospective, part-time review on 2019’s sleeper anime hit Promare, and the history of the genius anime studio behind it ( Trigger ). So I guess that, to wrap this up, so far it’s starting off strong for me... and for

Here’s to another great year in gaming discussion with my ( occasional ) presence !
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