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So, What Improvements do you Want to See in REmake 3?


Copy thread from Resetera.

REMake 2 is a great game, but for me, personally, it's far from perfect. Here's where I'm hoping the next game will do better:

  • RE Engine:
    • Graphics:
      • While great with character models; the RE Engine is far from perfect and honestly not as impressive overall as I originally thought. Graphics wise; environmental textures in some areas are quite terrible. The grass in the graveyard during the Claire B opening looks like something out of Conker's Bad Fur Day. Many signs and letters that pepper the environment are literally illegible blurs, instead of displaying actual text, again, invoking some of the worst N64 -era vibes I've seen in quite some time. A lot of the stuff from the sewers portion is also quite bad: the toxic vomit from Adult G and other associated textures in regards to that monster. I'm really hoping they can improve in this area, because the game looks most often incredible, and while I don't seek perfection, these are obvious standouts that hurt the game's overall presentation and break immersion.
    • Interactivity:
      • By far my biggest issue with REMake 2 and the RE Engine, generally, is the lack of interactivity with the environment. Not only does this limit the gameplay potential of the game/series but it's completely immersion/atmosphere breaking when I can't shoot a zombie through gaps between boards or pane glass, don't see my reflection in most mirrored objects, can't shoot out any lights, or generally interact with hardly anything in the game world that isn't kismet. REMake 3 really needs to impress me here. There's not a lot of straight forward ways I can imagine making the Nemesis much more engaging than Mr. X than allowing players to use the environment to slow him down, or stop him. I want to be able to shoot an extinguisher to potentially stun him (and maybe put out any potentially harmful lingering flame from his rocket launcher explosions), shoot a fire hydrant to potentially damage him (and other enemies), be able to shoot him through door glass panes if he's chasing me into a small office, shoot out lights to potentially blind him (if not him, other enemies) and more. I shouldn't have to always use military accouterments to destroy enemies. It would be fun if the RE Engine looked a bit at what the Fox Engine does for MGSV and take some inspiration from there. And for god sakes, I want in-universe text to be legible so that I can continue to be immersed in the environment and not yanked out of it like a bad act by a Vaudeville Hook. Being able to read things that should be readable is an important part of interacting with the environment. They went through all the trouble of updating RE2 into this graphical powerhouse and the environments are no more interactive than the prerendered backdrops of the 20 year old game. It comes across as them needing to use similar tricks to make the game look this good, which is disappointing.
  • Story:
    • Characterization:
      • Seems to me like Capcom's characterization, voice acting, and dialogue are improving across the board: if their recent releases are anything to go by. I'm assuming there's more correspondence with their NA branch in terms of the storytelling/dialogue writing process. What little dialogue and characterization there is is much improved from past efforts. But it needs to be much better, and more fleshed out in REMake 3. I'm really hoping Capcom is not resting on their laurels here, because they still have a ways to go if they want to actually impress on this front in the same arena as games like The Last of Us and God of War. REMake 2 still has characters acting absurdly sterile to remarkable, or sometimes, even supernatural events and circumstances. Claire and Leon hop into a car and introduce themselves to one another without even taking a moment to reference the fact that rotting, ambulating corpses just tried to silver platter their asses. No empathetic moments of confusion or even asking questions (even the staple' zombie apocalyptic dialogue cliche; "What THE HELL IS GOING ON??" would have been enough to suffice here, and we didn't even get that). REMake 3 needs to be better here. I don't want Carlos and Jill reacting to Nemesis like it's just some zoo animal that was set free from its cage and they're only frightened of it because ex-convicts have high rates of recidivism. Nemesis is a psychological semantic construct, unlike anything they've seen. A hulking, fugly, murdering beast that murmurs the name of your workplace like they just accidentally served him decafe and he knows. What makes apocalyptic stories compelling is being able to empathize with the characters in these dire and tragic circumstances, but if the characterization isn't right and consistent, (or even non-existent like it is in a lot of cases in RE2), it pulls the player out of the experience. Do better, here, please.
    • Plot:
      • I'm guessing that most of this project was put together in a short time frame, after the RE Engine was stabilized, judging from the comments I've seen about the A/B snafu (I've only finished Leon A at this point, misogyny just got its tentacles in me). This was such a core conceit of RE2 OG, that to see it not come together here can only mean that they really didn't plan/budget for it. I'd really like to see them salvage this idea with Carlos in RE3, despite the fact that he didn't have his own standalone campaign. Seeing the events intertwine between different perspectives is one of the most compelling aspects of the earlier games in this series and we didn't really seem to get that with RE 2.
  • Jill Valentine:
    • Outfit:
      • You can do one of two things here: you can either have a prologue section where she reaches Raccoon City, notices that shit has hit the fan, and then immediately changes her outfit when the game starts proper or you can just have her get an outfit from the police station at some point. Either way, that outfit has to go. But I understand it needing to at least make an appearance.
That it for now. I know there's more, but this turned out way longer than I originally intended.

What about you guys?
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Same gameplay as RE2 remake but with a limited dodge mechanic due to Nemesis fights. More STARS stuff and more radio messages from Barry.
Yeah, the lack of interactivity between Claire and Leon in this game was super disappointing.

Yea, ive been away for work so I haven't been able to play much, currently at the first Ada section in my game but I did notice a severe lack of radio messaging. Even in the OG RE2 it only happens a few times but it's still cool. Looking forward to getting back home so I can give into RE2 again.


Julia Voth.


Gameplay-wise, I want to see them do justice to the dodging system (the Revelations implementation would be a solid basis) and Nemesis fights that you can win for secret items, even if they have to reframe them into something more believable than "he dropped part of a cool gun that he was carrying for no reason".
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Copy thread from Resetera.

REMake 2 is a great game, but for me, personally, it's far from perfect. Here's where I'm hoping the next game will do better:

  • RE Engine:
    • Graphics:
      • While great with character models; the RE Engine is far from perfect and honestly not as impressive overall as I originally thought. Graphics wise; environmental textures in some areas are quite terrible. The grass in the graveyard during the Claire B opening looks like something out of Conker's Bad Fur Day. Many signs and letters that pepper the environment are literally illegible blurs, instead of displaying actual text, again, invoking some of the worst N64 -era vibes I've seen in quite some time. A lot of the stuff from the sewers portion is also quite bad: the toxic vomit from Adult G and other associated textures in regards to that monster. I'm really hoping they can improve in this area, because the game looks most often incredible, and while I don't seek perfection, these are obvious standouts that hurt the game's overall presentation and break immersion.
    • Interactivity:
      • By far my biggest issue with REMake 2 and the RE Engine, generally, is the lack of interactivity with the environment. Not only does this limit the gameplay potential of the game/series but it's completely immersion/atmosphere breaking when I can't shoot a zombie through gaps between boards or pane glass, don't see my reflection in most mirrored objects, can't shoot out any lights, or generally interact with hardly anything in the game world that isn't kismet. REMake 3 really needs to impress me here. There's not a lot of straight forward ways I can imagine making the Nemesis much more engaging than Mr. X than allowing players to use the environment to slow him down, or stop him. I want to be able to shoot an extinguisher to potentially stun him (and maybe put out any potentially harmful lingering flame from his rocket launcher explosions), shoot a fire hydrant to potentially damage him (and other enemies), be able to shoot him through door glass panes if he's chasing me into a small office, shoot out lights to potentially blind him (if not him, other enemies) and more. I shouldn't have to always use military accouterments to destroy enemies. It would be fun if the RE Engine looked a bit at what the Fox Engine does for MGSV and take some inspiration from there. And for god sakes, I want in-universe text to be legible so that I can continue to be immersed in the environment and not yanked out of it like a bad act by a Vaudeville Hook. Being able to read things that should be readable is an important part of interacting with the environment.
  • Story:
    • Characterization:
      • Seems to me like Capcom's characterization, voice acting and dialogue, are improving across the board, if their recent releases are anything to go by. I'm assuming there's more correspondence with their NA branch in terms of the storytelling/dialogue writing process. What little dialogue and characterization there is much improved from past efforts, but it needs to be much better, and more fleshed out in REMake 3. I'm really hoping Capcom is not resting on their laurels here, because they still have a ways to go if they want to actually impress on this front. REMake 2 still has characters acting absurdly sterile to remarkable, or sometimes, even supernatural events and circumstances. Claire and Leon hop into a car and introduce themselves to one another without even taking a moment to reference the fact that rotting, ambulating corpses just tried to silver platter their asses. No empathetic moments of confusion or even asking questions (even the zombie apocalyptic "What's going on??" dialogue cliche' would have been enough to suffice here, and we didn't even get that). REMake 3 needs to be better here. I don't want Carlos and Jill reacting to Nemesis like it's just some zoo animal that was set free from its cage and they're only frightened of it because ex-convicts have high rates of recidivism. Nemesis is a psychological semantic construct. A hulking, fugly, murdering beast that murmurs the name of your workplace like they just accidentally served him decafe and he knows. What makes apocalyptic stories compelling is being able to empathize with the characters in these dire and tragic circumstances, but if the characterization isn't right and consistent, (or even non-existent like it is in a lot of cases in RE2), it pulls the player out of the experience. Do better, here, please.
    • Plot:
      • I'm guessing that most of this project was put together in a short time frame, after the RE Engine was stabilized, judging from the comments I've seen about the A/B snafu (I've only finished Leon A at this point, misogyny just got its tentacles in me). This was such a core conceit of RE2 OG, that to see it not come together here can only mean that they really didn't plan/budget for it. I'd really like to see them salvage this idea with Carlos in RE3, despite the fact that he didn't have his own standalone campaign. Seeing the events intertwine between different perspectives is one of the most compelling aspects of the earlier games in this series and we didn't really seem to get that with RE 2.
  • Jill Valentine:
    • Outfit:
      • You can do one of two things here: you can either have a prologue section where she reaches Raccoon City, notices that shit has hit the fan, and then immediately changes her outfit when the game starts proper or you can just have her get an outfit from the police station at some point. Either way, that outfit has to go. But I understand it needing to at least make an appearance.
That it for now. I know there's more, but this turned out way longer than I originally intended.

What about you guys?

You made a lot of good and interesting points, but I don’t think Jill RE3 outfit has to go. It’s iconic, stylish and nice imho. She was on vacation in RE3 and the zombie outbreak happened while on vacation and that’s basically why she looks the way she did in RE3. They will probably give her some alternate costumes of course, but I think the RE3 outfit should stay from the beginning and if it really bothers people that much, just go change in the options, the police station or whatever.


I figured there'd be pushback against the idea of changing Jill's outfit here.

I feel like I have to think about being a women dressed that way in that situation. It's not about it clashing aesthetically with the circumstances or the tone of the game, or anything like that. It's literally just me imagining that were I a woman, that that outfit would be so impractical, the first thing I'd be looking to do had I unwittingly walked into a situation like a zombie apocalypse where I'm quickly realizing that I'll have to navigate a desolate and decimated city with crumbling infrastructure for the foreseeable future, is; how the hell I can change out of those clothes into something more versatile as quickly as possible.

Not saying it shouldn't be in the game at all. But ideally, she'd change into a cop uniform or something similar once she reaches the station the same way Leon does in RE2.

If any women post here that might be reading this: I'd really be interested in hearing your opinions.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah I think the last thing on someones mind is, I need to get change.
Leon had the gear waiting for him and the time, I don't think Jill gets that as the Nemesis is more or less on her from the get go.


As someone who considers RE3 to be basically perfect I cant think of much I'd really want out of a remake. As far improving on REmake 2 goes just better faces, more enemy variety, and better boss fights.
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Yeah I think the last thing on someones mind is, I need to get change.


So if you were caught in a situation where you might have to scale destroyed rubble and buildings, outrun an alien assassin, and might have limited access to necessary supplies for days/weeks wearing a mere bathing suit or a tuxedo, you wouldn't think to put something on that allowed you to be more athletic? You would put zero consideration into what you might be wearing at the moment to ensure that whatever it is aids your survival?

Every horror story needs its fodder, I guess.
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Don't you touch that outfit
This. I love how that outfit looks. If they have to do anything, i hope it's to improve on what's there, but no removing it.
Besides that, im actually ok with having more of the same in this case,it's been so long since we had a proper survival horror and not a hide-and-seek smulator


And let's remember Jill was in the army before joining Stars. Quite sure she would at least tear the skirt a little bit apart on the front and in the back. High Skin exposure and low mobility are not something she would simply oversee, mainly after experiencing the mansion incident.
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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
The cameras could use some tweaking. Sometimes when they realign they can be a bit disorienting. It really became apparent on some of the tofu runs.


The cameras could use some tweaking. Sometimes when they realign they can be a bit disorienting. It really became apparent on some of the tofu runs.
I think I know what you mean, but I actually think it looks super cool when the camera swings around like that, despite how bad it is for the gameplay lol. Something about it looks very deliberate and slick to me, and it rarely disorients me.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Deploy the RE Engine on asses. RE always had the best asses. Get in some butt models and scan em' in.

I like Leon's and Claire's RE2 Remake faces but Jill's REmake (and RE5) face is just too iconic now. They absolutely must reuse either the original data from REmake or rescan Julia Voth's face.


If anything, I would like them to retain the classic gameplay also used on the first remake.

But judging how things are now, thats pretty unlikely. If that happens, once again I'm just gonna skip the game.


They re-made RE2 in a fully 3D, real-time engine, yet the environment is as "interactive" as it was with the pre-rendered backdrops. This is the game's biggest flaw IMO, it makes it look archaic.


Gold Member
Better Anti-Aliasing. The blurry TAA is terrible. But without it the jaggies will poke your eyes out. :/


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
If anything, I would like them to retain the classic gameplay also used on the first remake.

But judging how things are now, thats pretty unlikely. If that happens, once again I'm just gonna skip the game.
It should do, RE2 pretty much copies from it right down to the counter system, don't let the OSC fool misguide you.
The camera perspective is the only thing it has in common with RE4/5/6.
If you skipped RE2 because of that you've made a big mistake, RE2 is pure ol'skool Resident Evil at it's best .


They re-made RE2 in a fully 3D, real-time engine, yet the environment is as "interactive" as it was with the pre-rendered backdrops. This is the game's biggest flaw IMO, it makes it look archaic.
Yup, pretty much said this verbatim after the demo dropped. Terrible. It comes across as them needing to use similar tricks just to make the game look good.
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The cameras could use some tweaking. Sometimes when they realign they can be a bit disorienting. It really became apparent on some of the tofu runs.
Are you talking about when you get grabbed? Because that's totally on purpose to freak you out- like having to reorient your tank controls after taking a bite in the old games.

I figured there'd be pushback against the idea of changing Jill's outfit here.
Well yeah, it's super visually iconic to RE3 and your argument here is effectively one to realism.

The entire cast of 2 should have been naturally infected by the T or G if we're going down the route of "gotta be careful not to cut myself on this busted environment" rather than "I'm the main character and can safely ignore that stuff unless it's in a cutscene".

Every horror story needs its fodder, I guess.
And every group needs its resident pedant to launch into "wow that's so unrealistic! that would totally never happen in a real zombie outbreak!" at the climax of the film, only to be subsequently shushed by their peers.


I fail to see what is gained from this juvenile "yeah well you'd get killed first if you were in a horror movie!" narrative if you're looking for people to take your point seriously.

I feel like I have to think about being a women dressed that way in that situation.
Found the Era user :messenger_tears_of_joy:


It should do, RE2 pretty much copies from it right down to the counter system, don't let the OSC fool misguide you.
The camera perspective is the only thing it has in common with RE4/5/6.
If you skipped RE2 because of that you've made a big mistake, RE2 is pure ol'skool Resident Evil at it's best .

No, actually I see the gameplay and is not like that different. You have free shot camera control, something that its not present on classics and first remake(and if I remind correctly one of the reasons for classic criticism). Fixed camera is also a bummer to me, since I believe theres a reason for it.

But I'm not here to change your mind and clearly nothing gonna change mine as well, since I saw the games(either by walkthroughts or longplays, I dont mind spoilers..if can even be considered at this point)I possibly want before I buy them.
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Are you talking about when you get grabbed? Because that's totally on purpose to freak you out- like having to reorient your tank controls after taking a bite in the old games.

Well yeah, it's super visually iconic to RE3 and your argument here is effectively one to realism.

The entire cast of 2 should have been naturally infected by the T or G if we're going down the route of "gotta be careful not to cut myself on this busted environment" rather than "I'm the main character and can safely ignore that stuff unless it's in a cutscene".

And every group needs its resident pedant to launch into "wow that's so unrealistic! that would totally never happen in a real zombie outbreak!" at the climax of the film, only to be subsequently shushed by their peers.


I fail to see what is gained from this juvenile "yeah well you'd get killed first if you were in a horror movie!" narrative if you're looking for people to take your point seriously.

Found the Era user :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What an idiotic attempt at reductio ad absurdum. The argument is not one for "realism" it's for "immersion". It's an iconic outfit that should be in the in game some capacity - it just shouldn't be the one outfit she runs around the city in, fighting biological monsters and scaling rubble. It's not 1998 anymore - standards for immersive experiences have changed in video games and REMake 2 is just one testament to that. The outfit in context is immersion breaking.

Immersion is pretty much the main theme throughout the OP, which, judging by pretty much all the responses to this thread; it's becoming increasingly obvious most didn't even bother to read.
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Laser sight option for all weapons - just make it wobble a bit like in 4.

Less random hit damage to zombies - make it more skill based. Larger crit area but less pistol ammo. In a room of zombies it got a head explosion on the first and the second took 18 shots to permanently down - it got up 3 times.

Keep all the original enemies - I want spiders god damn it.

Don't tie unlocks to only speed runs. I hate speedrunning games like this, it would be cool to have unlocks for accuracy, or for reading every file, or something as well as time.

Julia Voth.

Other than that just do the same thing as REmake2, its almost perfect.


Less random hit damage to zombies - make it more skill based. Larger crit area but less pistol ammo. In a room of zombies it got a head explosion on the first and the second took 18 shots to permanently down - it got up 3 times.

Don't agree with this at all. This is a large reason why the zombies are actually somewhat challenging/scary. There's really no reason why a zombie shouldn't be able to survive multiple shots to the head.

Besides, I think this is the adaptive difficulty at work anyway.
Judging from what DuskGolem mentioned (he said it's going to be quite different) I assume that RE3 will be semi open world, which is totally fine by me. Exploring parts of Raccoon City freely and doing some side quest or something sound quite amazing actually. Just speculation from my part of course but it seems quite logical to go this way.

Not sure about dodge mechanics though. At first I was frustrated about the lack of this as well in the Remake until I realized that every main enemy has a pattern that you can abuse to dodge his attacks and then I actually started having fun to figure out how to do it. Implementing a general dodge mechanic could make things too easy and boring. Not just for the players but also for Capcom, so I'd really like it to remain as it is.


Judging from what DuskGolem mentioned (he said it's going to be quite different) I assume that RE3 will be semi open world, which is totally fine by me. Exploring parts of Raccoon City freely and doing some side quest or something sound quite amazing actually. Just speculation from my part of course but it seems quite logical to go this way.

Not sure about dodge mechanics though. At first I was frustrated about the lack of this as well in the Remake until I realized that every main enemy has a pattern that you can abuse to dodge his attacks and then I actually started having fun to figure out how to do it. Implementing a general dodge mechanic could make things too easy and boring. Not just for the players but also for Capcom, so I'd really like it to remain as it is.

Seems to me like you're making the mistake in thinking that the enemies wouldn't be designed with the player's capacity to dodge in mind (just like RE2's enemies are designed with the player's inability to dodge in mind). If the game designed well, the enemies will be adapted to the player's mechanical inventory.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
No, actually I see the gameplay and is not like that different. You have free shot camera control, something that its not present on classics and first remake(and if I remind correctly one of the reasons for classic criticism). Fixed camera is also a bummer to me, since I believe theres a reason for it.

But I'm not here to change your mind and clearly nothing gonna change mine as well, since I saw the games(either by walkthroughts or longplays, I dont mind spoilers..if can even be considered at this point)I possibly want before I buy them.
Yes , actually.
I was one of those fix camera guys, because free aim lends itself to a more action oriented experience and that its all we've ever experienced with it, but it does not RE2, you don't have the ammo for it the corridors are too narrow and the fuckers don't stay down.
You've got as much chance blowing a Zombies head off as you do in the originals, it's by luck.
But like you said you've already spoiled it for yourself so whatever your lost.


Actually randomize the Nemesis appearances. I enjoyed the first run through of the game because of Nemesis, but when you play again and realize his appearances are set pieces, it kind of ruins the mood. Make it so that it's random when and where he shows up.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
As of right now, I just hope they fix the plot holes in beginning of Resident Evil 3.


What an idiotic attempt at reductio ad absurdum. The argument is not one for "realism" it's for "immersion".
What an idiotic attempt at reductio ad immersio. Got any more latin gotchas in your bag of tricks?

Working on the plain english definition of "argument to absurdity" do elaborate on how my assertion that RE already takes liberties with realism, attempts to disprove your assertion that they should drop the outfit in favour of something more practical (or 'realistic') within the context of a zombie outbreak, "by showing that it inevitably leads to a ridiculous, absurd, or impractical conclusion".

It's an iconic outfit that should be in the in game some capacity - it just shouldn't be the one outfit she runs around the city in, fighting biological monsters and scaling rubble. It's not 1998 anymore - standards for immersive experiences have changed in video games and REMake 2 is just one testament to that. The outfit in context is immersion breaking.
Well for one, Leon's costume change is a character development device more than anything. Your 1998 argument is moot given that Capcom intended to include it in the original release to demonstrate his determination to be the heroic cop, but it was cut due to a problem with the CG.

And for two, which I'll spoiler tag since you posted a retrospective without actually seeing Claire or B-side...
If RE2 is the gold standard here then why don't we see Claire donning something more protective before venturing into the lab, which is also full of biological monsters? She just rolls with the tank top after giving Sherry her jacket.

Given that they gave Claire's remake jacket some sleeves to make it more grounded, I can see them making some sort of minor changes or having Jill make a point of augmenting it with scavenged survival gear. Scrapping the outfit entirely, even if it was after a certain point, is a step too far though.

Immersion is pretty much the main theme throughout the OP, which, judging by pretty much all the responses to this thread; it's becoming increasingly obvious most didn't even bother to read.
You mention the term 'immersion' exactly twice in your OP- once for graphics, and once to complain about the lack of breakable windows. The extent of your stance on the outfit at that point was - and i quote - "It has to go."

If you want to connect the concept to your point about the costume, then you'd do well to actually communicate that beforehand instead of presenting your elaboration and accusing your audience of not reading it in the same post.

Judging from what DuskGolem mentioned (he said it's going to be quite different) I assume that RE3 will be semi open world, which is totally fine by me
I wouldn't put too much credence in that particular source. Their balls got exposed by some rando troll armed with a copy of photoshop when the fixed camera rumors were circulating.


NaughtyDog Defense Force

What are you referring to, here? I remember little about the actual plot of RE3.

Resident Evil 3 begins one day before Resident Evil 2 and Jill finds Marvin "fatally wounded" in a small office where he was killed in Resident Evil 2. It could be that Jill found him unconscious after he was attacked by a Zombie, but it just seems odd to people that he appears dead in RE3.


Resident Evil 3 begins one day before Resident Evil 2 and Jill finds Marvin "fatally wounded" in a small office where he was killed in Resident Evil 2. It could be that Jill found him unconscious after he was attacked by a Zombie, but it just seems odd to people that he appears dead in RE3.

What's the time span of RE3? Are people sure that her discovery of him is on the same day?

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Are you talking about when you get grabbed? Because that's totally on purpose to freak you out- like having to reorient your tank controls after taking a bite in the old games.

No, I mostly saw it while going through doors. There are instances where the camera swings around a bit weird and eventually goes back behind the character. It mostly happens while going fast, especially if enemies are around. That's why I mentioned the tofu runs in survivor mode, since it can happen there a lot due to the player having to hustle through the gauntlet there. A couple of rooms in particular there have the camera moving awkwardly.


Yes , actually.
I was one of those fix camera guys, because free aim lends itself to a more action oriented experience and that its all we've ever experienced with it, but it does not RE2, you don't have the ammo for it the corridors are too narrow and the fuckers don't stay down.
You've got as much chance blowing a Zombies head off as you do in the originals, it's by luck.
But like you said you've already spoiled it for yourself so whatever your lost.

It's not like I wasn't that sure about this game. Out of the classics, RE2 for me is one of weakest. Mainly because of it's characters. Since it's reveal I was like "nah, I pass". But then I saw a bit of gameplay here and there and think "well, maybe it's worth a shot". Mind you, it was before the game launch. When the game launched, I saw walks and gameplays(random parts of them) just to see if the game could be something of my taste. But it didn't catch me at all, so I simply gave up. But it's not like I find the game bad, it's merely a matter of taste. The core reason for me to play RE games was because of it's mechanics. Since I played RE4 and RE5 I decide that those kind of gameplays weren't for me.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It's not like I wasn't that sure about this game. Out of the classics, RE2 for me is one of weakest. Mainly because of it's characters. Since it's reveal I was like "nah, I pass". But then I saw a bit of gameplay here and there and think "well, maybe it's worth a shot". Mind you, it was before the game launch. When the game launched, I saw walks and gameplays(random parts of them) just to see if the game could be something of my taste. But it didn't catch me at all, so I simply gave up. But it's not like I find the game bad, it's merely a matter of taste. The core reason for me to play RE games was because of it's mechanics. Since I played RE4 and RE5 I decide that those kind of gameplays weren't for me.
Well its nothing like RE4 or RE5.
And Wow at RE2 being the weakest.
Guess Silent Hill wasn't your thing either.


Well its nothing like RE4 or RE5.
And Wow at RE2 being the weakest.
Guess Silent Hill wasn't your thing either.

You're entitle to have your tastes while I have mine. Got a problem with that or are you one of those cases that can't stand different opinions?

Now about Silent Hill, I dunno. You tell me.


You're entitle to have your tastes while I have mine. Got a problem with that or are you one of those cases that can't stand different opinions?

Now about Silent Hill, I dunno. You tell me.

So, you used the word "mechanics" in the previous post. What mechanics are missing from RE2 Remake that makes the game less appealing to you?


I wouldn't put too much credence in that particular source. Their balls got exposed by some rando troll armed with a copy of photoshop when the fixed camera rumors were circulating.
DuskGolem always struck me as a legitimate leaker. He was right on the money about Sekiro, was right about the REmake 2 reveal, stressed the fact that fixed camera was strongly suggested and worked on by the devs (and the datamining in the PC proved this, I think), and generally has proven to be right far more often than not - I trust him when he says that REmake 3 is already in development (for quite some time now).
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