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So, uh...is anyone playing Red Faction: Armageddon? |OT by default|


Trucker Sexologist
cleveridea said:
yeah under rated game IMO
The problem with RF:A is that the people that it would appeal the most to (arcade style shooter fans) have no historic reason to associate that type of experience with the franchise. If I was THQ I would give Volition the next Warhammer shooter and have them use this engine.


Rented this a few days ago. It wasn't the worst game I've played but it felt like it was just dragging on at times. Do all of the Red Faction games play like this one?


The enemy encounters in this game are so terrible. I'm probably halfway through; the aliens here may be the worst enemies of this entire generation and, to make it worse, are basically incompatible with the game's destruction tech due to their style of movement. Don't even want to go back to it.

It's bad enough that it's so far removed from the strengths of Guerilla, but it's also just a poor game in its own right. It's basically the worst elements you find in a typical corridor shooter this gen: awful level design, bad A.I, wasted weaponry, shitty story, almost non-existent characterization, muddy visuals, incessant repetition, etc. And it even does that whole "you have 10 seconds to go back to the mission area" thing if you happen to wander off, which coming after Guerilla is just criminal.


Trucker Sexologist
Zeliard said:
The enemy encounters in this game are so terrible. I'm probably halfway through; the aliens here may be the worst enemies of this entire generation and, to make it worse, are basically incompatible with the game's destruction tech due to their style of movement. Don't even want to go back to it.

It's bad enough that it's so far removed from the strengths of Guerilla, but it's also just a poor game in its own right. It's basically the worst elements you find in a typical corridor shooter this gen: awful level design, bad A.I, wasted weaponry, shitty story, almost non-existent characterization, muddy visuals, incessant repetition, etc. And it even does that whole "you have 10 seconds to go back to the mission area" thing if you happen to wander off, which coming after Guerilla is just criminal.
I think their movement style is a direct result of the destruction because they wouldn't really stand a chance if they weren't so mobile. You're essentially a walking wrecking ball.

People should also know going in that it doesn't have any more in common with Guerilla than the original Red Faction games do. It's closer to Earth Defense Force, to be honest. Also, don't play it on anything other than the "Insane" difficulty setting.


SapientWolf said:
I think their movement style is a direct result of the destruction because they wouldn't really stand a chance if they weren't so mobile. You're essentially a walking wrecking ball.

People should also know going in that it doesn't have any more in common with Guerilla than the original Red Faction games do. It's closer to Earth Defense Force, to be honest.

EDF is a far more imaginative and charming game. RFA has nothing other than the destruction tech going for it, and even that has been cast aside in favor of basic shooter gameplay. Outside of abusing the magnet gun, the aliens encourage you to just shoot them up like you would in a typical shooter (or melee them), especially since you're so often underground without much destructible material around other than metal pipes.

You have to purposefully want to destroy stuff in RFA, and only when it actually lets you. Even then, Guerilla did far more to encourage the player to mess with the destruction tech, not only due to how the enemy encounters and the environments were designed there, but also due to specific mini-games (like the excellent destruction challenges, which of course they saw fit to remove entirely despite everyone loving those). There were literally times in RFA where I would just run past the enemies to the next checkpoint because they are just that uninteresting to fight.

I already knew going in this would be a corridor shooter far removed from Guerilla. I had even seen Giant Bomb's Quick Look so I knew about the alien enemies and what to expect there. I had read RPS' review and was really hoping it was as they said, which is that once you get past the fact that it is nothing like Guerilla, it's okay. If only.


I rented this from Redbox a day ago and just beat it on Insane today. Liberal use of a fully upgraded Shockwave kept me in top form.

The story... well... um.

Why in the hell did they not fix the Terraformer when they had an easier time? You know, like any time after the destruction and before the bugs? Several years in between that time, and this guy seems to have the power to literally fix EVERYTHING BY POINTING AT IT.

um... it's SyFy so yeah.


This game is absolutely awesome. The big downside for it is the fairly repetitive cave systems, and not-so-great story.

Outside of that, its awesome. The weapons lend themselves to the environment pretty well, namely the gravity gun. Its fun as hell sticking a giant pipe, and then sticking it to an alien, and completely whipe them out. Or the other way around: fly the alien into a building and watch it crumble on top of him. The best part is that all the encounters keep you moving. Very rarely do I find myself sitting around a single corner going back and forth regenning health and taking one or two out. I'm rolling, jump, sprinting all around each room finding the best possible way to take them all out. I've realized though, you have to have a nice balance of weapons. I dropped the hammer early on, kept the gravity gun, and have pretty much had the shotgun the entire time... leaving room to rotate out two other weapons: nades usually as they're fun as hell to just lay everywhere and blow the hell out of everything, and the other just whatever I feel like using.

I can see why some people are not feeling this game, but when it comes to the gameplay itself, the game is an absolute blast. It doesn't try and take itself too seriously or try to be more realistic than it needs to be, and the presentation isn't as great as similar games, but its far more fun than say, RE5 or Dead Space.

As far as Guerrilla goes.. the only thing that was great about that game, was knocking down entire buildings... y'know ones that were randomly placed here in there in a barren, boring ass wasteland. The concepts were there, but the gameplay itself wasn't focused at all, which is the opposite case for Armageddon. It plays great, and I haven't had as much fun with a third person shooter since.. hell I'm not even sure when.

I would love to see Volition find a way to blend the more seamless combat of Armageddon into an open world game like Guerrilla, but I'm doubting that will happen.


THQ Member
We're running a Ruin mode tournament from now up until 7pm GMT on Thursday 7th July for UK players on all formats.

We want to see who can get the highest score on the Junction map. Simply play Ruin mode, get your best score and then post your gamertag, PSN ID or Steam ID in this thread to let us know how you are doing. The winner will receive a Red Faction: Armageddon T-shirt and poster.


Worthless 2 cents follows

Preface: Guerrilla was my first Red Faction game, as I only had a gaming-level PC in the past year or two. Fell in love it with - the gameplay, style and soundtrack hooked me, and though the plot was barebones, the initial setup and overall theme (REVOLUTION!) was great and the game is among my all-time favorites. It has a really great vibe to it, almost upbeat at times.

Enter RFA. Graphics on my modest rig ran flawlessly, with better performance than Guerrilla. I think it has some degree of style - the CG cutscenes are well-directed and pretty, if unspectacular. In-game graphics are nice, with good texture work and some deliciously claustrophobic locations, but nothing like the sweeping Martian sunsets in Guerrilla, and certainly a wasted opportunity for shadow/lighting work like in the Thief or Dead Space games.

Soundtrack is cool, but repetitive and unmoving compared to Guerrilla's wonderful OST (15 minute combat suites = heaven). Plot was, naturally, totally silly and has giant holes, but the redeeming factor was that it never took itself too seriously. Darius is constantly cracking cheezy wise-ass remarks that for better or worse help you remember you in the middle of a B-grade plot. The alien buggies are not scary, and the moments that tried to be Dead Spacey just made me chuckle. I prefer the "mankind vs. itself" motif of Guerrilla, though I am sucker for that kind of element (see: Front Mission 5, Suikoden 5, etc.)

And of course, the destruction. As others have pointed out, it's generally unspectacular compared to Guerrilla, but it is functional and there are some truly bombastic moments between cave systems. Weapons are punchy, the shoot-through-walls sniper rifle is fantastic, and the mechs and Descent ship were fun. The unlockable weapons, cheats and Mr. Toots are a good bonus for multiple playthroughs.

Short version: I liked it, but in the way one likes a greasy cheeseburger as opposed to a fine meal. Certainly no Guerrilla killer, but fun.


I have only played RFG besides Armageddon, so I am no RF purist. I got in RFG because I fell in love with the destruction system and played the demo 100 times (no exaggeration). Once I bought the game, I found myself no liking it so much because it was no as structured as the demo, the map is empty (and effectively barren once everything is destroyed), the story sucks though is more unique than most out there, and the only real redeeming factors were the one or two massive structures there are to destroy, the destruction challenges, and the last mission.

With Armaggedon however, we have a similar crappy story, but a more focused story and level design, tons of huge structures to destroy, multiple story underground levels and caverns with pipes and buildings criss-crossing, and better enemies, longer mech missions, and an insane amount of destruction with weapons that are 10 times better than ANYTHING in RFG.

I honestly think half the people are just contrarian in regards to Armaggedon, because really RFG was not anything spectacular and would have been nothing without destruction. The multiplayer was abysmal and empty within weeks of release (try finding a match now bhoooooy).


PatMcAtee said:
I have only played RFG besides Armageddon, so I am no RF purist. I got in RFG because I fell in love with the destruction system and played the demo 100 times (no exaggeration). Once I bought the game, I found myself no liking it so much because it was no as structured as the demo, the map is empty (and effectively barren once everything is destroyed), the story sucks though is more unique than most out there, and the only real redeeming factors were the one or two massive structures there are to destroy, the destruction challenges, and the last mission.

With Armaggedon however, we have a similar crappy story, but a more focused story and level design, tons of huge structures to destroy, multiple story underground levels and caverns with pipes and buildings criss-crossing, and better enemies, longer mech missions, and an insane amount of destruction with weapons that are 10 times better than ANYTHING in RFG.

I honestly think half the people are just contrarian in regards to Armaggedon, because really RFG was not anything spectacular and would have been nothing without destruction. The multiplayer was abysmal and empty within weeks of release (try finding a match now bhoooooy).
Y'know, I was actually considering your point of view until that last bit. RFG's multiplayer is God-tier.

And "now" is not a few weeks, but 2 years.
I'm half through SP and finished Wave 30 Infestation on one Map today.
Because I think the Open World Feature of RF:Guerilla was unnecessary I'm having way more fun with this game than with Guerilla.
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people and why this game tanked so badly. It is pure fun and action with awesome destruction and even more awesome explosions. Game deserved more sales, it does pretty much everything right for what it wants to be (missing versus MP not counting).


Neo Member
Not that anybody cares at this point, but I thought I'd write up some thoughts now that I finally got the game and am pretty well into it. (Also, obligatory: I loved guerrilla and its MP was the best this gen)

Since others have said everything about the campaign better than me, the best example (to me) of how this game is different from guerrilla is to compare Ruin mode in Armageddon to the similar Wrecking Crew from Guerrilla. This mode is all about the destruction as it puts you in an arena with some structures and your choice of weapons and lets you blow shit up for some period of time.
  • Guerrilla has (i forget the exact number) 8-10 maps to choose from, Armageddon has 5
  • Guerrilla has multiple modes within Wrecking Crew, like one with limited ammo but unlimited time, one with exploding barrels strategically placed over the map with the objective to destroy all of them, and a couple of other modes. Armageddon has one mode: unlimited ammo and one minute to blow everything up(also free mode, but there is no score/time limit/restrictions)
  • This seems trivial, but in Guerrilla you could choose your avatar from a pretty big pool, as well as have a "pass the controller" 2 player mode with score chase. Armageddon has one avatar and no two player mode.

There's more stuff but you get the point. In Guerrilla, already a huge Singleplayer game with a significant multiplayer component, they added this "throwaway" mode that my GF and I had a lot of fun with, and they totally fleshed it out. Compare it to Armageddon where they actively took features away and regressed from their own previous game. I would love to know what happened here to neuter Volition's ambition, which was admirable and seemingly boundless in Guerrilla.

Addendum: For anyone who has finished the campaign, you need to unlock the napalm laser cheat and try it out. Forget Mr. Toots, this weapon gives me a manaical grin every time I use it. Made a second campaign playthrough much more fun.


Raul_Atreides said:
Not that anybody cares at this point, but I thought I'd write up some thoughts now that I finally got the game and am pretty well into it. (Also, obligatory: I loved guerrilla and its MP was the best this gen)

Since others have said everything about the campaign better than me, the best example (to me) of how this game is different from guerrilla is to compare Ruin mode in Armageddon to the similar Wrecking Crew from Guerrilla. This mode is all about the destruction as it puts you in an arena with some structures and your choice of weapons and lets you blow shit up for some period of time.
  • Guerrilla has (i forget the exact number) 8-10 maps to choose from, Armageddon has 5
  • Guerrilla has multiple modes within Wrecking Crew, like one with limited ammo but unlimited time, one with exploding barrels strategically placed over the map with the objective to destroy all of them, and a couple of other modes. Armageddon has one mode: unlimited ammo and one minute to blow everything up(also free mode, but there is no score/time limit/restrictions)
  • This seems trivial, but in Guerrilla you could choose your avatar from a pretty big pool, as well as have a "pass the controller" 2 player mode with score chase. Armageddon has one avatar and no two player mode.

There's more stuff but you get the point. In Guerrilla, already a huge Singleplayer game with a significant multiplayer component, they added this "throwaway" mode that my GF and I had a lot of fun with, and they totally fleshed it out. Compare it to Armageddon where they actively took features away and regressed from their own previous game. I would love to know what happened here to neuter Volition's ambition, which was admirable and seemingly boundless in Guerrilla.

Addendum: For anyone who has finished the campaign, you need to unlock the napalm laser cheat and try it out. Forget Mr. Toots, this weapon gives me a manaical grin every time I use it. Made a second campaign playthrough much more fun.

The stuff you just outlined about Wrecking Crew vs Ruin mode actually pisses me off. I rented the game and did not invest much time into it, only booted up Ruin mode once and saw unlimited time mode and was sort of happy, but that they gimped everything else is indefensible.

However, the infestation mode actually seems like it would be INSANELY fun, if I had any friends


Just picked it up cheap today, but couldn't grab the Commando and Recon edition. Anyone know if the weapons are available elsewhere? They don't seem to be up as DLC, so is it just an early weapon unlock for content that is also in the standard edition? I hate knowing I'm missing out on content!


Neo Member
-NinjaBoiX- said:
Just picked it up cheap today, but couldn't grab the Commando and Recon edition. Anyone know if the weapons are available elsewhere? They don't seem to be up as DLC, so is it just an early weapon unlock for content that is also in the standard edition? I hate knowing I'm missing out on content!

Wow, this thread is dead already... What weapons are in those editions? I have beaten the game on all difficulties and unlocked all the cheat weapons, but when I play infestation online, I see dudes using weapons(like a flamethrower looking thing and a dual-wield laser?) that i've never seen before. Maybe they unlock if you do something special in infestation?


Neo Member
And the thread continues to be dead. If anyone happens to care at this point, it looks like there's some campaign/single player DLC coming for this. There are new trophies on PSN (if you compare with a friend). I don't know how to feel about this; the game was pretty fun, but felt so "thin" in content compared to guerrilla(I bought every DLC for guerrilla) that DLC for Armageddon coming out so soon hits me wrong.


I liked it up until the cave bit, then I hated it. And also too many cutscenes. I'll give it another shot later, maybe.


Bought and played through this recently (PS3 version) on normal difficulty, game clock was ~9 hours. I enjoyed it overall, except for some of the "vehicle" (pretty much on-rail) sections which I thought were a little boring. Haven't tried the Infestation or Ruin modes.

The extra gun codes were boring, I think it was the lightning gun and some grenade. Barely used 'em.


Neo Member

After what was "clearly a disappointing performance" for Red Faction: Armageddon both financially and critically, THQ CEO Brian Farrell says that the company will not be moving forward with the franchise.

"Given that that title now in two successive versions has [only] found a niche, we do not intend to carry forward with that franchise in any meaningful way," Farrell told THQ's investors in a Gamasutra-attended conference call.

According to Farrell, the game "did not resonate with a sufficiently broad console gaming audience," despite its "passionate niche following."

"In today's hit-driven, core gaming business, even highly-polished titles with a reasonable following like Red Faction face a bar that continues to move higher and higher," he said.



Trucker Sexologist
The Interrobanger said:
I'd say this is big enough news for a full thread.

No one to blame but the devs themselves for this one. It's absolutely insane that they went from Guerrilla to Armageddon. What the fuck were they thinking? Seriously.
I'm thinking that they shipped a mil for RF:G but didn't sell through. But the engine cost too much not to make a sequel. So they re-worked it in hopes of capturing a larger audience.

THQ also pointed out that UFC 2009 Undisputed was the highest selling game in the US for the June quarter and has shipped 2.9 million units worldwide. Also, more than one million units of Red Faction: Guerrilla were shipped.

They also wanted to address the "boring wasteland" complaints:
With enough power could you build a city like Saints Row using GeoMod?

Getting to Saints Row with GeoMod would probably be a couple of generations but yeah. That's really what they wanted for Guerrilla, but yeah, we couldn't do the density that we wanted because of memory.

It's at least ten times the cost of one Saints Row building for one destroyable building of the same size. Then if you have that density and start doing destruction then the giant buildings start collapsing into each other and it goes beyond what we can do with Havok, even with our tricks on.

With Armageddon they decided that they wanted to do a higher density area but more confined so we can really pack that space and make it look awesome and have tonnes of stuff to interact with.
Eventually with enough processing power we can do both.

Then THQ scrapped the multi because relatively few people played it, even though it was excellent. All the changes just caused the RF license to be a drag on the game because it set people up with certain expectations for the sequel. When those expectations were not met they lost the niche they started with and the negativity surrounding the falling out sabotaged their launch. They basically pulled a SupCom 2.


I don't know what's more depressing.

No hope for RFG2 and no more GeoMod likely...

Or that I actually would want a Saint's Row with GeoMOd.


Neo Member
Ugh, such horrible news. Not surprising though, as Armageddon had objectively less to offer than Guerrilla in every measurable way(except cutscenes?); no wonder nobody wanted to buy it.

Publisher attitude is pretty depressing but par for the course these days; "give up" rather than "try harder"....:(


I figured this was going to happen, but they're looking at it the wrong way. The sales weren't bad because people don't like Red Faction, the sales were bad because it was a mediocre game.
Gvaz said:
I figured this was going to happen, but they're looking at it the wrong way. The sales weren't bad because people don't like Red Faction, the sales were bad because it was a mediocre game.

Pretty much this. I really like the idea of red faction and came close about 8 times to buying guerilla. The only reason I didnt was due to hearing about how repetitive it was. At least just cause 2 was repetitive in an awesome way (minus the respawning enemies)

Hopefully next gen they can pull it from the grave with groovy new terra forming and particle effects befitting the series.
rented the game on monday. I'm mid-way through the campaign and so far its alright. The story is crap, the graphics are average, but the game is fun. It's too linear, but destroying everything and then having the ability to rebuild it is awesome. Magnet Gun, Pulse Gun, Shockwave/Shell/Impulse abilities make it fun in killing swarms of alien bugs. The game gets old very quick, as the fun is derived from this gimmick. It feels like an arcade game, and it reminded me of a game called Fracture, which had relied on gravity as a gimmick. The game was set to fail from the start, $60 dollars is a rip-off for this game. Even the infestation mode (horde/firefight) isn't as fun. There were times in the game where one had access to robots/mechs, and riding them was way more fun than playing as a bald space marine. In a way i feel this game plays like an arcade game, and it sucks that it wasn't priced at $30. It would had sold better.


i read nothing about the game before i bought it last week for 20 bucks (£ <3),played halfway through the story and infestation to wave 30,then i was about to hit the multiplayer,because rfg was one of the best mp experiences this gen i was really excited to jump in again....and now what?no multiplayer?are you f*cking kidding me?why didn't they just copy pasted the rfg mp on the disc,add some new maps and achievements and be done with it...i can't believe they scrapped the perfectly playable multiplayer in favor for this boring horde mode


I'm honestly not sure why people are so down on this. Armageddon has some of the most solid and creative gameplay in any third person shooter this generation yet GAFfers would rather prop up mediocrity like Shadows of the Damned.


Ok, you guys know I'm one of the biggest fans of Red Faction: Guerilla (GOTY 2009, hands down) and a longtime fan of Red Faction ever since the first one revolutionised destructible environments in gaming. After being confused by what I've seen since the unveil of Armageddon, and downright depressed after playing the demo - I felt I still owed it to Volition and the Red Faction franchise to buy this and give it a chance (got the PS3 version for 12.50 at zavvi).

The Positive:
+ The cool destruction tech is still there.
+ Using the hammer or explosives is still good, visceral fun
+ Great effects with explosives, disintegration and the reverse (nano repair)

The Negative:
- The new mech design is worse than old mech design
- The new art direction in general is more sci-fi techy and thus worse than the solid realistic industrial design of the first
- The new "mainstay", the magnet gun and Impact powers do not add anything to the destruction gameplay. I do not take kindly to shit that's basically only designed to replace my trusty hammer and remote mines.

The really Negative:
- Fighting shittily designed alien/bug monsters who move around annoyingly fast is a million times worse than fighting humans
- Ditching the REVOLUTION theme that's a core aspect of every good Red Faction game.
- Going underground because it means
- Way fewer structures
- Constricted level design
- No vehicle traversal
- All linear and cramped environments instead of open world freedom

My mind can not fathom who thought that going underground would be a good idea in conjunction with the game's very basis of being a game about destructible manmade environments - BECAUSE UNDERGROUND CAVES ARE MADE OF ROCK AND CAN'T BE DESTROYED.

... just let that shit sink in for a minute.

It is absolutely blowing my mind that anyone thought this was a good idea. The franchise DIED because of this decision. I fucking despise every single conscious design decision they made about this game, but that one truly, honestly, takes the cake.

RIP Red Faction, you did not deserve to die with a shitpile like this.

Chiggs said:
I just got this game for $10 from the Gamefly sale. Two hours in and so far I am really enjoying it.

Yes, it not being open world like RF:G is disappointing, but even in the more open underground stuff it is a ton of fun killing enemies with the magnet gun.

And I still get joy in repairing/rebuilding broken structures with my nano wrist thing.

Maybe people that bought it for $60 would be pissed, but for $10 I am having a ton of fun! Pick it up from Gamefly (PS3, 360) it is still in stock for $9.99.


Neo Member
So, is anyone else sticking this on their underrated game of year list?

I just finished playing this on the PC and i have to say that it is probably one of the more 'fun' shooters I have played this year. It just never got old to stick buildings/barrels/random objects to aliens and watch them go splat. Also, destroying anything else left standing at the scene of the crime.

My recommendation would be that people should pick this up on a steam sale (like i did). I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at how well this game looked and performed maxed out on the PC.
So I picked the game up from Best Buy for $15, started it last night and played for a few hours. It's actually not a bad game in its own right, just disappointing coming off of RFG. The graphics are nice and some of the new abilities are fun, like the thing you can do which slams enemies up into the air all around you so you can shoot them. Fighting aliens hasn't been as big a drag as I thought it would be.

So far my biggest disappointment is Ruin mode. With only has 5 maps, and not very big ones, it's a real bummer. I imagine they would have put more out as DLC if the game had been more successful.
Bleagh. Just beat it and now my impressions are less kind. WTF were they thinking. This whole game is just so rote and by the numbers. And oh my god the last couple lines of the dialogue in the ending cinematic. So bad.
I was like "WTF did they do to my Red Faction?", they obviously didn't realise how much people were wanting a Guerrilla sequel with flying. Now they've killed the franchise and we got the blame :(
Bleagh. Just beat it and now my impressions are less kind. WTF were they thinking. This whole game is just so rote and by the numbers. And oh my god the last couple lines of the dialogue in the ending cinematic. So bad.

Yup, i got 3 hours into the game before uninstalling it and putting it into my "Trash" folder in Steam. Worst $60 I've ever spent. I've bought some bad full price console games before, but at least i had the ability to sell it and get some money back.

I watched the Zero Punctuation episode where he reviews this game and spoils 9if you can call it that) the story. Just awful. I'm pretty sure people were aware of the major plot hole (why not repair it right when it broke?) before the game was even released.

What little destruction there was was still fun, the graphics were nice, and it ran well on the PC, but everything else was just ugh. Go here, collect this, repair that...


Nork unification denier
Picked up this game at $4.99 at Amazon's Farewell to February sale. It's ok at that price, but I can't believe they wasted the potential of this great destruction engine on a corridor shooter. Open world would have been so much better. :(


I'm waaaaay LTTP, and don't think it's appropriate to start a new thread just to shamelessly promote my work, so I'll just bump this thread instead.

I recently picked this game up in the Amazon sale last month, just like the poster above me. It saddens me the franchise is now dead, because honestly, I thought this was a very fun game despite its change in setting. I did a video for Bloody-Disgusting.com's gaming site, Dead Pixels, urging people to at least try it that's going live later tonight.



It's $5 again on Amazon's PC DD store for anyone interested, here. The DLC is like $5.24, more than the main game. Downloading it now, but it looks better to me than RFG and I am surprised, and was previously unaware, that so many here liked RFG. I thought the open world design was the worst thing about the game, and that the world felt desolate in a not-so-very-good way.

Truthfully though, if they ever make another game I'd really prefer a return to an FPS that's closest to the original game. THQ already has Relic working on the Warhammer 3rd person shooters that are supposedly pretty good.
Hey guys, me and a friend of mine plan on getting this game but we are curious about one thing. Does this game have an arcade mode like the previous Red Faction?
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