I'm gonna piss in your soup guys, sorry but i cannot refrain myself...
In the 33 seconds i managed to watch, i only saw unfunny jokes ("im not a villain" with a broken glass bottle in hand) and crap a 13 year old internet troll would find too edgy and cringe ("who do you wanna kill first"). I forced myself to watch more, and the shapeshifting part was somewhat well done and i guess the movie cand be visually entertaining but still the question remains :
Why does Hollywood insist on making unfunny people write what is supposed to be funny movies ?
But it is ok, I kown i'm not the target audience, because i'm not a british gay frog with glass as much oversized as my ego.
PS : "Based on the totally metal graphic novel"

"Totally metal" is an oxymoron (emphasize on moron), and there absolutely nothing metal about that movie. Totally is something a square teenager would say, metal is not something a square teenager would listen to. SO who let the soccer mom who though she was cool by putting that in the trailer do it ?
PS 2 : I don't know anything about Mark Kermode, apart from the pics a quick google search unearthed, so he might be a british gay frog with glasses as oversized as his ego, or he may be a pretty decent dude, i don't really know.