First off, congratulations on opening your private life to public discussion. Mind you, I remember watching a video you posted on tha 'tubes wherein you housed the partner of a friend of yours who was abusing her by slamming her fingers in doors/hitting her and it was a real mess etc but you said that they were just going through 'a phase' and that it wasn't a 'big deal' and it was just something they had to 'get over' and that the problem between them was actually caused by a third party evil overlord who had the power to cause one person to become manically abusive to another. Or at least that's what I gathered from the video.
I can't currently find the video but according to my watch history the video was taken down. I'm not too sure why but I am assuming this event had some bearing on your own interaction with your spouse/religious views (I recall you said she stayed with you, did well with your daughter, helped around the house etc) and that work was a great escape from the noise which helped you to set your mind on something completely unrelated but this is purely conjecture on my part which I assumed by how you sipped a cup of tea while smirking at a laptop camera relating your experiences as a mediator between two people going through their own relationship issues.
I'm assuming that when you buzz off to another state you will be leaving your daughter with your wife or whatever because if you're on the brink of divorce you might not be ready to go on a fun youthful adventure where you and your significant other bound through the grassy hills of discovery in the prime of your married life. I mean why would she go with you;
Sounds like you have really blossomed into a perfect amazing person and she just feels far too beneath you to even touch you anymore.
Good luck with your stuff! I hope your daughter gets the best outcome in all this.