Well, somehow they do it.
A fellow tutor and friend of mine is headed off to NYU medical school this fall, and several others have received acceptances from other reputable institutions. It definitely makes it more difficult time/logistics-wise, but not unbearably so. The most unfortunate side effect of the policy is that your schedule is constantly packed with science courses. Note that ONLY the bio department does this, and ONLY for the pre-med requirements, not for all bio major courses. So physics, chem, and o-chem are all lecture+recitation+lab at once, for 5 credits each. So it's just the bio requirements that screw you. It sucks that you can't fill your schedule with some "throw-away" courses when you're taking the more difficult sciences because of this policy, however. As an example, here is my course schedule for the past year as well as this upcoming year:
Fall '03:
Cell&Molecular Bio lecture (pre-req)
Plant Physiology lecture (pre-req)
Chemistry 1 (pre-req; lecture/lab/recitation together, 5 credits)
Child Psychology (major requirement)
Spring '04:
Cell&Molecular Bio Lab (pre-req)
Plant Physiology Lab (pre-req)
Comparative Animal Physiology (pre-req; lecture only)
Chemistry 2 (pre-req; lecture/lab/recitation, 5 credits)
Adolescent Psychology (major elective)
Summer '04:
Cognitive and Neuropsychology (major elective)
Psycholinguistics (major elective)
Fall '04:
Organic Chemistry (lecture/lab/recitation; 5 credits, pre-req)
Physics 1 (lecture/lab/recitation; 5 credits, pre-req)
Genetics (bio lecture course, not a pre-req but very helpful)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (major elective)
Spring '05:
Organic Chemistry 2 (lecture/lab/recitation, 5 credits; pre-req)
Physics 2 (lecture/lab/recitation, 5 credits; pre-req)
Microbiology (optional but helpful bio major course, lecture/lab; 4 credits)
Experimental Psychology (major requirement, 4 credits; lab/lecture)
(Yes, that makes 18 credits and around 21-23 credit-hours for the spring. Somebody please kill me.
So you see, it only really hurts because, as an example, this past Spring I had to take those two bio labs in addition to chem 2 and another bio lecture; the bio courses aren't
difficult, per se, but the info presented therein is voluminous, and the lab reports have to be meticulously prepared in order to get an "A" (which I needed). Had I been able to get those labs out of the way along with their respective lectures in the fall, I could have tossed in a few easier courses to supplement the physiology and chem courses, and I wouldn't have been so stressed. Granted, the Fall '03 semester would have been harder due to the added labs, but I could have just dropped the psych course and taken that in the summer (since I can't take any of these sciences in the summer, according to my advisor). Or I could have gotten physics 1 out of the way this past Spring and not had to take it with Organic Chem (instant death) this Fall. As a result of all this, I had to take two courses for my major this summer, in addition to my other obligations; so I'm pretty burnt out, since I didn't really have a "summer"-- I haven't had more than 3 straight days off since mid-January, believe it or not.
But anyway, you gotta do what you gotta do, right?