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So what are you gonna do when Kerry loses the election?

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With Kerry being unable to push past Bush in the polls during and after the Democratic convention like expected, and his indecisiveness on issues combined with the hate he's stiring up with Vietnam veterans, it's highly possible that he won't gain enough support to oust Bush.

When that happens, I'll probably just laugh. Either quietly to myself while reading the GLS (GAF Liberal Society) go insane the night of election, or out loud in public, I haven't decided.

+1 Nader.


Queen of Denmark
Tritroid said:
With Kerry being unable to push past Bush in the polls during and after the Democratic convention like expected, and his indecisiveness on issues combined with the hate he's stiring up with Vietnam veterans, it's highly possible that he won't gain enough support to oust Bush.
Uh huh. I guess that's why in most recent polls, he and Bush are still neck-and-neck, especially when accounting for margin of error.

+1 Nader.
And you're going to be the one doing the laughing?


IF Kerry loses...I'll breathe a HUGE sigh of relief. This country and it's future will have really dodged a huge bullet IMO.


Hollywood Square
I think if either Kerry or Bush win, it'll be time to take a nice four year sabbatical from American and travel overseas.


Willco said:
I think if either Kerry or Bush win, it'll be time to take a nice four year sabbatical from American and travel overseas.

Sounds like a plan. I don't live in the States but man...I wouldn't want to be there with either Bush or Kerry at the top.


Queen of Denmark
FortNinety said:
John Titor folks.... John Titor.
There's the more pertinent question: If 2004/2005 begins a period of civil unrest in the US, taking into account the past things he was "right" about (in quotations because his predictions were really just common sense assumptions of things that were going to happen), would you begin to believe the John Titor story?

I probably still wouldn't, but I'm curious to see if anyone would...or already does.


I'm definitely going to move to Canada -- in fact, I started my preparations a few weeks ago. (Thanks to the Canadian GAF crew for the great suggestions!)

But, before I go...I'm going to track down some of my favorite nutjobs from the GA forum and beat them silly! I've always suspected that, deep down, I could be the political Happy Gilmore, and I'm looking forward to dishing out the hurt!

Oh, wait, what was that? This WASN"T a serious question? Someone was just talking out of their trolling ass? Never mind, then...I take it all back. Peace, love, happiness, and kittens.


... and that was the last we ever heard from the Bookerman. I suspect he's in Gitmo, rotting in a cell somewhere.


I find it funny that people said they would leave the US if Bush was elected the first time, and now people are saying it if he gets reelected. Those people never leave.

All talk, no action.


human5892 said:
Uh huh. I guess that's why in most recent polls, he and Bush are still neck-and-neck, especially when accounting for margin of error.

And you're going to be the one doing the laughing?
Please read what I said originally. "PUSH PAST BUSH".

Also, the Nader reference is part of the joke. :p

Please try to put more effort into your trolling. This is just depressing.
What? Bush can be trolled but Kerry can't?
I was thinking about getting really drunk and sucking some random guy's dick in a bar.
Sounds like a plan. Meet me at Rosebuds on Highstreet the night of election. I'll be the guy wearing a 'God Bless Texas' shirt.


Queen of Denmark
Tritroid said:
Please read what I said originally. "PUSH PAST BUSH".
But in the context of the thread, you're implying that Kerry will ultimately lose the election because of his current inability to push past Bush, when it would be just as easy to assert that because Bush cannot currently push past Kerry, it is he that will lose.

Also, the Nader reference is part of the joke. :p
I see.



I should do that. I just remember a few famous people publically stating they would leave the country if Bush was elected 4 years ago, but they never left. I'm sure the same is true for all the people saying it again this time.


force push the doodoo rock
Celicar said:

I should do that. I just remember a few famous people publically stating they would leave the country if Bush was elected 4 years ago, but they never left. I'm sure the same is true for all the people saying it again this time.

i think its more likely to happen now that hes done what hes done
Celicar said:

I should do that. I just remember a few famous people publically stating they would leave the country if Bush was elected 4 years ago, but they never left. I'm sure the same is true for all the people saying it again this time.

I never quite understood that. It almost seems like they are running away from a fight. While the polls are still close, they can still contribute to the annoyance/defeat of the right. If Bush gets like 60% of the vote, then maybe it's time to flee the country.


eggplant said:
If Bush gets like 60% of the vote, then maybe it's time to flee the country.

Before he became a President with an approval rating that's trying to keep itself about *50%*, he only managed about half the vote from the electorate. There's no way he'll be able to get 60%.
xsarien said:
Before he became a President with an approval rating that's trying to keep itself about *50%*, he only managed about half the vote from the electorate. There's no way he'll be able to get 60%.

I'm trying to avoid, say, someone quoting me on that and then telling me I should follow up on my suggestion to leave the country. Who knows, there might be some stupid terrorist attack near the election, bringing people to some kind of "patriotic" frenzy and giving Bush a landslide.
Let's see. I'll wake up and live my life the same way I always have? Nothing is going to change if Kerry or Bush is elected, it's all just minor details. Fuck all the drama. OH MY TEH GOD IM GOING TO CANADA IF BUSH IS REELECTED!


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I know, I'll react dramatically regardless of who wins and proclaim that America is simply a horrid place to live, move to a Third World shack and sit in it with a smug sense of surperiority for the remaining two weeks of my life. Nah, just kidding, I'll watch alot of TV and jerk-off before I go to sleep just like I would if anyone was President. Not like that right's gonna get taken away anytime soon, so I'll manage.

GvJ: Whoever wins...we lose...and then whine about it.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Well it is going to come down to Florida again... and well... shit!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I weep for the future now, and I'll weep for the future regardless of who wins the election. This campaign sucks and both candidates suck.


LinesInTheSand said:
Yet we'll still be the strongest country in the world and own everyone else! Sucks!

Nice thug mentality. No wonder the world think we're a bunch of fuckers and wants to blow our shit up.


pnjtony said:
Nice thug mentality. No wonder the world think we're a bunch of fuckers and wants to blow our shit up.

Yeah, it's all good if a person from another country talks shit about America, but GOD FORBID us talking shit back!


Jonny said:
Yeah, it's all good if a person from another country talks shit about America, but GOD FORBID us talking shit back!

I'll laugh at America fucking itself over for another 4 years

That's not smack talk about the United States as a whole, sorry. At worst, it's an acerbic opinion of the President.
xsarien said:
That's not smack talk about the United States as a whole, sorry. At worst, it's an acerbic opinion of the President.
He simply said "America fucking itself over". That refers to the country as a whole.
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